date:00:33:48 Time:1.309S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=image&pid=64a31&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%AB%9B%CB%8D%D4%0E%E9j%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%98%D0v&pg=1& UID:21957414851 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_i` WHERE `pid`=204235 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:00:40:18 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82606088879 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901818 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901808 date:00:40:26 Time:0.464S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74484814325 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28259576449 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.423S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68294348131 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.4S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60763454129 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.36S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67347491356 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.422S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55184857295 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.396S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54335287562 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28489907902 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.129S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26518134156 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99973419602 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.128S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31441896831 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:40:26 Time:0.127S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61607590357 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.125S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86831955049 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87867860862 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84648677383 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23788903746 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48471224215 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.404S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43140984385 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:40:26 Time:0.123S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39166223293 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901816 date:00:40:26 Time:0.128S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85242626341 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734901826 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:40:40 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39877652925 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(152679,183674,'codeine2',141742,0,69,1734901840) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 69,`tim` = 1734901840 ; date:00:40:44 Time:0.396S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34607821752 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(247696,233677,'fatima_npiran',266870,0,1,1734901843),(280272,233677,'fatima_npiran',286079,0,1,1734901843) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734901843 ; date:00:40:44 Time:0.149S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54319702833 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(99526,229117,'della00',149850,0,1,1734901844),(125696,229117,'della00',212014,0,1,1734901844),(62360,229117,'della00',102914,0,1,1734901844) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734901844 ; date:00:40:44 Time:0.253S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35003531722 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(254586,296305,'mahdi00000000',189142,0,0,1734901844),(198080,296305,'mahdi00000000',246952,0,0,1734901844) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734901844 ; date:00:40:57 Time:0.137S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44179222753 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734901857 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:41:25 Time:0.291S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25538636374 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(135133,297179,'zahra1382_abed',189958,0,0,1734901885) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734901885 ; date:00:41:57 Time:0.526S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20032791563 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734901917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734901907 date:00:41:57 Time:0.559S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88341977289 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734901917 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:41:59 Time:0.117S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78726845496 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(112447,297491,'aaabbbaaannn',113474,0,0,1734901919),(147895,297491,'aaabbbaaannn',218649,0,0,1734901919),(154500,297491,'aaabbbaaannn',145468,0,0,1734901919),(70245,297491,'aaabbbaaannn',170316,0,0,1734901919),(23691,297491,'aaabbbaaannn',143443,0,0,1734901919) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734901919 ; date:00:41:59 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75309593918 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(223652,248080,'baharrrrrrr',190975,0,13,1734901919) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1734901919 ; date:22:08:23 Time:1.312S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73437651561 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(20345,167828,'fatemeh1220',16,0,25,1734979102),(19788,167828,'fatemeh1220',16,0,25,1734979102) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 25,`tim` = 1734979102 ; date:22:08:23 Time:0.362S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17668052090 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734979103 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734979093 date:22:08:23 Time:0.36S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91825842121 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734979103 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734979093 date:22:10:51 Time:0.345S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92532311313 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(272846,176019,'lop_lop',254635,0,8,1734979250),(268948,176019,'lop_lop',240989,0,8,1734979250),(259261,176019,'lop_lop',152432,0,8,1734979250) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 8,`tim` = 1734979250 ; date:22:12:44 Time:0.195S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66891369673 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(3041,157970,'loveeoo',113538,0,10,1734979364),(22998,157970,'loveeoo',134782,0,10,1734979364),(42063,157970,'loveeoo',156081,0,10,1734979364),(3820,157970,'loveeoo',111868,0,10,1734979364),(13109,157970,'loveeoo',130366,0,10,1734979364) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 10,`tim` = 1734979364 ; date:22:18:28 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66748499311 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(4837,275428,'seveskhf',111868,0,2,1734979708),(265893,275428,'seveskhf',285241,0,2,1734979708),(276863,275428,'seveskhf',289034,0,2,1734979708) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734979708 ; date:22:19:19 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93248427937 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282537,262331,'sh0987',254635,0,2,1734979759) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734979759 ; date:22:22:22 Time:0.595S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19290232898 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(207286,229825,'asdffffg',242648,0,1,1734979941),(115039,229825,'asdffffg',163374,0,1,1734979941) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734979941 ; date:22:22:24 Time:0.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33345803990 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734979944 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734979934 date:22:22:24 Time:0.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28882467874 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734979944 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734979934 date:22:22:26 Time:1.5S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70250362834 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794604,291407,'Tayler_ke',291407,0,3,1734979944) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1734979944 ; date:22:24:40 Time:0.159S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64260395975 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276319,282431,'atosa123',293587,0,1,1734980080),(272413,282431,'atosa123',240667,0,1,1734980080) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734980080 ; date:22:28:37 Time:0.26S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77562651657 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282481,294984,'nafass035',193409,0,1,1734980317),(280272,294984,'nafass035',286079,0,1,1734980317) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734980317 ; date:22:30:19 Time:0.461S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14250428774 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(113350,292389,'nazanin08',149850,0,0,1734980419),(207769,292389,'nazanin08',250987,0,0,1734980419) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734980419 ; date:22:31:24 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43253536537 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(14683,297729,'cfibl',121420,0,0,1734980484) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734980484 ; date:22:32:25 Time:0.602S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86742621061 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206436,278151,'maryam138345',273230,0,2,1734980544) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734980544 ; date:22:51:05 Time:0.14S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74537668943 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734981665 WHERE `ip`='' date:22:53:37 Time:0.308S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14680583446 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282901,293375,'ely_a222',293375,0,1,1734981817) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734981817 ; date:22:53:37 Time:0.306S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36438886102 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(66737,265445,'bahare_m1392',166074,0,2,1734981817) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734981817 ; date:22:53:37 Time:0.303S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55387041307 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280297,158115,'mlp123',235520,0,3,1734981817),(282488,158115,'mlp123',226481,0,3,1734981817) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1734981817 ; date:22:55:27 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15507318685 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(92167,279490,'setyyy_eee',156391,0,0,1734981927) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734981927 ; date:22:58:19 Time:0.188S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34019302344 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982099 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982089 date:22:58:19 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21921472682 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982099 WHERE `ip`='' date:22:58:20 Time:1.578S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18529242964 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982099 WHERE `ip`='' date:22:58:20 Time:1.579S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39171474234 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982099 WHERE `ip`='' date:22:58:20 Time:1.578S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42670968001 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982099 WHERE `ip`='' date:22:58:21 Time:0.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72009319149 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208518,207576,'abolfazl888',279729,0,15,1734982100) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 15,`tim` = 1734982100 ; date:22:58:28 Time:0.258S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47899843441 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(122845,278146,'nnnn12345',166081,0,0,1734982108),(210315,278146,'nnnn12345',116800,0,0,1734982108) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734982108 ; date:22:58:58 Time:0.16S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42800913958 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(245675,155040,'asal2212',249438,0,4,1734982138) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1734982138 ; date:23:00:27 Time:0.268S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18152453583 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(20491,263383,'sarina_1386',111064,0,3,1734982227),(7869,263383,'sarina_1386',125706,0,3,1734982227),(9053,263383,'sarina_1386',127928,0,3,1734982227),(68837,263383,'sarina_1386',128060,0,3,1734982227),(194148,263383,'sarina_1386',281908,0,3,1734982227) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1734982227 ; date:23:00:57 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22778294290 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(105155,231090,'anjelikyyyyya',191142,0,1,1734982257),(209808,231090,'anjelikyyyyya',244138,0,1,1734982257) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734982257 ; date:23:02:46 Time:0.186S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66637916008 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982366 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982356 date:23:02:47 Time:0.203S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20993993576 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982357 date:23:02:47 Time:0.664S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42895316495 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982366 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:48 Time:0.571S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91631762682 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982357 date:23:02:48 Time:0.571S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36122641665 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982357 date:23:02:48 Time:0.571S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90629540694 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982357 date:23:02:48 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11875744637 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982368 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982358 date:23:02:49 Time:1.325S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84965818962 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982368 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:49 Time:1.326S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96290027644 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982368 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:49 Time:0.713S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65806145292 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982368 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982358 date:23:02:49 Time:0.713S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98628071457 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982368 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982358 date:23:02:49 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68431209304 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982369 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982359 date:23:02:49 Time:0.712S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21500120116 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982368 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982358 date:23:02:50 Time:0.795S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23409898912 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982369 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982359 date:23:02:50 Time:0.795S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82922710535 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982369 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982359 date:23:02:50 Time:0.795S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80102168423 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982369 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982359 date:23:02:50 Time:0.172S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51087904205 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:50 Time:0.796S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38780053083 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982369 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:50 Time:1.164S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51021734782 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982369 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:50 Time:0.368S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75365189655 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:50 Time:0.367S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21378451940 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:50 Time:0.367S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67408707496 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:50 Time:0.369S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25081794235 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:50 Time:0.368S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66053973072 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:51 Time:0.376S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63650013668 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:51 Time:0.376S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75624392652 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:51 Time:0.376S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50370047874 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:51 Time:0.374S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75964742069 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:51 Time:0.222S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14729370936 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982360 date:23:02:51 Time:0.377S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56412328472 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982370 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:51 Time:0.351S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62084346687 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:51 Time:0.351S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29927103299 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:51 Time:0.351S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49372836349 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:51 Time:0.351S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52944372216 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:51 Time:0.348S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69482636041 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:51 Time:0.352S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61470296307 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:51 Time:0.347S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75608134065 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:51 Time:0.346S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90510873750 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:51 Time:0.346S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47776055384 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:51 Time:0.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73882241301 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:52 Time:0.713S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70945273528 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:52 Time:0.713S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77514891761 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:52 Time:0.713S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34437194678 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:02:52 Time:0.365S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47158313193 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:52 Time:0.365S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65642905430 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:52 Time:0.364S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43127158071 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:02:52 Time:0.357S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31264306557 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982371 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982361 date:23:03:00 Time:8.012S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44352504096 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982372 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982362 date:23:03:00 Time:8.012S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41787156443 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982372 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982362 date:23:03:00 Time:8.012S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34608088809 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982372 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982362 date:23:03:00 Time:8.012S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12721835862 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982372 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982362 date:23:03:00 Time:8.011S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24567209271 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982372 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982362 date:23:03:00 Time:8S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68173327836 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982372 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982362 date:23:03:00 Time:7.961S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64875721681 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982372 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982362 date:23:03:00 Time:5.31S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48067585963 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982374 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982364 date:23:03:00 Time:3.982S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76028009565 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982376 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982366 date:23:03:00 Time:2.355S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63274366464 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982377 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982367 date:23:03:00 Time:0.962S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76267100789 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982379 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982369 date:23:03:00 Time:6.603S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69845804121 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982373 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:03:00 Time:3.139S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85667612192 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982377 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:03:00 Time:1.674S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68490647567 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982378 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:03:00 Time:0.366S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81121249854 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982379 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:03:06 Time:6.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14535462419 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28573211054 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75201352295 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.456S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54698333258 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30576771996 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.456S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26921092258 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.454S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66276211517 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.454S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81957874242 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99736917226 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:6.158S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63454362524 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982370 date:23:03:06 Time:4.219S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54994115292 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982382 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982372 date:23:03:06 Time:3.498S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28356738839 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982383 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982373 date:23:03:06 Time:5.521S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99174514223 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734982381 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734982371 date:23:03:06 Time:6.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89563861466 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:03:06 Time:6.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52963034383 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:03:06 Time:6.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60914957473 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982380 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:03:06 Time:4.857S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17564454130 LINE:200 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982381 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:11:16 Time:0.268S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62034694528 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(257984,272697,'org_00',261571,0,182,1734982876) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 182,`tim` = 1734982876 ; date:23:11:30 Time:0.116S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99244554009 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(129043,267524,'reyhanehmoradiii88',122570,0,2,1734982890) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734982890 ; date:23:12:31 Time:0.156S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84394665155 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734982950 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:14:30 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27064483267 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279337,297599,'funcy_free',140659,0,0,1734983070) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734983070 ; date:23:22:02 Time:0.205S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15488940252 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(709361,216913,'bored_66',162910,0,43,1734983521),(681703,216913,'bored_66',162910,0,43,1734983521) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 43,`tim` = 1734983521 ; date:23:22:54 Time:3.944S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86851164349 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(132970,231090,'anjelikyyyyya',156860,0,1,1734983570) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734983570 ; date:23:25:02 Time:0.192S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87011540507 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(263435,259245,'arammmmmmmmm',146526,0,0,1734983702),(282835,259245,'arammmmmmmmm',263438,0,0,1734983702) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734983702 ; date:23:25:25 Time:0.103S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79283998415 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282349,274338,'baranor1390',245004,0,1,1734983725) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734983725 ; date:23:27:21 Time:0.5S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90117833664 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(130519,290074,'hli888',215146,0,1,1734983840),(281644,290074,'hli888',254635,0,1,1734983840) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734983840 ; date:23:30:34 Time:0.186S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78514728562 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(198235,297532,'shaghayegh0000',285412,0,1,1734984034) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734984034 ; date:23:30:36 Time:0.742S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=76mrs&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%60%B7%FBH%C8%A3%A9%C6%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%3D%3DQ%93_&pg=1& UID:12041514440 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=275030 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:23:32:21 Time:0.147S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=image&pid=6433t&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%15%F2%3F%3F%ACd%80%94%CB%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%25&pg=1& UID:55186754700 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_i` WHERE `pid`=203465 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:23:35:00 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99317516228 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(2653,245062,'yasiqw_84',16,0,1,1734984300),(46377,245062,'yasiqw_84',16,0,1,1734984300) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734984300 ; date:23:35:36 Time:1.196S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73403964358 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(136646,292872,'helya22',120632,0,2,1734984335),(205475,292872,'helya22',293733,0,2,1734984335) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734984335 ; date:23:36:21 Time:0.236S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65450149228 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(77534,281240,'alstroemeria5',140541,0,1,1734984380) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734984380 ; date:23:39:35 Time:0.218S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20550317542 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281489,287466,'dokhtar_haji',146526,0,1,1734984575),(281526,287466,'dokhtar_haji',157769,0,1,1734984575) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734984575 ; date:23:41:35 Time:0.307S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38421898274 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(97356,231945,'bmmyezan',140541,0,2,1734984695),(110762,231945,'bmmyezan',170098,0,2,1734984695) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734984695 ; date:23:43:27 Time:0.133S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38389812444 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734984807 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734984797 date:23:43:27 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69710185559 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734984807 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734984797 date:23:43:27 Time:0.154S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90238165453 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734984807 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:43:27 Time:0.319S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38268208352 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734984807 WHERE `ip`='' date:23:43:28 Time:0.599S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56559465895 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(197972,297413,'maedeh17',282613,0,0,1734984807),(201602,297413,'maedeh17',147420,0,0,1734984807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734984807 ; date:23:43:28 Time:0.444S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86832726727 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279378,295130,'mahya12safavi',134052,0,0,1734984807),(282442,295130,'mahya12safavi',159497,0,0,1734984807),(281062,295130,'mahya12safavi',295498,0,0,1734984807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734984807 ; date:23:43:28 Time:0.449S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95525073616 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(244654,273024,'ghosts',266228,0,0,1734984807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734984807 ; date:23:46:06 Time:0.12S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94494523149 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282135,261460,'moni_16',248738,0,1,1734984965),(280439,261460,'moni_16',186877,0,1,1734984965),(282025,261460,'moni_16',181422,0,1,1734984965),(282656,261460,'moni_16',245004,0,1,1734984965),(282349,261460,'moni_16',245004,0,1,1734984965) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734984965 ; date:23:46:09 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53224996702 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(41332,223749,'gucrxjb',158180,0,2,1734984969) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734984969 ; date:23:50:06 Time:0.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94004343819 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282454,291878,'namira_1111',251869,0,0,1734985206),(192048,291878,'namira_1111',225495,0,0,1734985206),(113223,291878,'namira_1111',201190,0,0,1734985206),(153918,291878,'namira_1111',222399,0,0,1734985206) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734985206 ; date:23:53:37 Time:0.113S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32432340632 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(277859,265908,'nn13ila',188276,0,10,1734985416) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 10,`tim` = 1734985416 ; date:23:54:08 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41333090491 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(90289,235946,'robahxx',200922,0,1,1734985448),(17073,235946,'robahxx',16,0,1,1734985448),(114019,235946,'robahxx',219297,0,1,1734985448) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734985448 ; date:23:55:08 Time:1.05S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32447166359 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(252105,240139,'ava1054',273216,0,2,1734985507),(35978,240139,'ava1054',148651,0,2,1734985507) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734985507 ; date:00:01:08 Time:0.294S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56668538321 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(751782,109013,'rashin14',203478,0,19,1734985868) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 19,`tim` = 1734985868 ; date:00:01:45 Time:0.142S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=image&pid=4f475&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=dB%5DI%81dN%11%F4%B6QDIwMjB7ImlwIjoiNS4xMjUuMTc2LjIxMCIsInVzIjoyODQ4NDUsInJsIjoxLCJpc3YiOjEsIm5tIjoibGlsaW8iLCJwaCI6Ijk4OTM2MDkxNTIwMSIsImJhbiI6bnVsbCwiZ3JvbCI6eyJ0IjoxLCJtIjoxLCJ2IjoxLCJpIjoxfSwidW4iOiJhbDB2ZWIiLCJhZyI6Ik1vemlsbGFcLzUuMCAoTGludXg7IEFuZHJvaWQgMTQ7IFNNLUExNTVGIEJ1aWxkXC9VUDFBLjIzMTAwNS4wMDc7IHd2KSBBcHBsZVdlYktpdFwvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgVmVyc2lvblwvNC4wIENocm9tZVwvMTMxLjAuNjc3OC4xMzUgTW9iaWxlIFNhZmFyaVwvNTM3LjM2IiwiZXgiOjE3MzUwNzYxOTAsInJEQyI6ImZjMGI3NWQ4ZTU1Y2U0MDFmYmMzZDk0MmM1NDcyOTFiNTY3NjY4MzA3NDY2MzYzMDc5NTc0YzRmMzg3MDUxMzY2ODRmNWE3MTY0NjczZDNkIiwiaURDIjoiZDM0ZGNkNDZmYmFjYTEzYjI2YjQ2Zjk2NjE1ZjA5NDkzNTc1NTk3NzVhNzEyZjc0NDg3MzM1NjY2NzRhNzQ3ODRhNjk2YjQyNGI3NzNkM2QiLCJpbWciOjF9QDIwMjA%3D%3A%F3%99&pg=1& UID:13499622309 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_i` WHERE `pid`=196579 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:00:01:46 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52467307519 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985905 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985895 date:00:01:46 Time:0.629S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54939956418 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985906 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985896 date:00:01:46 Time:0.195S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44949860436 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985906 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985896 date:00:01:47 Time:0.932S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47280311934 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985906 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:47 Time:0.607S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33436344406 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985907 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985897 date:00:01:47 Time:0.444S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63469702099 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985907 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985897 date:00:01:47 Time:0.308S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47139815297 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985907 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985897 date:00:01:48 Time:1.052S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36469699528 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985907 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:48 Time:0.743S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86404619465 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985907 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985897 date:00:01:48 Time:0.743S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82393405339 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985907 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985897 date:00:01:48 Time:0.161S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71667492550 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985908 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985898 date:00:01:48 Time:0.744S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15416899383 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985907 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:49 Time:0.325S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30330511754 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985908 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985898 date:00:01:49 Time:0.326S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48715775749 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985908 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985898 date:00:01:49 Time:0.325S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57843619968 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985908 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985898 date:00:01:49 Time:0.294S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23444259884 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985908 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985898 date:00:01:49 Time:0.304S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64157345771 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:49 Time:0.304S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41558073609 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:49 Time:0.304S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24440489804 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:49 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44382263522 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:49 Time:0.326S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70248284159 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:49 Time:0.326S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57908869541 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:49 Time:0.632S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25778181930 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:49 Time:0.625S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47471644333 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:49 Time:0.305S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89319626570 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:49 Time:0.305S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16873291853 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:50 Time:0.317S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96185929320 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:50 Time:0.318S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47393849636 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:50 Time:0.318S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72661340342 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985899 date:00:01:50 Time:0.318S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96810668170 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985909 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:57 Time:7.666S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54130144855 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985910 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985900 date:00:01:57 Time:7.665S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87491087823 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985910 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:57 Time:7.503S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71971058114 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985910 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985900 date:00:01:57 Time:4.901S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73164739744 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985913 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985903 date:00:01:57 Time:2.344S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27082895449 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985915 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985905 date:00:01:57 Time:1.71S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14448553910 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985916 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985906 date:00:01:57 Time:1.079S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14188380551 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985916 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985906 date:00:01:57 Time:6.862S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82067910547 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985911 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:57 Time:5.877S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12533981684 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985912 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:01:57 Time:0.415S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61734392245 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:04 Time:6.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24814645796 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985907 date:00:02:04 Time:6.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40728165509 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985907 date:00:02:04 Time:6.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86769381933 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985907 date:00:02:04 Time:6.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76447044050 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985907 date:00:02:04 Time:6.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45070470599 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985907 date:00:02:04 Time:6.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68387283928 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985907 date:00:02:04 Time:6.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61743843215 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985907 date:00:02:04 Time:6.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11691050857 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985917 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985907 date:00:02:04 Time:5.902S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15095615812 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985918 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985908 date:00:02:04 Time:5.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12154461932 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985918 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985908 date:00:02:04 Time:1.71S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30818625316 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985922 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985912 date:00:02:04 Time:1.062S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22763262723 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985923 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985913 date:00:02:04 Time:0.277S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34459356455 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 7,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985923 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985913 date:00:02:11 Time:7.272S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16396681150 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:11 Time:7.271S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64892509573 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985914 date:00:02:11 Time:7.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82531524454 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985914 date:00:02:11 Time:7.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25570431148 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985914 date:00:02:11 Time:7.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25617410074 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985914 date:00:02:11 Time:7.267S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65551102699 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985914 date:00:02:11 Time:6.843S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82388805196 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985914 date:00:02:11 Time:6.215S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92884524117 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985925 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985915 date:00:02:11 Time:5.585S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32462158372 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985925 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985915 date:00:02:11 Time:4.286S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44160531561 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985927 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985917 date:00:02:11 Time:3.645S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77005735197 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985927 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985917 date:00:02:11 Time:7.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63100370775 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:11 Time:7.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79817531711 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:11 Time:7.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45047309448 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:11 Time:7.272S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33994735759 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:11 Time:7.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38483450741 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985924 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83476435133 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88650227629 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62460697000 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20508807249 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 15,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46309698056 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94337077072 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98186357173 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36695689231 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.894S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22989888496 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.893S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38223678117 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.887S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64998128315 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.302S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93563960743 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:02:18 Time:6.899S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31246407124 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:18 Time:6.899S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36036334374 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:18 Time:6.895S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98006230407 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:18 Time:6.26S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50681504804 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734985932 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:02:18 Time:6.881S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66895179605 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734985931 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734985921 date:00:04:16 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16424953475 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986056 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986046 date:00:04:16 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36546634308 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986056 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986046 date:00:04:16 Time:0.143S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59513360598 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986056 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986046 date:00:04:16 Time:0.175S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94391400420 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986056 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986046 date:00:04:16 Time:0.176S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45095247352 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986056 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:17 Time:0.59S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75806037194 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986056 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986046 date:00:04:17 Time:0.59S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90943930938 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986056 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986046 date:00:04:17 Time:0.283S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99698502071 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986047 date:00:04:17 Time:0.167S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72665402943 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986047 date:00:04:17 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97032930011 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986047 date:00:04:17 Time:0.337S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75525611708 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:17 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69992411389 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986047 date:00:04:18 Time:0.353S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77336748353 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:18 Time:0.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63028324546 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986047 date:00:04:18 Time:0.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62852821116 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986047 date:00:04:18 Time:0.116S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82665998151 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986057 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986047 date:00:04:18 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51586792197 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986048 date:00:04:18 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45154471345 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986048 date:00:04:18 Time:0.353S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97704266764 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:18 Time:0.181S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35568411694 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986048 date:00:04:22 Time:4.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44939260962 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986048 date:00:04:22 Time:4.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45641500680 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986048 date:00:04:22 Time:4.297S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42465963983 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986048 date:00:04:22 Time:4.297S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55506310117 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986048 date:00:04:22 Time:3.438S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49393709344 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986059 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986049 date:00:04:22 Time:2.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37445688712 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986060 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986050 date:00:04:22 Time:0.849S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86539088597 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986061 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986051 date:00:04:22 Time:4.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66504025365 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986058 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:22 Time:1.514S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74044376431 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986061 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:26 Time:3.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81363015456 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986052 date:00:04:26 Time:3.858S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17320196014 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:26 Time:3.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84178144673 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986052 date:00:04:26 Time:3.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69145943924 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986052 date:00:04:26 Time:3.703S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14827451126 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986052 date:00:04:26 Time:3.703S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31855355000 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986052 date:00:04:26 Time:3.703S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64883248019 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986052 date:00:04:26 Time:3.702S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28854739470 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986052 date:00:04:26 Time:3.701S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88252349339 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986052 date:00:04:26 Time:3.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14386114123 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986063 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986053 date:00:04:26 Time:3.706S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76499237825 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986062 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:26 Time:2.514S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28366862042 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986063 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:26 Time:1.846S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86416963169 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986064 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:04:27 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19136566463 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986067 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986057 date:00:04:32 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13034080409 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986071 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986061 date:00:04:32 Time:0.181S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17309617330 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986072 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986062 date:00:04:41 Time:0.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51033670409 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986081 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986071 date:00:04:42 Time:0.186S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89818893219 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986081 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986071 date:00:04:42 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39903881011 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986081 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986071 date:00:04:42 Time:0.139S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94767693199 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734986081 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734986071 date:00:04:55 Time:0.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93852607781 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986095 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:06:04 Time:0.607S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86609366179 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(278688,292974,'hamidm20',254635,0,3,1734986164) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1734986164 ; date:00:06:31 Time:0.239S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=feut&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%1AzD%BDPB%7C%87%98%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%3D%3D%0B%F0%8E&pg=1& UID:76852522737 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=33725 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:00:16:29 Time:0.224S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=1dtv0&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%22%B6%CD%CB%C3%FFb%2F%84%A8QDIwMjB7ImlwIjoiNS4yMTEuMjIzLjAiLCJ1cyI6MTUxMDY0LCJybCI6MSwiaXN2IjoxLCJubSI6IiAgICIsInBoIjoiOTg5MTE5OTAyOTAwIiwiYmFuIjoxNzIzMTQ2NjYzLCJncm9sIjp7InQiOjEsIm0iOjEsInYiOjEsImkiOjF9LCJ1biI6InphcmFfYW0iLCJhZyI6Ik1vemlsbGFcLzUuMCAoaVBob25lOyBDUFUgaVBob25lIE9TIDE4XzIgbGlrZSBNYWMgT1MgWCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXRcLzYwNS4xLjE1IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgVmVyc2lvblwvMTguMiBNb2JpbGVcLzE1RTE0OCBTYWZhcmlcLzYwNC4xIiwiZXgiOjE3MzUwNzcwOTQsInJEQyI6IjI3Yzk1NzhlNzJjY2Q0ZTNhOTFjYjY2MTA3NDAwNTViN2E2NTZmMzk0ZjdhNjU1YTRhNzcyYjdhNDE2NjRkNGM0Zjc0NzI1NjRmNjczZDNkIiwiaURDIjoiNGNmZDdiNTJlZDI1NGY3MDcxN2YxMmZkOGI5MjJjOGM2ODdhNWE0ZDJmNGU1MTQ0NTE1YTMyMzUzOTcyN2EzOTRlNDQ1MjcyNzk0MTNkM2QiLCJpbWciOjU2Mn1AMjAyMA%3D%3D%E7%00%94&pg=1& UID:71205822941 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=98328 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:00:16:54 Time:0.12S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78005780953 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282535,296868,'haniy1390',254635,0,1,1734986814) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734986814 ; date:00:18:32 Time:1.718S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27494712183 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(199161,263867,'fofa_im',118205,0,9,1734986910) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 9,`tim` = 1734986910 ; date:00:18:49 Time:0.126S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89971821923 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734986929 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:19:06 Time:0.334S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47892865027 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(97353,263896,'ana2012hita',140541,0,7,1734986946) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1734986946 ; date:00:22:45 Time:2.254S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43136992590 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(268228,261459,'loren0021',265908,0,51,1734987163) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 51,`tim` = 1734987163 ; date:00:22:45 Time:2.355S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74042392730 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(676228,257545,'joker234',244138,0,3,1734987163) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1734987163 ; date:00:22:45 Time:0.61S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22728864829 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(71962,273024,'ghosts',118808,0,0,1734987165),(109974,273024,'ghosts',186138,0,0,1734987165) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734987165 ; date:00:22:45 Time:0.122S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82519200102 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(792433,168834,'yakta_89',168834,0,5,1734987165) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1734987165 ; date:00:23:21 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53433417786 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(161059,294088,'a79zahra75',199860,0,0,1734987201),(115628,294088,'a79zahra75',203404,0,0,1734987201) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734987201 ; date:00:28:04 Time:0.654S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92824749790 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734987483 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:28:04 Time:0.194S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70028488325 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987484 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987474 date:00:28:05 Time:0.619S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29371956701 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987484 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987474 date:00:28:05 Time:0.617S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17034703828 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987484 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987474 date:00:28:05 Time:0.173S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13211990350 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987485 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987475 date:00:28:05 Time:0.364S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65046025091 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734987485 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:28:05 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59739957651 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987485 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987475 date:00:28:05 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88076994985 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987485 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987475 date:00:28:05 Time:0.181S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22037861749 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987485 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987475 date:00:28:05 Time:0.181S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82092793687 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987485 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987475 date:00:28:10 Time:4.753S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86119446566 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987485 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987475 date:00:28:10 Time:4.752S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11372377336 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987485 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987475 date:00:28:10 Time:4.604S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59774711351 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987486 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987476 date:00:28:10 Time:3.96S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27946828119 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987486 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987476 date:00:28:10 Time:1.24S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35205514084 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987489 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987479 date:00:28:10 Time:0.633S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25492281551 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987490 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987480 date:00:28:10 Time:3.296S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45265726027 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734987487 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:28:14 Time:3.655S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51244662347 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987490 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987480 date:00:28:14 Time:3.655S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56536579743 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987490 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987480 date:00:28:14 Time:3.655S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57161848296 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987490 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987480 date:00:28:14 Time:3.654S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63616889230 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987490 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987480 date:00:28:14 Time:3.654S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22163924159 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987490 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987480 date:00:28:14 Time:3.65S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68606113891 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987490 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987480 date:00:28:14 Time:3.013S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11694248309 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987491 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987481 date:00:28:14 Time:1.684S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26720590349 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987492 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987482 date:00:28:14 Time:1.093S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72466282002 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987493 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987483 date:00:28:14 Time:0.393S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15237393299 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734987493 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734987483 date:00:28:14 Time:3.655S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59776336684 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734987490 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:28:23 Time:0.649S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71072737629 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(218724,293992,'tinji',153328,0,0,1734987502),(265479,293992,'tinji',265961,0,0,1734987502),(12485,293992,'tinji',129856,0,0,1734987502) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734987502 ; date:00:28:42 Time:0.206S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48070648295 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(110747,239194,'f_abasi',164598,0,7,1734987522) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1734987522 ; date:00:31:15 Time:1.02S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20158562987 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(26387,290442,'sadra_lll',225621,0,0,1734987674),(30988,290442,'sadra_lll',259588,0,0,1734987674) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734987674 ; date:00:33:12 Time:0.266S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42350812943 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(30876,290442,'sadra_lll',142503,0,0,1734987792),(29924,290442,'sadra_lll',281773,0,0,1734987792),(31262,290442,'sadra_lll',294996,0,0,1734987792),(31424,290442,'sadra_lll',258522,0,0,1734987792),(31645,290442,'sadra_lll',294515,0,0,1734987792) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734987792 ; date:00:38:44 Time:0.31S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35268025141 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(259818,144898,'m2009',254635,0,0,1734988124),(242316,144898,'m2009',254635,0,0,1734988124),(246981,144898,'m2009',254635,0,0,1734988124) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734988124 ; date:00:39:06 Time:0.431S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41924859202 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(195702,251590,'fatemeh2671',281840,0,0,1734988145),(194010,251590,'fatemeh2671',234675,0,0,1734988145) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734988145 ; date:00:39:06 Time:0.188S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99955769083 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(82462,297256,'immon',128096,0,1,1734988146) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734988146 ; date:00:39:14 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78448628987 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(220131,297451,'zzzzz_1385',228043,0,2,1734988154),(175581,297451,'zzzzz_1385',231444,0,2,1734988154),(260538,297451,'zzzzz_1385',113339,0,2,1734988154),(218644,297451,'zzzzz_1385',162474,0,2,1734988154) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734988154 ; date:00:42:07 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38318000491 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988317 date:00:42:07 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25959345234 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988317 date:00:42:57 Time:0.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89912567472 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(263909,230591,'im_me20',255576,0,1,1734988377),(267553,230591,'im_me20',263953,0,1,1734988377),(66880,230591,'im_me20',136524,0,1,1734988377) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734988377 ; date:00:46:15 Time:0.168S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89963259878 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(201705,294088,'a79zahra75',190237,0,0,1734988575) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734988575 ; date:00:47:46 Time:0.739S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43263274223 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(207858,267347,'reyhon_purple',116100,0,0,1734988665),(179724,267347,'reyhon_purple',269095,0,0,1734988665) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734988665 ; date:00:48:16 Time:0.368S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71785317736 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734988695 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:48:16 Time:0.358S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96713284955 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988695 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988685 date:00:48:16 Time:0.324S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90002867695 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988695 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988685 date:00:48:16 Time:0.308S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41876750145 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988695 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988685 date:00:48:16 Time:0.287S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30553155736 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988696 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988686 date:00:48:16 Time:0.265S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74697807519 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988696 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988686 date:00:48:16 Time:0.171S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88021401474 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988696 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988686 date:00:48:16 Time:0.146S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75254461393 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988696 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988686 date:00:48:40 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54595016836 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(75240,168834,'yakta_89',138778,0,5,1734988720) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1734988720 ; date:00:49:46 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89535402743 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283426,290971,'aspad1213',292299,0,1,1734988786),(283511,290971,'aspad1213',295549,0,1,1734988786) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734988786 ; date:00:49:50 Time:0.144S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49429728063 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(114096,297249,'nargeskheibari',204107,0,1,1734988790),(163021,297249,'nargeskheibari',162910,0,1,1734988790) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734988790 ; date:00:50:26 Time:0.183S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42666444840 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276995,260719,'ra_shan',260719,0,6,1734988826),(276990,260719,'ra_shan',260719,0,6,1734988826) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1734988826 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (277791) and `un`='ra_shan'; date:00:51:37 Time:0.844S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93113056685 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283061,265330,'zyegane88',157769,0,7,1734988897),(283059,265330,'zyegane88',157769,0,7,1734988897),(283060,265330,'zyegane88',157769,0,7,1734988897),(283044,265330,'zyegane88',193409,0,7,1734988897) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1734988897 ; date:00:52:16 Time:0.224S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74640099284 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734988936 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:52:16 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13267651215 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734988936 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734988926 date:00:53:13 Time:0.119S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99445464563 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(105357,297606,'fatimamoein1389',183563,0,1,1734988993),(92178,297606,'fatimamoein1389',189048,0,1,1734988993),(82629,297606,'fatimamoein1389',140541,0,1,1734988993),(89724,297606,'fatimamoein1389',186637,0,1,1734988993) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734988993 ; date:00:54:19 Time:0.344S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99698981327 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734989059 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:54:19 Time:0.22S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86623948237 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989059 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989049 date:00:54:19 Time:0.133S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59269907580 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989059 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989049 date:00:54:19 Time:0.122S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47742022709 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989059 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989049 date:00:54:19 Time:0.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70153478666 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989059 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989049 date:00:54:19 Time:0.669S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20733763126 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279141,297013,'z_014',263313,0,0,1734989059),(279111,297013,'z_014',263171,0,0,1734989059),(279112,297013,'z_014',292663,0,0,1734989059),(278930,297013,'z_014',262811,0,0,1734989059) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734989059 ; date:00:54:38 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51414287900 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(792697,264903,'fukk1388',243564,0,10,1734989078) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 10,`tim` = 1734989078,`lik`=1 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_t` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (776948) and `un`='fukk1388'; date:00:55:29 Time:0.2S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85604345037 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(273945,136599,'aghazal',188276,0,4,1734989129) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1734989129 ; date:00:56:17 Time:0.117S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51182483828 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(35628,138856,'k_raha',140491,0,1,1734989177),(163627,138856,'k_raha',156349,0,1,1734989177) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734989177 ; date:00:56:35 Time:0.204S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85264391308 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(249476,246974,'zoher',240236,0,0,1734989195),(248595,246974,'zoher',242932,0,0,1734989195),(80825,246974,'zoher',141742,0,0,1734989195),(76646,246974,'zoher',108876,0,0,1734989195) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734989195 ; date:00:57:17 Time:0.116S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49365053757 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989237 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989227 date:00:58:09 Time:0.208S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98958858684 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734989289 WHERE `ip`='' date:00:58:09 Time:0.11S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58658444011 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989289 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989279 date:00:58:17 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=text&pid=mjdm6&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%7B%B3y%5D%0B%A0%85V%C6%A0QDIwMjB7ImlwIjoiOTUuNjQuMTYuMjQwIiwidXMiOjI4OTAzNCwicmwiOjEsImlzdiI6MSwibm0iOiJcdTA2MzJcdTA2NDZcdTA2MmZcdTA2YWZcdTA2Y2NcdTA2NDUgXHUwNjM0XHUwNjJmXHUwNjQ3IFx1MDYzNFx1MDZjY1x1MDYzNFx1MDY0Nz8%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%3D%3D%CE%D6%88&pg=1& UID:34395034247 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_t` WHERE `pid`=783346 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:00:58:48 Time:0.616S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64551569160 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989317 date:00:58:48 Time:0.595S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61355349767 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989317 date:00:58:48 Time:0.59S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30261865863 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989317 date:00:58:48 Time:0.567S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54527613127 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989317 date:00:58:48 Time:0.519S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88849496663 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989317 date:00:58:48 Time:0.518S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65565755113 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989317 date:00:58:48 Time:0.508S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46898286925 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989327 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989317 date:00:58:48 Time:0.678S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90542610562 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734989327 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:00:06 Time:0.923S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92098514517 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(92199,248393,'nalah4961',141742,0,5,1734989405),(109334,248393,'nalah4961',141742,0,5,1734989405) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1734989405 ; date:01:03:02 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87727607012 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734989582 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:04:32 Time:0.435S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78188480644 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(48119,263313,'yommmmmm',151252,0,7,1734989672),(13606,263313,'yommmmmm',117432,0,7,1734989672) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1734989672 ; date:01:05:47 Time:0.231S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27656382681 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(81253,294207,'zohashokri',182471,0,0,1734989747),(117946,294207,'zohashokri',127983,0,0,1734989747) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734989747 ; date:01:06:47 Time:0.28S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20986518598 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(62811,294207,'zohashokri',143654,0,0,1734989806),(81777,294207,'zohashokri',141742,0,0,1734989806) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734989806 ; date:01:06:48 Time:0.324S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16006395181 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989808 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989798 date:01:06:48 Time:0.24S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71495347327 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989808 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989798 date:01:06:48 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39175780959 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989808 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989798 date:01:06:48 Time:0.163S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98081766563 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989808 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989798 date:01:06:48 Time:0.303S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64734023521 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734989808 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:06:48 Time:0.37S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49131725525 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(209095,264424,'f_sehh',221291,0,0,1734989808),(20157,264424,'f_sehh',134013,0,0,1734989808),(279128,264424,'f_sehh',282590,0,0,1734989808) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734989808 ; date:01:08:25 Time:0.332S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97439372809 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989905 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989895 date:01:08:25 Time:0.308S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31821030433 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989905 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989895 date:01:08:25 Time:0.254S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28019388804 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989905 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989895 date:01:08:25 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19792013958 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989905 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989895 date:01:08:25 Time:0.249S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57349692156 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989905 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989895 date:01:08:25 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57400914091 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989905 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989895 date:01:08:25 Time:0.349S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15349462908 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734989905 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734989895 date:01:10:35 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70348285087 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990035 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990025 date:01:10:36 Time:0.283S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93029650964 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990036 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990026 date:01:10:36 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34561779841 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990036 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990026 date:01:10:36 Time:0.167S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22537463175 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 7,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990036 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990026 date:01:10:36 Time:0.475S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67574236973 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990036 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:12:38 Time:0.215S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93471831275 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990158 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990148 date:01:12:38 Time:0.194S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48317472822 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990158 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990148 date:01:12:38 Time:0.165S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98663512219 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990158 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:13:08 Time:0.134S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72584638489 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990188 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:13:08 Time:0.119S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25764867963 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990188 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:13:59 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60711386534 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990238 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990228 date:01:13:59 Time:0.127S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11541428652 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990238 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990228 date:01:14:05 Time:1.212S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28248523736 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(120494,297794,'narjesikh',189958,0,1,1734990244),(272020,297794,'narjesikh',287021,0,1,1734990244),(279762,297794,'narjesikh',287021,0,1,1734990244) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734990244 ; date:01:14:39 Time:0.159S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=771dj&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%C8%CA%11H%04M%D6%86_%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%3D%3D%A4%92%1D&pg=1& UID:66860430119 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=276737 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:01:15:51 Time:0.396S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69676464476 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990350 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:15:51 Time:0.309S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69901139020 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990351 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990341 date:01:15:51 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91515775048 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990351 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990341 date:01:15:51 Time:0.19S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71490119601 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990351 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990341 date:01:15:51 Time:0.14S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72055396829 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990351 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990341 date:01:15:51 Time:0.139S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42361544386 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990351 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990341 date:01:16:36 Time:0.504S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47291113305 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990396 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990386 date:01:16:36 Time:0.403S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61456566786 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990396 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990386 date:01:16:36 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23254948851 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990396 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990386 date:01:16:36 Time:0.255S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35405749650 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990396 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990386 date:01:16:36 Time:0.512S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67142329105 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990396 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:37 Time:0.627S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39507174907 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990396 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990386 date:01:16:37 Time:0.529S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99831803261 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990396 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990386 date:01:16:37 Time:0.35S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69233390097 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:37 Time:0.318S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35273627326 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:37 Time:0.217S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71326688658 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:37 Time:0.163S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28607422258 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:37 Time:0.482S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31449698997 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:37 Time:0.227S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59728725598 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:37 Time:0.173S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65840121357 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:37 Time:0.227S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41598007249 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:37 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36801927504 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:38 Time:0.324S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71256443901 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:38 Time:0.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25406308521 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:38 Time:0.246S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67272080297 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:38 Time:0.161S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51815355027 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:38 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64073301647 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:38 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26843375659 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990387 date:01:16:38 Time:0.195S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16745483678 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:38 Time:0.202S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81093334172 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990397 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:2.533S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50315007355 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990388 date:01:16:40 Time:2.319S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83187108709 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 1,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:2.296S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64354983065 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990388 date:01:16:40 Time:2.165S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20439109011 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990388 date:01:16:40 Time:2.034S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36828379575 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990388 date:01:16:40 Time:2.025S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84639614099 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990388 date:01:16:40 Time:1.97S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12270125022 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990388 date:01:16:40 Time:1.9S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68148259374 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990388 date:01:16:40 Time:1.78S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13817241048 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990388 date:01:16:40 Time:1.707S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27542279080 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990399 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990389 date:01:16:40 Time:1.342S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94744565556 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990399 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990389 date:01:16:40 Time:1.209S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16257796139 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990399 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990389 date:01:16:40 Time:2.491S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70826748302 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:2.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49875534586 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990398 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86782668966 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:0.198S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74044103899 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:40 Time:0.198S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40531970182 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:40 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38378387567 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:40 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50463415774 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:40 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44910762422 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:40 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95095722671 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:40 Time:0.196S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81194690422 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:40 Time:0.188S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71842229350 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:40 Time:0.2S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77994146620 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97108398976 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:0.2S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14513491652 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:0.2S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59982836941 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:0.198S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76340489636 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50236938323 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:40 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67416383969 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:41 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46797636447 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:41 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73884630103 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:41 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66864297944 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:41 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67733938752 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:41 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95005400995 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:41 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82529877706 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:41 Time:0.117S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51120814726 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:41 Time:0.186S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68412467417 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990390 date:01:16:41 Time:0.19S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96341705534 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:16:41 Time:0.19S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30351154580 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990400 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:18:32 Time:0.752S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24757827372 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(784081,256354,'han_l',266141,0,7,1734990511) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1734990511 ; date:01:18:37 Time:0.335S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76055656092 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(195379,232599,'maryam8895',229331,0,2,1734990517),(191739,232599,'maryam8895',172844,0,2,1734990517),(186250,232599,'maryam8895',228223,0,2,1734990517) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734990517 ; date:01:19:00 Time:0.198S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12761728871 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990540 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990530 date:01:19:00 Time:0.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47907390810 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990540 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990530 date:01:19:00 Time:0.169S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67598340719 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990540 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990530 date:01:19:01 Time:0.494S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63507902275 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.656S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23833704687 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990540 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:01 Time:0.493S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70672508692 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.349S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68069880557 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.327S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41871634114 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.268S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83174174110 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.241S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73000913326 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85086009577 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.417S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96452359621 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:01 Time:0.306S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90525418063 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:01 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51213095219 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:01 Time:0.322S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33649938594 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:01 Time:0.214S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18517580800 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.225S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67874744925 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.188S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67883661875 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 9,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.158S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55468234607 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.152S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85368259332 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91791535137 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:01 Time:0.191S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61949333209 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:01 Time:0.167S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17450074982 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:02 Time:0.387S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16865624907 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:02 Time:0.384S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79607176180 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:02 Time:0.356S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89558004419 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:02 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27259999142 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:02 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83460121261 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:02 Time:0.235S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27313983721 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990531 date:01:19:02 Time:0.439S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57207281162 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:02 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87512200608 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:02 Time:0.223S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50270080793 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990541 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:02 Time:0.177S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63527704774 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:02 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51407497364 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:02 Time:0.11S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88394364604 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:02 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90993968421 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:03 Time:0.635S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52089981939 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:03 Time:0.49S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46995628080 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:03 Time:0.481S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99767652514 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:03 Time:0.434S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80050784562 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:03 Time:0.316S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67337256024 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:03 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45605979163 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:03 Time:0.139S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15447263454 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:03 Time:0.135S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76219734554 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:03 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55519659134 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990532 date:01:19:03 Time:0.424S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30967542985 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:03 Time:0.413S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21991724161 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990542 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:07 Time:4.443S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54777879659 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.424S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84923096045 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.363S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73562584256 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.332S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46454082801 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.209S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26764330632 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.158S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67006175275 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.143S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48842859920 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.119S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38731409911 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.083S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79286471646 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.029S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79809534702 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.006S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40674622320 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:3.924S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57468094213 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:3.567S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43802342420 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990533 date:01:19:07 Time:4.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66091678095 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:07 Time:3.515S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89328584758 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 10,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990544 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990534 date:01:19:07 Time:3.989S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48194934231 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:07 Time:3.589S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76482879425 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990543 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:11 Time:3.797S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97039866607 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.797S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92823711247 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.797S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15888936870 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.796S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94653239124 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.795S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33784330457 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.794S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73306583874 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.794S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94349740919 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.79S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98460785018 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.782S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32519597188 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990537 date:01:19:11 Time:3.599S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67094321558 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:11 Time:3.119S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72570951927 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990548 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990538 date:01:19:11 Time:3.799S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57435929054 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:11 Time:3.798S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92240526867 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:11 Time:3.798S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69154390891 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:11 Time:3.797S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65594708265 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:11 Time:3.795S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82139607007 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990547 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:49 Time:0.776S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93205140288 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990589 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:49 Time:0.776S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93104033928 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990589 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990579 date:01:19:49 Time:0.743S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28611806142 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990589 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:49 Time:0.698S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85129597543 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990589 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:19:49 Time:0.681S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28016082550 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990589 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:20:23 Time:1.077S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13420929153 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990622 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990612 date:01:20:23 Time:0.816S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11649665239 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990623 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990613 date:01:20:23 Time:1.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29056347460 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990622 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:20:23 Time:0.857S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58367341937 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990623 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:22:39 Time:0.78S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20758342746 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(193267,297799,'neda8415',254980,0,0,1734990758) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734990758 ; date:01:22:39 Time:0.944S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18981581008 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(19467,277835,'hasti1388m',122887,0,55,1734990758),(33147,277835,'hasti1388m',152065,0,55,1734990758) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 55,`tim` = 1734990758 ; date:01:22:45 Time:1.7S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29518190515 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:1.7S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28549595928 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:1.699S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45554176304 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:1.667S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18249957340 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:1.59S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83224492834 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:1.579S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51509962894 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:1.561S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79782199760 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:1.482S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64051884132 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:0.904S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89195018021 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990765 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990755 date:01:22:45 Time:1.066S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76848789885 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:1.697S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24367286702 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:22:45 Time:1.092S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65677247259 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990754 date:01:22:45 Time:0.658S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67717462102 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734990765 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734990755 date:01:22:45 Time:0.845S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16698794003 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990765 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:22:45 Time:0.825S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56052669976 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734990765 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:22:47 Time:0.899S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81810126838 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(47165,149456,'samin89h',165556,0,0,1734990766) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734990766 ; date:01:26:51 Time:0.125S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66888574143 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(192611,260474,'seeeeee',206972,0,0,1734991011) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734991011 ; date:01:29:22 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85691087862 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794940,228424,'maedeh_1387mo',276259,1,6,1734991162) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1734991162,`lik`=1 ; date:01:29:22 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82773164703 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734991162 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734991152 date:01:29:22 Time:0.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43677482838 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734991162 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734991152 date:01:30:02 Time:0.699S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26711312534 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(272394,263438,'ghazalhe',275220,0,4,1734991201),(269636,263438,'ghazalhe',279970,0,4,1734991201) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1734991201 ; date:01:30:02 Time:0.398S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68778583113 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(793270,262133,'amirpasha080',262133,0,2,1734991201),(794384,262133,'amirpasha080',222336,0,2,1734991201),(593515,262133,'amirpasha080',227486,0,2,1734991201) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734991201,`lik`=0 ; date:01:30:22 Time:0.47S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25525234116 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283523,240236,'kurddd',255965,0,34,1734991222) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 34,`tim` = 1734991222 ; date:01:39:58 Time:0.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76061739210 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280990,211365,'sadbaby',223941,1,97,1734991798) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 97,`tim` = 1734991798,`lik`=1 ; date:01:44:55 Time:0.181S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47764803515 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(880,258350,'pn1417',109881,0,11,1734992095) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1734992095 ; date:01:45:55 Time:0.234S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61844117242 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(253092,297335,'hr1389o',147203,0,0,1734992155) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734992155 ; date:01:46:25 Time:0.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37707964510 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(136364,242812,'raha_0311',140541,0,3,1734992185),(121724,242812,'raha_0311',191381,0,3,1734992185) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1734992185 ; date:01:50:02 Time:0.142S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47888924966 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734992402 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:50:03 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64270166348 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734992403 WHERE `ip`='' date:01:57:57 Time:0.207S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96782958801 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(272704,272338,'gch_ugu',289640,1,0,1734992877),(272627,272338,'gch_ugu',289640,0,0,1734992877) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734992877 ; date:02:01:58 Time:0.489S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65034089137 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734993117 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734993107 date:02:01:58 Time:0.272S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80514025271 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734993117 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734993107 date:02:01:58 Time:0.244S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91430208113 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734993117 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734993107 date:02:01:58 Time:0.173S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12455756994 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734993117 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734993107 date:02:01:58 Time:0.472S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44694949325 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734993117 WHERE `ip`='' date:02:01:58 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69815655236 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734993117 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734993107 date:02:01:58 Time:0.348S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29434350293 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734993117 WHERE `ip`='' date:02:01:58 Time:0.195S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36941780543 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734993117 WHERE `ip`='' date:02:04:56 Time:0.11S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92920858454 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206817,297799,'neda8415',216059,0,0,1734993295),(232576,297799,'neda8415',259362,0,0,1734993295),(119440,297799,'neda8415',207717,0,0,1734993295),(265799,297799,'neda8415',178388,0,0,1734993295) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734993295 ; date:02:05:57 Time:0.303S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=76v6d&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=d%15%24%A9%0E%93%BA%94%87%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%3D%C3%F9%1F&pg=1& UID:46151206404 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=276199 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:02:09:29 Time:0.448S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89723679787 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(87901,294738,'wolf_17',191874,0,4,1734993569),(155147,294738,'wolf_17',228223,0,4,1734993569),(105382,294738,'wolf_17',211825,0,4,1734993569) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1734993569 ; date:02:14:59 Time:0.144S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32100372483 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734993899 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734993889 date:02:14:59 Time:0.134S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73910121064 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734993899 WHERE `ip`='' date:02:16:44 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83944616361 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(63564,297799,'neda8415',128060,0,0,1734994003),(218724,297799,'neda8415',153328,0,0,1734994003) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734994003 ; date:02:19:01 Time:0.264S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68486424819 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(64222,293370,'naziiii_1390',180544,0,2,1734994141),(163491,293370,'naziiii_1390',256345,0,2,1734994141) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734994141 ; date:02:22:07 Time:0.441S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37996414046 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(269636,258350,'pn1417',279970,0,11,1734994327),(273563,258350,'pn1417',278254,0,11,1734994327) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1734994327 ; date:02:27:15 Time:0.147S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59688572008 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(278688,270743,'zari1188',254635,0,3,1734994635) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1734994635 ; date:02:31:02 Time:0.173S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76728767371 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(27691,235459,'victoriae',145516,0,14,1734994862) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 14,`tim` = 1734994862 ; date:02:39:07 Time:0.267S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44224108468 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(120553,152679,'maedehxsh',183954,0,17,1734995347),(198192,152679,'maedehxsh',276206,0,17,1734995347),(97671,152679,'maedehxsh',152255,0,17,1734995347),(183139,152679,'maedehxsh',270691,0,17,1734995347),(183256,152679,'maedehxsh',270691,0,17,1734995347) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 17,`tim` = 1734995347 ; date:02:43:35 Time:0.525S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83314440482 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208262,289446,'mmrzjoon',245004,0,5,1734995614) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1734995614 ; date:02:44:28 Time:0.525S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65438116966 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(12387,286367,'sama1388tir',128572,0,1,1734995668),(118840,286367,'sama1388tir',173276,0,1,1734995668),(218760,286367,'sama1388tir',260036,0,1,1734995668) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734995668 ; date:02:45:04 Time:0.134S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83657717629 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734995704 WHERE `ip`='' date:02:45:36 Time:0.103S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56371999342 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734995735 WHERE `ip`='' date:02:46:34 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48223107268 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(253300,205531,'silver_2023',240787,0,19,1734995794),(51374,205531,'silver_2023',154725,0,19,1734995794) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 19,`tim` = 1734995794 ; date:02:48:04 Time:0.225S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47559300873 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(265341,113474,'mehdix7',253290,0,0,1734995883) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734995883 ; date:03:01:42 Time:0.207S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55363941643 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996702 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996692 date:03:01:42 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11598512883 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996702 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996692 date:03:01:43 Time:0.169S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48369275584 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996702 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996692 date:03:01:43 Time:0.163S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93652445481 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996703 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996693 date:03:01:43 Time:0.579S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62433692177 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996703 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:44 Time:0.612S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79085120084 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996694 date:03:01:44 Time:0.585S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20559225627 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996694 date:03:01:44 Time:0.284S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18003195338 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996694 date:03:01:44 Time:0.254S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91167861040 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996694 date:03:01:44 Time:0.249S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46461331520 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996694 date:03:01:44 Time:0.622S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87853881657 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996703 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:49 Time:4.859S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16230285052 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:49 Time:4.849S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50396170868 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:49 Time:4.504S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89569905456 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996694 date:03:01:49 Time:4.461S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22939247515 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996694 date:03:01:49 Time:3.838S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32075950750 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996705 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996695 date:03:01:49 Time:3.831S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62474759474 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996705 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996695 date:03:01:49 Time:3.537S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88498230973 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996705 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996695 date:03:01:49 Time:3.514S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88107171100 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996705 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996695 date:03:01:49 Time:3.372S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16042890880 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996705 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996695 date:03:01:49 Time:3.333S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32778879114 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996705 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996695 date:03:01:49 Time:3.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26041027556 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996706 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996696 date:03:01:49 Time:2.913S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90230377831 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996706 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996696 date:03:01:49 Time:2.48S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70202498077 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996706 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996696 date:03:01:49 Time:4.373S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83668706495 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996704 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:49 Time:3.306S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63566665817 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996706 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:49 Time:2.593S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35106230237 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996706 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:53 Time:3.883S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94211913190 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:53 Time:3.884S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12473214105 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:53 Time:3.882S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40233516067 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996699 date:03:01:53 Time:3.882S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28141241938 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996699 date:03:01:53 Time:3.882S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72566971013 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996699 date:03:01:53 Time:3.882S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36199059086 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996699 date:03:01:53 Time:3.882S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15302535132 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996699 date:03:01:53 Time:3.663S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99048508690 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996699 date:03:01:53 Time:3.635S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68533959026 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734996699 date:03:01:53 Time:3.884S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47002293673 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:53 Time:3.885S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84389598735 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:01:53 Time:3.881S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17587553301 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734996709 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:04:00 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88234659042 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(125157,276320,'mm_love',201454,0,1,1734996839),(94972,276320,'mm_love',185573,0,1,1734996839) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734996839 ; date:03:05:06 Time:0.135S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56575141585 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(137096,285422,'asraloor1313',166081,0,0,1734996906),(149178,285422,'asraloor1313',138828,0,0,1734996906) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734996906 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (102062) and `un`='asraloor1313'; date:03:05:38 Time:0.797S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37071718602 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(254784,211365,'sadbaby',116800,0,97,1734996937),(254780,211365,'sadbaby',116800,1,97,1734996937),(256426,211365,'sadbaby',116800,1,97,1734996937) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 97,`tim` = 1734996937,`lik`=1 ; date:03:09:10 Time:1.661S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61498393103 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(126347,292802,'meliss69393',228216,0,0,1734997148),(127766,292802,'meliss69393',224829,0,0,1734997148),(63488,292802,'meliss69393',180115,0,0,1734997148) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734997148 ; date:03:20:03 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87865849721 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734997802 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:22:43 Time:1.006S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65544062108 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(265664,285825,'jana89',265908,0,1,1734997962),(219374,285825,'jana89',242231,0,1,1734997962),(210293,285825,'jana89',245842,1,1,1734997962),(230148,285825,'jana89',245842,0,1,1734997962) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734997962 ; date:03:28:31 Time:0.154S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94837083393 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998311 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998301 date:03:28:31 Time:0.211S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20435647190 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998311 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:31 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51111113534 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998311 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:32 Time:0.761S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94804222897 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998311 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:32 Time:0.522S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21196932711 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998311 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:32 Time:0.672S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40490951124 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998311 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:32 Time:0.406S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66451552605 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998312 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998302 date:03:28:32 Time:0.374S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85393023088 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998312 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:37 Time:4.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35184454665 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998313 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998303 date:03:28:37 Time:4.498S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37677669660 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998313 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998303 date:03:28:37 Time:3.833S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17559006307 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998313 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998303 date:03:28:37 Time:3.606S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21273744955 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998314 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998304 date:03:28:37 Time:3.548S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74914054717 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998314 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998304 date:03:28:37 Time:3.452S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34858273002 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998314 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998304 date:03:28:37 Time:3.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38169906429 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998314 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998304 date:03:28:37 Time:2.337S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28531803964 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998315 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998305 date:03:28:37 Time:2.093S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47606215524 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998315 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998305 date:03:28:37 Time:1.598S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55244979412 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998316 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998306 date:03:28:37 Time:0.286S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32835005877 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998317 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998307 date:03:28:37 Time:3.049S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35853818240 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998314 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:37 Time:2.698S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86121532333 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998314 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:37 Time:1.179S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27427666719 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998316 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:3.848S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98347146548 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998317 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998307 date:03:28:41 Time:3.438S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31913182011 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998308 date:03:28:41 Time:3.334S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87343651941 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998308 date:03:28:41 Time:3.096S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42883206015 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998308 date:03:28:41 Time:3.026S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61942428389 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998308 date:03:28:41 Time:2.931S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14451083364 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998308 date:03:28:41 Time:2.897S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67034820511 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998308 date:03:28:41 Time:2.774S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88571738174 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998308 date:03:28:41 Time:2.507S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24852858681 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998308 date:03:28:41 Time:2.241S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99317608968 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998319 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998309 date:03:28:41 Time:3.865S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14299900043 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998317 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:3.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15225649012 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:2.798S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17829047929 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:2.611S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63427747857 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998318 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:1.833S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88798841738 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998319 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:1.829S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18727322368 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998319 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32321918849 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998321 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:0.208S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92597705041 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998321 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998311 date:03:28:41 Time:0.208S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24771378938 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1734998321 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1734998311 date:03:28:41 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18999663701 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998321 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:0.209S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70885084768 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998321 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:0.209S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43323910713 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998321 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:28:41 Time:0.149S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63169689297 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734998321 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:40:14 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38487582834 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(789698,175480,'mehmet',179205,0,7,1734999014) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1734999014 ; date:03:40:31 Time:0.137S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53260041682 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(76262,286367,'sama1388tir',156726,0,1,1734999031),(46570,286367,'sama1388tir',151090,0,1,1734999031) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1734999031 ; date:03:40:32 Time:0.155S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46648645762 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1734999032 WHERE `ip`='' date:03:40:33 Time:0.189S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13397457178 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(187424,282575,'love89',244138,0,0,1734999033),(88297,282575,'love89',141742,0,0,1734999033) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1734999033 ; date:03:40:38 Time:0.56S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22343772990 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(278619,268060,'xzxzzzxv',225563,0,41,1734999037) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 41,`tim` = 1734999037 ; date:03:40:45 Time:1.61S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23824380431 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(48644,147824,'rox16',163979,0,2,1734999044),(211077,147824,'rox16',131344,0,2,1734999044),(257288,147824,'rox16',261283,0,2,1734999044) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1734999044 ; date:03:59:16 Time:0.208S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=image&pid=63ik9&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%10LPtl%08%FC%BC%1F%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%D33&pg=1& UID:37139076214 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_i` WHERE `pid`=201221 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:04:00:47 Time:0.777S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62233337950 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(183933,233645,'nimafmz',270746,0,0,1735000246),(183123,233645,'nimafmz',272344,0,0,1735000246) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735000246 ; date:04:11:31 Time:0.397S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25880831405 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000890 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000880 date:04:11:31 Time:0.297S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49591213118 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000891 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000881 date:04:11:32 Time:0.333S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74895944032 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735000891 WHERE `ip`='' date:04:11:32 Time:0.608S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89764089352 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000892 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000882 date:04:11:37 Time:4.842S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33986095674 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735000892 WHERE `ip`='' date:04:11:37 Time:3.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16611543576 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000894 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000884 date:04:11:37 Time:3.156S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94547607055 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000894 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000884 date:04:11:37 Time:2.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95231839254 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000895 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000885 date:04:11:37 Time:1.87S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94318224072 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000895 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000885 date:04:11:37 Time:1.688S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74223916352 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000895 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000885 date:04:11:37 Time:1.075S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34290028046 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000896 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000886 date:04:11:37 Time:0.622S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86183712063 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000896 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000886 date:04:11:37 Time:0.346S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35426327579 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000897 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000887 date:04:11:37 Time:4.269S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21065376846 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735000893 WHERE `ip`='' date:04:11:41 Time:3.78S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72559366618 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000897 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000887 date:04:11:41 Time:3.366S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30487546015 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000898 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000888 date:04:11:41 Time:2.85S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80992602386 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000898 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000888 date:04:11:41 Time:2.747S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47712701872 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000898 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000888 date:04:11:41 Time:2.587S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73457839067 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000898 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000888 date:04:11:41 Time:2.422S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74369642926 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000899 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000889 date:04:11:41 Time:2.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55585629992 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000899 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000889 date:04:11:41 Time:1.472S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25139541161 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000899 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000889 date:04:11:41 Time:1.463S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65359178414 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000899 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000889 date:04:11:41 Time:0.73S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28152171853 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735000900 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735000890 date:04:11:41 Time:3.812S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18635714490 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735000897 WHERE `ip`='' date:04:11:41 Time:1.821S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18311684668 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735000899 WHERE `ip`='' date:04:11:41 Time:1.655S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83829114196 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735000899 WHERE `ip`='' date:04:11:41 Time:3.901S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91431842741 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735000897 WHERE `ip`='' date:04:11:41 Time:1.113S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21565464051 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735000900 WHERE `ip`='' date:04:16:19 Time:0.177S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31678255935 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(27539,241314,'asena2024',123615,0,1,1735001179),(231825,241314,'asena2024',258002,0,1,1735001179),(265441,241314,'asena2024',161996,0,1,1735001179) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735001179 ; date:04:25:21 Time:0.618S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65091004530 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283474,289446,'mmrzjoon',292299,0,5,1735001720),(283471,289446,'mmrzjoon',292299,0,5,1735001720),(283442,289446,'mmrzjoon',292299,0,5,1735001720),(283437,289446,'mmrzjoon',292299,0,5,1735001720),(283426,289446,'mmrzjoon',292299,0,5,1735001720) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735001720 ; date:04:38:22 Time:0.11S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72027715249 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(278156,274802,'hadis_rip',157769,0,2,1735002502),(247455,274802,'hadis_rip',224447,0,2,1735002502),(267175,274802,'hadis_rip',154743,0,2,1735002502) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735002502 ; date:04:41:23 Time:0.345S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34486533721 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(57429,235403,'mahta85',149620,0,3,1735002682),(48714,235403,'mahta85',152220,0,3,1735002682) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735002682 ; date:04:43:42 Time:2.333S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91600341887 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(133283,263171,'Shayea1371',202822,0,3,1735002819) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735002819 ; date:04:44:56 Time:1.918S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79733092714 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(111036,257171,'samina_girl',200639,0,2,1735002894),(91050,257171,'samina_girl',141742,0,2,1735002894),(191141,257171,'samina_girl',242481,0,2,1735002894),(247377,257171,'samina_girl',255175,0,2,1735002894) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735002894 ; date:04:46:05 Time:0.22S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71919512465 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(43807,289228,'b2k11',149021,0,1,1735002965),(148201,289228,'b2k11',242752,0,1,1735002965),(146041,289228,'b2k11',243466,0,1,1735002965),(21940,289228,'b2k11',147901,0,1,1735002965),(200298,289228,'b2k11',288929,0,1,1735002965) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735002965 ; date:04:49:01 Time:0.155S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36859289492 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(263808,219467,'hm2008hm',254635,0,0,1735003141),(249547,219467,'hm2008hm',254635,0,0,1735003141) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735003141 ; date:05:00:32 Time:0.249S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90570297895 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282532,264875,'skyysh',254635,0,0,1735003831),(281342,264875,'skyysh',147203,0,0,1735003831),(219441,264875,'skyysh',147203,0,0,1735003831) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735003831 ; date:05:22:12 Time:0.211S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23510790725 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735005132 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735005122 date:05:22:12 Time:0.22S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59868998453 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735005132 WHERE `ip`='' date:05:22:12 Time:0.179S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20051124978 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735005132 WHERE `ip`='' date:05:30:23 Time:1.149S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14572849093 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(119087,264875,'skyysh',145944,0,0,1735005622),(146689,264875,'skyysh',243205,0,0,1735005622) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735005622 ; date:05:44:03 Time:0.549S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85977331257 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735006443 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735006433 date:05:46:44 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75105081764 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735006604 WHERE `ip`='' date:05:50:09 Time:1.211S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96480559255 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(112042,292849,'fghhjhfdd',191874,0,1,1735006808),(89310,292849,'fghhjhfdd',191874,0,1,1735006808) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735006808 ; date:06:05:06 Time:0.258S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33774839744 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735007706 WHERE `ip`='' date:06:17:09 Time:0.381S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83479617900 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735008428 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735008418 date:06:17:09 Time:0.358S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23690200559 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735008428 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735008418 date:06:17:09 Time:0.33S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42149803299 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 11,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735008428 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735008418 date:06:22:22 Time:0.656S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18171854140 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735008741 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735008731 date:06:22:22 Time:0.653S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92859363945 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735008741 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735008731 date:06:22:22 Time:0.496S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46790020446 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735008742 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735008732 date:06:25:47 Time:0.139S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=7aupc&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%82%0E%89%E7%A7%CD%A3Y%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%80%95&pg=1& UID:61828093905 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=282824 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:06:30:10 Time:0.752S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61212313492 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(136341,294084,'basket',151189,0,0,1735009209) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735009209 ; date:06:39:42 Time:0.589S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39156079279 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735009782 WHERE `ip`='' date:06:39:42 Time:0.58S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23594413521 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735009782 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735009772 date:06:39:42 Time:0.308S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24930109753 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735009782 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735009772 date:06:39:42 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23594413521 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(89191,266579,'saraxx',159973,0,0,1735009782),(1488,266579,'saraxx',113377,0,0,1735009782),(200142,266579,'saraxx',282906,0,0,1735009782),(89573,266579,'saraxx',139525,0,0,1735009782) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735009782 ; date:06:39:42 Time:0.616S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=image&pid=63sfs&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%09%3B%27y%95%3C%C7%1Fb%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%601C&pg=1& UID:47996499548 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_i` WHERE `pid`=202770 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:06:40:20 Time:0.325S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=76a0n&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%09%3B%27y%95%3C%C7%1Fb%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%601C&pg=1& UID:87335413744 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=273753 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:06:57:10 Time:1.56S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96255640952 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283252,248080,'baharrrrrrr',134292,0,13,1735010829),(281768,248080,'baharrrrrrr',261283,0,13,1735010829) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735010829 ; date:06:58:15 Time:0.577S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51248515889 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735010894 WHERE `ip`='' date:06:58:15 Time:0.51S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61577281458 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735010894 WHERE `ip`='' date:06:58:45 Time:0.235S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91127397847 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283178,252526,'neda1385',215960,0,1,1735010924),(283163,252526,'neda1385',265138,0,1,1735010924),(283128,252526,'neda1385',182900,0,1,1735010924) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735010924 ; date:06:58:50 Time:0.532S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39173324944 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(96931,296291,'m_00000',113474,0,2,1735010929),(79576,296291,'m_00000',181503,0,2,1735010929) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735010929 ; date:07:00:46 Time:0.293S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54142192730 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735011046 WHERE `ip`='' date:07:00:46 Time:0.202S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45794402668 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735011046 WHERE `ip`='' date:07:05:47 Time:0.804S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40321799111 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282992,289851,'eli_6677',268839,0,1,1735011347),(282487,289851,'eli_6677',295954,0,1,1735011347) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735011347 ; date:07:08:46 Time:0.335S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45796496930 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(76700,296740,'hasti897',179883,0,4,1735011526) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735011526 ; date:07:15:18 Time:0.502S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83299959709 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735011918 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735011908 date:07:15:18 Time:0.438S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14430633118 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735011918 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735011908 date:07:15:18 Time:0.317S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38047991820 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735011918 WHERE `ip`='' date:07:17:18 Time:0.538S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85217060442 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735012037 WHERE `ip`='' date:07:17:18 Time:0.2S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30863218181 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735012038 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735012028 date:07:18:48 Time:0.189S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24910883786 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(270511,208022,'alireza_htm',255965,0,0,1735012128),(275097,208022,'alireza_htm',285140,0,0,1735012128),(274190,208022,'alireza_htm',255965,0,0,1735012128),(257551,208022,'alireza_htm',170873,0,0,1735012128),(13307,208022,'alireza_htm',16,0,0,1735012128),(76204,208022,'alireza_htm',163757,0,0,1735012128),(7665,208022,'alireza_htm',121714,0,0,1735012128) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735012128 ; date:07:19:58 Time:0.122S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45910709300 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(109899,248080,'baharrrrrrr',179234,0,13,1735012198) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735012198 ; date:07:20:18 Time:0.352S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64173033279 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735012218 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735012208 date:07:20:18 Time:0.338S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37833107191 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735012218 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735012208 date:07:22:14 Time:0.113S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99746580729 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735012334 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735012324 date:07:41:23 Time:0.402S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63027179681 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735013483 WHERE `ip`='' date:07:41:23 Time:0.326S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40706830034 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735013483 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735013473 date:07:48:23 Time:0.313S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53548663292 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794162,293933,'nilei',237712,0,4,1735013902),(794241,293933,'nilei',293933,0,4,1735013902) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735013902 ; date:07:57:54 Time:0.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50551807551 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735014474 WHERE `ip`='' date:07:57:54 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61686621182 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735014474 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735014464 date:08:07:56 Time:0.203S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94088507322 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(196590,292275,'fati_138683',253493,0,1,1735015075) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735015075 ; date:08:13:56 Time:0.12S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86749186408 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015436 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:14:53 Time:0.215S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19991012328 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(31825,227514,'yasiinn',227514,0,0,1735015493) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735015493 ; date:08:15:48 Time:0.414S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17147030528 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015548 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015538 date:08:15:48 Time:0.301S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62995882188 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015548 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015538 date:08:15:48 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57497688104 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015548 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015538 date:08:15:48 Time:0.211S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53828060643 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015548 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:15:48 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75440996453 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015548 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:15:57 Time:0.302S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57494960873 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015557 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:15:57 Time:0.267S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13846529449 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015557 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015547 date:08:15:57 Time:0.237S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50073726732 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015557 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015547 date:08:15:57 Time:0.204S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36729795979 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015557 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015547 date:08:15:57 Time:0.168S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70067501836 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015557 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015547 date:08:15:57 Time:0.243S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92989066209 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015557 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:18:12 Time:0.188S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47779169376 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(162661,225465,'shadib',207375,0,0,1735015692),(202804,225465,'shadib',177210,0,0,1735015692),(198626,225465,'shadib',280869,0,0,1735015692),(153081,225465,'shadib',207375,0,0,1735015692),(207537,225465,'shadib',176982,0,0,1735015692),(206307,225465,'shadib',257761,0,0,1735015692) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735015692 ; date:08:18:59 Time:1.429S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37054150337 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:18:59 Time:1.267S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92433598886 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015728 date:08:18:59 Time:0.919S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17033118852 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015728 date:08:18:59 Time:0.868S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13064357534 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015728 date:08:18:59 Time:0.623S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22289153143 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015728 date:08:18:59 Time:0.367S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81017691632 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015739 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015729 date:08:18:59 Time:0.116S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72899012503 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735015739 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735015729 date:08:18:59 Time:1.098S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63536555763 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:18:59 Time:1.057S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18684409530 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:18:59 Time:0.939S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15977931792 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:18:59 Time:0.913S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31930553480 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:18:59 Time:0.681S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50909673922 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735015738 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:19:02 Time:0.256S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28453151850 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281677,264026,'mehrsa91',287919,0,2,1735015742),(281342,264026,'mehrsa91',147203,0,2,1735015742) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735015742 ; date:08:22:00 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=776gp&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%F2%3B%D8%26%D8%B6%CB%BCN%DCQDIwMjB7ImlwIjoiNS4xMjYuMTkuODEiLCJ1cyI6Mjg5NDA2LCJybCI6MSwiaXN2IjoxLCJubSI6Ilx1Mjc2NFx1MDY0Mlx1MDY0NFx1MDYyOFx1MDZjYyBcdTA2NDggXHUwNjIyXHUwNjQ3XHUwNjQ2XHUwNmFmXHUwNmNjPz8%2FPz8%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%3D%3D%E7nt&pg=1& UID:54071800025 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=277049 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:08:22:20 Time:0.478S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41128201613 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(261322,292974,'hamidm20',252526,0,3,1735015940) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735015940 ; date:08:22:21 Time:1.658S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29422034866 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(154434,253187,'mhssilent',177700,0,0,1735015939),(6729,253187,'mhssilent',109983,0,0,1735015939) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735015939 ; date:08:26:28 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47514909033 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(177807,286386,'maryamxt_2004',186131,0,0,1735016188),(187414,286386,'maryamxt_2004',147429,0,0,1735016188),(92403,286386,'maryamxt_2004',170905,0,0,1735016188) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735016188 ; date:08:30:29 Time:0.154S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78659670542 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735016429 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:30:29 Time:0.231S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31808825053 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735016429 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735016419 date:08:31:00 Time:0.193S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52547521447 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735016460 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:31:00 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45717899009 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735016460 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735016450 date:08:35:00 Time:0.204S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68176423534 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735016700 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:35:00 Time:0.174S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45203461239 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735016700 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735016690 date:08:50:02 Time:0.168S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68067697936 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735017602 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:50:03 Time:0.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95965205527 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735017603 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:51:02 Time:0.151S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82734376402 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(107896,295529,'rooonnn',195706,0,6,1735017662),(118343,295529,'rooonnn',164016,0,6,1735017662),(108675,295529,'rooonnn',200448,1,6,1735017662) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735017662,`lik`=1 ; date:08:52:28 Time:0.291S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34947537385 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735017748 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:52:28 Time:0.137S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88231271395 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735017748 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735017738 date:08:57:00 Time:0.332S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61638299634 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282532,245981,'leoooooo',254635,0,8,1735018020) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 8,`tim` = 1735018020 ; date:08:57:00 Time:0.275S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23371087465 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735018020 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:57:00 Time:0.202S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11208906009 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735018020 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735018010 date:08:57:00 Time:0.259S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83047803451 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735018020 WHERE `ip`='' date:08:57:30 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64045278100 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(140190,279729,'sana_daichin2010',210795,0,1,1735018050),(172606,279729,'sana_daichin2010',236198,0,1,1735018050) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735018050 ; date:08:58:34 Time:0.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65166135290 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735018114 WHERE `ip`='' date:09:00:32 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90402558503 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282488,241612,'mmmm1385',226481,0,13,1735018232) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735018232 ; date:09:00:35 Time:0.289S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31153327119 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(117312,267249,'hammim76',143911,0,0,1735018235),(182617,267249,'hammim76',257187,0,0,1735018235),(182618,267249,'hammim76',257187,0,0,1735018235),(182620,267249,'hammim76',257187,0,0,1735018235) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735018235 ; date:09:01:09 Time:1.442S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=text&pid=mio6p&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=.X%FAW%B8%BA%AD%E8%EA%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%3D%1E%0Cb&pg=1& UID:58616092547 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_t` WHERE `pid`=780849 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:09:03:29 Time:0.973S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95626493055 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(72327,290975,'huklm',142331,0,1,1735018408) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735018408 ; date:09:03:29 Time:0.799S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20816146965 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(21375,297775,'llz138all',16,0,0,1735018408),(48072,297775,'llz138all',126579,0,0,1735018408),(31503,297775,'llz138all',130878,0,0,1735018408) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735018408 ; date:09:03:29 Time:0.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65858905993 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(73756,241612,'mmmm1385',144064,0,13,1735018409),(282824,241612,'mmmm1385',179134,0,13,1735018409),(278468,241612,'mmmm1385',266228,0,13,1735018409) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735018409 ; date:09:04:05 Time:0.291S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66578963449 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283564,260719,'ra_shan',254635,1,6,1735018445),(283562,260719,'ra_shan',254635,0,6,1735018445),(283559,260719,'ra_shan',254635,1,6,1735018445),(283558,260719,'ra_shan',254635,0,6,1735018445) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735018445 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (283591) and `un`='ra_shan'; date:09:05:39 Time:0.147S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94969523308 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280353,237276,'Mani7',252526,0,12,1735018539),(281677,237276,'Mani7',287919,0,12,1735018539),(282663,237276,'Mani7',290961,0,12,1735018539),(283278,237276,'Mani7',287919,0,12,1735018539) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735018539 ; date:09:08:35 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70897131706 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735018715 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735018705 date:09:08:35 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41856876962 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735018715 WHERE `ip`='' date:09:09:07 Time:1.305S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42481948778 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(8836,126223,'beny6799',121737,0,1,1735018746) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735018746 ; date:09:10:36 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95885179938 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(117061,263207,'nothing13',147203,0,0,1735018836),(114569,263207,'nothing13',204658,0,0,1735018836) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735018836 ; date:09:17:53 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59919737443 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(79759,208650,'z13647099',163175,0,10,1735019273) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 10,`tim` = 1735019273 ; date:09:18:07 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69798663609 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735019287 WHERE `ip`='' date:09:22:08 Time:0.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75483024806 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283313,237054,'arez0oo',210648,0,11,1735019527),(283310,237054,'arez0oo',289406,0,11,1735019527),(283213,237054,'arez0oo',297442,0,11,1735019527),(283147,237054,'arez0oo',261283,0,11,1735019527),(283163,237054,'arez0oo',265138,0,11,1735019527),(282900,237054,'arez0oo',181422,0,11,1735019527) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735019527 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (278830) and `un`='arez0oo'; date:09:22:08 Time:0.14S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38699484046 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(212559,263780,'anime_life',235123,0,0,1735019528),(247223,263780,'anime_life',147420,0,0,1735019528),(205878,263780,'anime_life',198558,0,0,1735019528) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735019528 ; date:09:24:08 Time:0.129S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72860841877 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(277987,241612,'mmmm1385',251506,0,13,1735019648),(212559,241612,'mmmm1385',235123,0,13,1735019648) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735019648 ; date:09:26:38 Time:0.479S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88922359123 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283605,274822,'mahhhsa',274822,0,7,1735019798),(283529,274822,'mahhhsa',274822,0,7,1735019798) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735019798 ; date:09:26:39 Time:0.596S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46599605213 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283273,125820,'rozella',287919,0,90,1735019798),(19648,125820,'rozella',139344,0,90,1735019798),(283252,125820,'rozella',134292,0,90,1735019798) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 90,`tim` = 1735019798 ; date:09:27:04 Time:0.622S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82632677301 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(179919,297775,'llz138all',244268,0,0,1735019823) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735019823 ; date:09:27:39 Time:0.674S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86935969909 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(59404,258350,'pn1417',149021,0,11,1735019858) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735019858 ; date:09:27:40 Time:0.465S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35334643585 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735019859 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735019849 date:09:27:40 Time:0.447S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21285538039 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735019859 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735019849 date:09:27:40 Time:0.338S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70543494371 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735019859 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735019849 date:09:27:40 Time:0.24S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80196372564 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735019859 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735019849 date:09:27:40 Time:0.194S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63465460453 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735019859 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735019849 date:09:27:41 Time:0.636S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50465230303 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(201780,297525,'only_god313',141503,0,0,1735019860) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735019860 ; date:09:27:41 Time:1.01S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21285538039 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(186348,137701,'sevda_456',274810,0,0,1735019859) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735019859 ; date:09:30:00 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34940358162 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282246,237054,'arez0oo',157769,1,11,1735019999),(247875,237054,'arez0oo',274070,0,11,1735019999),(118951,237054,'arez0oo',201821,0,11,1735019999),(225298,237054,'arez0oo',237054,0,11,1735019999) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735019999 ; date:09:30:00 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19764261463 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(3282,295130,'mahya12safavi',20,0,0,1735019999),(3823,295130,'mahya12safavi',20,0,0,1735019999),(243825,295130,'mahya12safavi',224447,0,0,1735019999),(239735,295130,'mahya12safavi',224447,0,0,1735019999),(4447,295130,'mahya12safavi',116903,0,0,1735019999),(164944,295130,'mahya12safavi',231094,0,0,1735019999),(5297,295130,'mahya12safavi',115761,0,0,1735019999),(2593,295130,'mahya12safavi',20,0,0,1735019999),(2544,295130,'mahya12safavi',20,0,0,1735019999),(2548,295130,'mahya12safavi',20,0,0,1735019999),(2565,295130,'mahya12safavi',20,0,0,1735019999),(4242,295130,'mahya12safavi',20,0,0,1735019999),(4241,295130,'mahya12safavi',20,0,0,1735019999) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735019999 ; date:09:30:35 Time:0.117S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25145094506 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735020035 WHERE `ip`='' date:09:31:09 Time:0.303S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19994764260 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(791470,170677,'zahra00907hg',170677,0,3,1735020069) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735020069 ; date:09:36:40 Time:0.321S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46670135267 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280062,297458,'ggggggffffff',134292,0,0,1735020400),(272038,297458,'ggggggffffff',203478,0,0,1735020400),(283252,297458,'ggggggffffff',134292,0,0,1735020400),(282508,297458,'ggggggffffff',289446,0,0,1735020400) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735020400 ; date:09:37:05 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70518718350 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282654,259689,'aaa2008',283310,0,6,1735020425) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735020425 ; date:09:37:11 Time:0.595S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28555751083 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020421 date:09:37:11 Time:0.534S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12377897961 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020421 date:09:37:11 Time:0.459S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97597999168 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020421 date:09:37:11 Time:0.396S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72256892928 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020421 date:09:37:11 Time:0.381S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42680568051 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020421 date:09:37:11 Time:0.356S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82000832982 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020421 date:09:37:11 Time:0.232S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93860123525 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020421 date:09:37:11 Time:0.568S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80737239682 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' date:09:37:11 Time:0.223S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26013496029 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020421 date:09:37:11 Time:0.371S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86490909993 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' date:09:37:11 Time:0.35S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39871962773 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' date:09:37:11 Time:0.247S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65378637861 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735020431 WHERE `ip`='' date:09:39:38 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24805632041 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(269104,257738,'bts_kimtaehung',257738,0,3,1735020577) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735020577 ; date:09:45:41 Time:0.194S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13223617102 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020941 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020931 date:09:45:41 Time:0.156S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67797096806 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735020941 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735020931 date:09:48:43 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69870491217 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283610,246126,'xodee_turke',261283,1,9,1735021123),(283606,246126,'xodee_turke',261283,1,9,1735021123) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 9,`tim` = 1735021123,`lik`=1 ; date:09:48:43 Time:0.466S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58723621408 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(164960,282996,'avaava918',233075,0,4,1735021122),(279519,282996,'avaava918',282996,0,4,1735021122),(273505,282996,'avaava918',184940,0,4,1735021122),(263470,282996,'avaava918',184940,0,4,1735021122) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735021122 ; date:09:50:42 Time:0.191S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18541149859 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(187068,295175,'avzoin',183820,0,1,1735021242) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735021242 ; date:09:58:43 Time:0.217S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83844059260 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735021723 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735021713 date:09:58:43 Time:0.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61536756002 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735021723 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735021713 date:09:59:41 Time:0.36S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98293964856 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(203184,293285,'nabodshodeh',219297,0,1,1735021780),(203183,293285,'nabodshodeh',219297,0,1,1735021780) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735021780 ; date:09:59:44 Time:0.548S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81909743529 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283627,297571,'zaki1388',297571,0,4,1735021783) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735021783 ; date:10:08:09 Time:0.11S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94143201184 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(33465,296740,'hasti897',140541,0,4,1735022289),(193267,296740,'hasti897',254980,0,4,1735022289) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735022289 ; date:10:12:44 Time:0.107S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62137549565 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(194004,233591,'azguli',230759,0,0,1735022564) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735022564 ; date:10:15:47 Time:0.284S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48438253501 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735022747 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:15:47 Time:0.236S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14631171040 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735022747 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735022737 date:10:15:47 Time:0.236S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19733360556 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735022747 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735022737 date:10:15:47 Time:0.11S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75696442232 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735022747 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:15:47 Time:0.469S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89202158770 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283393,223333,'mtg1768',223333,0,28,1735022746) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 28,`tim` = 1735022746 ; date:10:15:47 Time:0.854S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58715635509 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(98836,297842,'artmis291',156796,0,0,1735022746) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735022746 ; date:10:15:47 Time:0.902S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29150437886 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(269883,295130,'mahya12safavi',148289,0,0,1735022746),(40818,295130,'mahya12safavi',120900,0,0,1735022746),(219892,295130,'mahya12safavi',166320,0,0,1735022746),(207836,295130,'mahya12safavi',166320,0,0,1735022746),(94785,295130,'mahya12safavi',166320,0,0,1735022746),(219893,295130,'mahya12safavi',166320,0,0,1735022746),(246401,295130,'mahya12safavi',166320,0,0,1735022746),(94775,295130,'mahya12safavi',166320,0,0,1735022746),(39888,295130,'mahya12safavi',127848,0,0,1735022746),(37383,295130,'mahya12safavi',148289,0,0,1735022746),(42852,295130,'mahya12safavi',153383,0,0,1735022746) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735022746 ; date:10:17:46 Time:0.192S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97947596747 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735022866 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:22:06 Time:0.331S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51770502852 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(100441,291885,'niayesh_55',205644,0,1,1735023126),(8105,291885,'niayesh_55',113717,0,1,1735023126) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735023126 ; date:10:22:06 Time:1.242S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=7at8p&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%B4%2B%F5%F4_%CC%EA%B8%14%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%3D%3D%1A_P&pg=1& UID:56652080541 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=282449 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:10:22:11 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63775175128 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(86602,295046,'lllllllllll22llllllllll',172265,0,1,1735023131),(78348,295046,'lllllllllll22llllllllll',172265,0,1,1735023131),(86592,295046,'lllllllllll22llllllllll',172265,0,1,1735023131),(180651,295046,'lllllllllll22llllllllll',236786,0,1,1735023131) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735023131 ; date:10:22:31 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53251298160 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735023151 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735023141 date:10:22:39 Time:0.506S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46276773046 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(264877,296776,'fa_2525',285061,0,1,1735023158),(251599,296776,'fa_2525',166320,0,1,1735023158) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735023158 ; date:10:22:39 Time:1.005S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43534500299 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282449,281523,'MeLiNa_666',179205,0,50,1735023158) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 50,`tim` = 1735023158 ; date:10:23:48 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42703176984 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206249,275553,'hanio',276259,0,1,1735023228) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735023228 ; date:10:24:17 Time:0.161S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78933342014 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(246023,297122,'veysi',266152,0,5,1735023257) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735023257 ; date:10:24:27 Time:0.14S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69697274761 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(240998,264045,'sskhasss',224447,0,8,1735023267) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 8,`tim` = 1735023267 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (255839) and `un`='sskhasss'; date:10:27:18 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62913134132 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(209356,288124,'at_hfrs',147203,0,10,1735023438) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 10,`tim` = 1735023438 ; date:10:27:48 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44355075216 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282315,160214,'tanii',160214,0,133,1735023468) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 133,`tim` = 1735023468 ; date:10:27:48 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21141907745 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(783334,279409,'jpzzkup',279409,0,60,1735023468) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 60,`tim` = 1735023468 ; date:10:29:20 Time:0.329S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27873331913 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280353,290588,'flower1212',252526,0,5,1735023559),(282663,290588,'flower1212',290961,0,5,1735023559) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735023559 ; date:10:29:30 Time:0.527S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36627129669 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283491,161766,'fatifh87',161766,0,4,1735023569),(283487,161766,'fatifh87',161766,0,4,1735023569) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735023569 ; date:10:29:30 Time:0.434S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39862820924 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735023560 date:10:29:30 Time:0.302S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72799082219 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735023560 date:10:29:30 Time:0.301S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85368438259 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735023560 date:10:29:30 Time:0.26S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92208432400 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735023560 date:10:29:30 Time:0.214S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33999350147 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735023560 date:10:29:30 Time:0.157S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82291968944 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735023560 date:10:29:30 Time:0.424S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22871240403 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:29:30 Time:0.41S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28227340000 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:29:30 Time:0.383S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89707851856 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:29:30 Time:0.209S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22782431388 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:29:30 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38525170601 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:29:30 Time:0.239S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34096834228 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735023570 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:30:42 Time:0.162S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95193416781 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735023642 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:31:49 Time:0.375S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17755719256 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280106,288603,'zjyfnfse',295458,0,2,1735023708),(276778,288603,'zjyfnfse',112291,0,2,1735023708) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735023708 ; date:10:31:51 Time:0.246S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54889792459 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280499,272040,'woundedrose',289406,1,7,1735023710),(282532,272040,'woundedrose',254635,1,7,1735023710),(281342,272040,'woundedrose',147203,1,7,1735023710) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735023710,`lik`=1 ; date:10:31:51 Time:0.211S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15352337287 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735023711 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:31:51 Time:0.44S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=771dj&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%1A%3B%C9%F7%AC%B8%E0%3F%BF%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%3D%B9P%8D&pg=1& UID:27246068165 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=276737 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:10:33:36 Time:0.165S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22236980408 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(151819,261793,'mahlaaaaaaaaa',209937,0,2,1735023816) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735023816 ; date:10:35:20 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40619562337 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208602,278728,'sara_03',172767,0,40,1735023920),(205752,278728,'sara_03',172767,0,40,1735023920) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 40,`tim` = 1735023920 ; date:10:38:20 Time:0.288S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58543249912 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(792670,187077,'hosna_80',257856,0,11,1735024099),(785645,187077,'hosna_80',187077,0,11,1735024099) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735024099 ; date:10:38:20 Time:0.133S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33280758154 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(278013,147275,'secret_chambers2008',273230,0,2,1735024099) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735024099 ; date:10:39:09 Time:0.777S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48928540958 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:39:09 Time:0.734S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36044308710 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.604S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16684311870 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.6S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41365810359 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.572S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60309112240 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.572S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19506683776 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.506S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69644072447 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.41S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45043089878 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.427S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51432430979 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.379S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16990607309 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024138 date:10:39:09 Time:0.227S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28571798500 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024149 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024139 date:10:39:09 Time:0.679S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88017224034 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024148 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:39:34 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15797543459 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024174 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:40:21 Time:0.361S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61731538586 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(257892,255338,'neda_1389',116800,0,124,1735024220) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 124,`tim` = 1735024220 ; date:10:40:21 Time:0.393S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39047369302 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(95163,296776,'fa_2525',177800,0,1,1735024220),(81777,296776,'fa_2525',141742,0,1,1735024220) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735024220 ; date:10:41:36 Time:1.743S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66451068883 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024294 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:41:36 Time:1.687S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31198620854 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024294 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024284 date:10:41:36 Time:1.537S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17885273626 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024285 date:10:41:36 Time:1.52S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66553279205 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024285 date:10:41:36 Time:1.498S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31951698359 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024285 date:10:41:36 Time:1.416S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47313678288 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024285 date:10:41:36 Time:1.335S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49290277904 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024285 date:10:41:36 Time:1.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79583470450 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024285 date:10:41:36 Time:1.185S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19317247049 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024285 date:10:41:36 Time:1.726S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29924459074 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024294 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:41:36 Time:1.655S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42350015070 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024294 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:41:36 Time:1.323S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79288874792 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:41:36 Time:1.306S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19166634809 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:41:36 Time:1.044S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12652385277 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024295 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:42:50 Time:0.152S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67997600058 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281768,169392,'yakta_86',261283,0,1,1735024370) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735024370 ; date:10:43:20 Time:0.11S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40836421772 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(264229,260719,'ra_shan',261283,0,6,1735024400) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735024400 ; date:10:43:57 Time:2.193S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72598238782 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:43:57 Time:2.147S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23775425975 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024425 date:10:43:57 Time:2.122S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40684990740 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024425 date:10:43:57 Time:2.043S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36155420738 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024425 date:10:43:57 Time:2S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76266515467 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024425 date:10:43:57 Time:1.94S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36435925443 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024425 date:10:43:57 Time:1.892S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22501078270 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024425 date:10:43:57 Time:1.777S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91156104091 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024425 date:10:43:57 Time:1.677S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84375982488 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024425 date:10:43:57 Time:1.542S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72682780697 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024436 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024426 date:10:43:57 Time:1.239S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48581298265 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024436 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024426 date:10:43:57 Time:1.156S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67510454883 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024436 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024426 date:10:43:57 Time:1.133S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26807977343 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024436 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024426 date:10:43:57 Time:2.007S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67021074890 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:43:57 Time:1.882S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19684374349 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735024435 WHERE `ip`='' date:10:43:58 Time:0.371S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91098308078 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(270561,255145,'ani_0',288371,0,1,1735024438),(222534,255145,'ani_0',249601,0,1,1735024438),(126676,255145,'ani_0',205676,0,1,1735024438) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735024438 ; date:10:43:58 Time:0.84S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36155420738 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(146676,290074,'hli888',222650,0,1,1735024435),(257782,290074,'hli888',248097,0,1,1735024435),(280958,290074,'hli888',262811,0,1,1735024435) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735024435 ; date:10:44:31 Time:0.3S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77610597827 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281342,277717,'jesika',147203,0,4,1735024471) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735024471 ; date:10:45:51 Time:0.168S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70144892600 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024551 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024541 date:10:49:52 Time:0.355S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94828721332 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(169765,259520,'rmahy',221784,0,0,1735024792) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735024792 ; date:10:51:22 Time:0.119S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44562684600 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735024882 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735024872 date:10:53:22 Time:0.18S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79631696854 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281677,231837,'sanbmangirl',287919,0,1,1735025002),(281342,231837,'sanbmangirl',147203,0,1,1735025002) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735025002 ; date:10:53:34 Time:0.203S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17166833767 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(34388,206573,'sarakhanom1386',132164,0,2,1735025014) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735025014 ; date:10:53:52 Time:0.126S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83160889908 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282473,225474,'pari_seti',233755,0,0,1735025032),(282781,225474,'pari_seti',271865,0,0,1735025032) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735025032 ; date:10:55:22 Time:0.157S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34542080812 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735025122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025112 date:10:55:22 Time:0.144S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69446652977 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735025122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025112 date:10:56:52 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48892106382 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(16011,276015,'sh9987sarah',16,0,2,1735025212),(121650,276015,'sh9987sarah',200258,0,2,1735025212) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735025212 ; date:10:58:24 Time:1.524S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98255677326 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282481,272331,'rahkshani_1389',193409,0,0,1735025303) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735025303 ; date:10:58:24 Time:0.398S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42242976310 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(29145,297854,'rahahaamimfan',276448,1,0,1735025304),(3992,297854,'rahahaamimfan',121737,0,0,1735025304) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735025304 ; date:11:02:25 Time:0.447S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85806576473 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735025545 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:02:25 Time:0.43S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99202886942 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735025545 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025535 date:11:02:25 Time:0.4S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84225533713 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735025545 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025535 date:11:02:25 Time:0.393S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50711676465 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735025545 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025535 date:11:02:25 Time:0.376S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99862053725 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735025545 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025535 date:11:02:25 Time:0.294S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73448849319 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735025545 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025535 date:11:02:25 Time:0.302S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65197742657 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735025545 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:02:25 Time:0.913S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72273256833 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(224276,276110,'lisaa_black',113474,0,4,1735025544),(216650,276110,'lisaa_black',113474,0,4,1735025544) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735025544 ; date:11:05:29 Time:0.222S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56391016793 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(275880,232636,'gucjjcjhffbjf',282590,0,2,1735025728) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735025728 ; date:11:10:05 Time:0.155S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27987209141 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026005 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:10:05 Time:0.147S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18754408780 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025995 date:11:10:05 Time:0.127S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82925880397 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735025995 date:11:11:25 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50678752981 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026085 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026075 date:11:11:25 Time:0.135S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51250715692 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026085 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026075 date:11:11:25 Time:0.185S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50618317631 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026085 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:11:25 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99327424955 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026085 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:14:55 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15528754526 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282532,297352,'yeganeh2',254635,0,0,1735026295) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735026295 ; date:11:15:25 Time:0.151S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91489278202 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(159652,200251,'afateme1234',181011,0,0,1735026325),(205938,200251,'afateme1234',216881,0,0,1735026325) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735026325 ; date:11:16:56 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49043335580 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(160436,288337,'l1234',153089,0,2,1735026416),(179540,288337,'l1234',141742,0,2,1735026416) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735026416 ; date:11:22:44 Time:0.246S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54640563837 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026754 date:11:22:44 Time:0.16S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99711727340 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026754 date:11:22:44 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59059007153 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026754 date:11:22:44 Time:0.109S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38089301810 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026754 date:11:22:44 Time:0.272S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78890796819 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026764 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:22:45 Time:0.806S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90937452692 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(73740,256950,'love_14',172658,0,1,1735026765),(244792,256950,'love_14',258236,0,1,1735026765),(142768,256950,'love_14',147791,0,1,1735026765) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735026765 ; date:11:22:45 Time:1.582S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97256803152 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283252,270674,'BM8214',134292,0,1,1735026764) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735026764 ; date:11:22:45 Time:1.885S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67601307935 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276247,273546,'fati1018',157769,0,2,1735026763),(230878,273546,'fati1018',108876,0,2,1735026763) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735026763 ; date:11:22:45 Time:0.369S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84196885273 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283290,237054,'arez0oo',237054,0,11,1735026765) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735026765 ; date:11:22:57 Time:0.221S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75013885409 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(167303,240569,'abedi1390',218649,0,1,1735026777) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735026777 ; date:11:24:27 Time:0.505S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31851812267 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(118387,291860,'nargesssnp',116900,0,1,1735026867),(120637,291860,'nargesssnp',133204,0,1,1735026867) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735026867 ; date:11:24:27 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57685140746 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794913,297776,'yas_dodi',297776,0,4,1735026867) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735026867 ; date:11:26:14 Time:0.571S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44932058335 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.472S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96551417328 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.388S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44388478259 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64942607291 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95932350867 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23397123843 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.214S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36560553624 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.174S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84122088731 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.171S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90790918004 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:14 Time:0.621S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58516064360 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:14 Time:0.594S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68059039049 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:14 Time:0.566S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47499576261 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:14 Time:0.517S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51532330377 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:14 Time:0.565S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34297234716 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:15 Time:0.48S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67466309646 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:15 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30261343183 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026964 date:11:26:15 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33701666349 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026965 date:11:26:15 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33644757097 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026965 date:11:26:15 Time:0.523S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77558947171 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:15 Time:0.507S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12829523609 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:15 Time:0.469S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20133915008 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026974 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:15 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84957574424 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:15 Time:0.324S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61047408506 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026965 date:11:26:15 Time:0.277S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82874689815 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026965 date:11:26:15 Time:0.106S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46767541482 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026965 date:11:26:16 Time:0.393S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34534095324 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026965 date:11:26:16 Time:0.359S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35413389642 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026965 date:11:26:16 Time:0.135S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54475962590 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026965 date:11:26:16 Time:0.323S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53721930077 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:16 Time:0.201S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98266631469 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:16 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18446548617 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026975 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:21 Time:4.985S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98035557395 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.911S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61422991031 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.727S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89057366920 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.613S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43187784391 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.59S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78140173112 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.536S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81270819308 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.465S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81540040377 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.44S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27809681218 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.426S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58560496841 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.389S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79540870000 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026966 date:11:26:21 Time:4.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85192391245 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026977 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026967 date:11:26:21 Time:3.716S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64172532677 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026977 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026967 date:11:26:21 Time:2.341S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15495948985 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026978 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026968 date:11:26:21 Time:5.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63457959237 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:21 Time:4.847S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41051014855 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:21 Time:4.713S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58923430674 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026976 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53756541412 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56778891759 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17144909263 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30522364098 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21575615805 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81003749624 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.454S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43714216685 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97391213478 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35372206310 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:4.452S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38737463930 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:3.782S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90150171729 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026971 date:11:26:25 Time:3.158S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28382382035 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026982 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026972 date:11:26:25 Time:4.456S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82781927290 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:4.456S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76695518184 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:4.454S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37661129007 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:4.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86383701913 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026981 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:0.232S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72192700397 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:0.231S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43518897705 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29417129795 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17266071193 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34414549451 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83646132063 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44455457000 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19009518251 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.224S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94545761808 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.222S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16745218132 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735026975 date:11:26:25 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71242747813 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:0.234S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33468884394 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23492323440 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29672169928 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:25 Time:0.234S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47796401773 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735026985 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:26:27 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63779504294 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282974,287948,'nazi_oo',259761,0,1,1735026987),(282973,287948,'nazi_oo',259761,0,1,1735026987),(282434,287948,'nazi_oo',259761,0,1,1735026987) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735026987 ; date:11:28:28 Time:0.268S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99804657412 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(40324,287528,'milad_7582z',140234,0,0,1735027108),(265164,287528,'milad_7582z',140659,0,0,1735027108),(262356,287528,'milad_7582z',170887,0,0,1735027108),(261370,287528,'milad_7582z',147203,0,0,1735027108) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735027108 ; date:11:33:22 Time:0.109S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15040419282 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735027401 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735027391 date:11:33:29 Time:0.296S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71287858695 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(278606,261799,'asneat_7696',225004,0,6,1735027408) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735027408 ; date:11:35:30 Time:1.196S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98329897603 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(86524,297122,'veysi',173729,1,5,1735027529) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735027529,`lik`=1 ; date:11:36:03 Time:0.388S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24162020827 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(26766,262189,'yas30_89',142342,0,1,1735027563),(10687,262189,'yas30_89',126877,0,1,1735027563) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735027563 ; date:11:38:00 Time:0.304S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92116111804 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(33674,239764,'fdkkalbkj',159388,0,2,1735027679) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735027679 ; date:11:38:30 Time:0.107S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12794908846 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(790944,297039,'mmadpishro5',297039,0,1,1735027710),(794525,297039,'mmadpishro5',297039,0,1,1735027710) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735027710 ; date:11:38:30 Time:1.016S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56853313049 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(24702,289446,'mmrzjoon',16,0,5,1735027709),(86028,289446,'mmrzjoon',127922,0,5,1735027709),(149722,289446,'mmrzjoon',220624,0,5,1735027709),(43331,289446,'mmrzjoon',144914,0,5,1735027709) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735027709 ; date:11:42:26 Time:0.148S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71685767327 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(795112,297860,'police_110',297860,0,1,1735027945) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735027945 ; date:11:42:26 Time:0.144S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44566006079 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(272038,249543,'asiww',203478,0,2,1735027945),(249088,249543,'asiww',233755,0,2,1735027945),(276630,249543,'asiww',288595,0,2,1735027945) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735027945 ; date:11:44:31 Time:0.466S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24157482707 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282663,284520,'jakaveh',290961,0,2,1735028070),(283273,284520,'jakaveh',287919,0,2,1735028070) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735028070 ; date:11:46:28 Time:0.116S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=761nr&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%90%3C%AA%99%17%E6%B7%B5%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%22%E6&pg=1& UID:35102803294 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=272617 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:11:48:13 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94294466940 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(260156,245842,'nazgol90',245842,1,98,1735028293),(282656,245842,'nazgol90',245004,0,98,1735028293) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 98,`tim` = 1735028293 ; date:11:48:50 Time:1.212S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62683631932 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028328 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028318 date:11:48:50 Time:1.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47715471245 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028328 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028318 date:11:48:50 Time:1.209S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19773646210 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028319 date:11:48:50 Time:1.408S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63155989292 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028328 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028318 date:11:48:50 Time:1.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46469889544 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028319 date:11:48:50 Time:1.198S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86245953487 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028319 date:11:48:50 Time:1.152S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21247617329 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028319 date:11:48:50 Time:1.409S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37982888812 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735028328 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:48:50 Time:0.732S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77758242562 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028319 date:11:48:50 Time:0.832S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73354199001 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028319 date:11:48:50 Time:0.898S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82620035228 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735028319 date:11:48:50 Time:1.194S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16069400134 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:48:50 Time:1.14S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15491749063 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:48:50 Time:1.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14522236283 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:48:50 Time:0.898S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55389710785 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735028329 WHERE `ip`='' date:11:49:23 Time:0.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54768968745 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208620,284469,'alone20',284469,0,10,1735028363) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 10,`tim` = 1735028363 ; date:11:50:00 Time:1.203S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20258049138 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282484,233875,'im_malisa09',297114,0,6,1735028398),(278501,233875,'im_malisa09',294153,0,6,1735028398),(248358,233875,'im_malisa09',271441,0,6,1735028398) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735028398 ; date:11:51:33 Time:0.725S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29955359519 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794625,297860,'police_110',244896,0,1,1735028492),(790244,297860,'police_110',251019,0,1,1735028492) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735028492 ; date:11:51:33 Time:0.253S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92359427239 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(196169,256184,'aram0',283732,0,1,1735028492) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735028492 ; date:11:52:01 Time:0.216S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34009162189 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282658,259736,'Smile_16',275553,0,16,1735028521) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 16,`tim` = 1735028521 ; date:11:52:01 Time:0.19S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53970036946 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(277652,277717,'jesika',265961,0,4,1735028521),(251981,277717,'jesika',139946,0,4,1735028521),(256980,277717,'jesika',140031,0,4,1735028521),(274878,277717,'jesika',270564,0,4,1735028521) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735028521 ; date:11:57:32 Time:0.231S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27557720484 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(211885,273154,'jeeni22',141742,0,4,1735028852) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735028852 ; date:11:58:33 Time:0.162S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78920859107 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(70345,258512,'yyaydam',121737,0,0,1735028913),(16154,258512,'yyaydam',120981,0,0,1735028913),(107241,258512,'yyaydam',112638,0,0,1735028913) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735028913 ; date:12:00:53 Time:0.946S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63452896954 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:00:53 Time:0.935S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83154693927 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029042 date:12:00:53 Time:0.921S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64318376326 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029042 date:12:00:53 Time:0.916S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72699211375 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029042 date:12:00:53 Time:0.862S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81214405664 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 18,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029042 date:12:00:53 Time:0.791S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27134584203 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029042 date:12:00:53 Time:0.574S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17354739678 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029042 date:12:00:53 Time:0.875S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58620182053 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:00:53 Time:0.172S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92589718463 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029042 date:12:00:53 Time:0.866S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47545398310 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:00:53 Time:0.545S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41748462888 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:00:53 Time:0.361S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48502449953 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:00:53 Time:0.289S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38783653161 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029052 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:01:03 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23052711710 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029063 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:01:27 Time:0.736S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72861779312 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:01:27 Time:0.678S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44337626606 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029077 date:12:01:27 Time:0.606S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14084005409 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029077 date:12:01:27 Time:0.538S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67460244121 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029077 date:12:01:27 Time:0.533S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30157789087 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029077 date:12:01:27 Time:0.502S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31579673575 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029077 date:12:01:27 Time:0.425S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69296457426 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029077 date:12:01:27 Time:0.301S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40187155373 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029077 date:12:01:27 Time:0.592S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45746950168 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:01:27 Time:0.552S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14914807032 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029087 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:01:28 Time:1.05S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78116292718 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794428,297322,'adrina7007',297322,0,3,1735029087) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735029087 ; date:12:01:28 Time:1.84S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38185405433 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276342,249543,'asiww',238736,0,2,1735029087),(276363,249543,'asiww',134292,0,2,1735029087),(250120,249543,'asiww',178625,0,2,1735029087),(123682,249543,'asiww',191975,0,2,1735029087),(178836,249543,'asiww',147429,0,2,1735029087) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735029087 ; date:12:02:03 Time:0.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31987040637 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029112 date:12:02:03 Time:0.32S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91173861687 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029112 date:12:02:03 Time:0.308S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95393517131 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029112 date:12:02:03 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90773402456 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029112 date:12:02:03 Time:0.272S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81752685964 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029112 date:12:02:03 Time:0.265S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61982029979 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029112 date:12:02:03 Time:0.214S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46735619318 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029112 date:12:02:03 Time:0.126S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36076553253 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:02:03 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34632411429 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029122 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029112 date:12:02:04 Time:0.69S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74908290186 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(163704,253105,'bagheri_blue',223812,0,1,1735029123),(245733,253105,'bagheri_blue',271064,0,1,1735029123) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735029123 ; date:12:02:04 Time:2.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77005724303 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280691,291400,'tanaz_1889',266228,0,3,1735029122) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735029122 ; date:12:02:33 Time:0.239S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16838374410 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(154958,265294,'army_jimina',168599,0,1,1735029153),(226724,265294,'army_jimina',257805,0,1,1735029153) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735029153 ; date:12:02:37 Time:0.204S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39444166708 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029157 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029147 date:12:02:37 Time:0.193S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60721951739 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029157 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029147 date:12:02:37 Time:0.254S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26893957575 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029157 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:02:37 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24441948943 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029157 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029147 date:12:02:37 Time:0.221S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79602770183 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029157 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:02:37 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65949346134 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735029157 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:06:04 Time:0.213S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28371650713 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(67872,295008,'tanna',163608,0,1,1735029363),(10174,295008,'tanna',124425,0,1,1735029363) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735029363 ; date:12:10:24 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21238583509 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283652,255338,'neda_1389',170873,1,124,1735029624) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 124,`tim` = 1735029624,`lik`=1 ; date:12:11:02 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20234361890 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(795129,279729,'sana_daichin2010',279729,0,1,1735029661) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735029661 ; date:12:11:35 Time:0.438S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65952686809 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(277049,297793,'fatemeh_hasani',289406,0,0,1735029694),(281489,297793,'fatemeh_hasani',146526,0,0,1735029694) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735029694 ; date:12:13:27 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58491955601 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735029807 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735029797 date:12:13:27 Time:0.154S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76663587000 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(203907,225511,'ssheyda',292093,0,1,1735029807),(23893,225511,'ssheyda',147514,0,1,1735029807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735029807 ; date:12:13:35 Time:0.244S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61919620539 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(174750,245004,'pesarakkk',208978,0,20,1735029815),(167597,245004,'pesarakkk',211806,0,20,1735029815) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 20,`tim` = 1735029815 ; date:12:13:40 Time:0.124S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=6e29n&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=mH%1B%E5%86y%C7%2A%B5%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%A1DO&pg=1& UID:38556236899 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=224187 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:12:14:05 Time:0.142S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22448318177 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(191421,297871,'FrFrii_077',172844,0,0,1735029845),(52401,297871,'FrFrii_077',172767,0,0,1735029845),(157450,297871,'FrFrii_077',215689,0,0,1735029845),(197811,297871,'FrFrii_077',212686,0,0,1735029845) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735029845 ; date:12:15:05 Time:0.151S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98074616228 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(15992,297831,'afraare15',130328,0,0,1735029905),(65099,297831,'afraare15',169622,0,0,1735029905) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735029905 ; date:12:18:08 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54609597468 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(105545,199193,'sogand0aa',140541,0,4,1735030088) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735030088 ; date:12:18:08 Time:0.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82281014712 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282381,220736,'chjfddd',245842,0,57,1735030088),(282656,220736,'chjfddd',245004,1,57,1735030088) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 57,`tim` = 1735030088,`lik`=1 ; date:12:19:26 Time:0.181S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=1dtv0&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%8E%2CWd%C6%A1%FD%E6%2A%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%7E%BC%80&pg=1& UID:65273677270 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=98328 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:12:19:55 Time:0.329S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22979119107 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(7596,145716,'maede_es',109713,0,3,1735030195),(6690,145716,'maede_es',113423,0,3,1735030195),(8176,145716,'maede_es',114300,0,3,1735030195) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735030195 ; date:12:20:37 Time:0.506S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53737057064 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(95446,294546,'selin04',141503,0,3,1735030237),(105070,294546,'selin04',117119,0,3,1735030237),(123732,294546,'selin04',141742,0,3,1735030237),(124468,294546,'selin04',190102,0,3,1735030237),(147545,294546,'selin04',141742,0,3,1735030237) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735030237 ; date:12:22:16 Time:0.376S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86873942508 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(57062,170401,'glra_09',16,0,5,1735030336) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735030336 ; date:12:22:16 Time:0.335S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51546057530 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794571,203424,'yektag',203424,0,33,1735030336) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 33,`tim` = 1735030336 ; date:12:22:19 Time:0.244S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86265968356 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206402,152698,'rzanb',115656,0,9,1735030339),(183933,152698,'rzanb',270746,0,9,1735030339),(46044,152698,'rzanb',166711,0,9,1735030339) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 9,`tim` = 1735030339 ; date:12:23:36 Time:0.291S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61467440449 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(159652,268062,'mia912',181011,0,2,1735030416) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735030416 ; date:12:23:37 Time:0.164S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37191970619 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735030416 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:23:37 Time:0.161S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20862580859 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 8,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030416 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030406 date:12:23:37 Time:0.144S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53613105018 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030416 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030406 date:12:24:17 Time:0.532S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94274199514 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(218881,276637,'nika03',170925,0,0,1735030457),(11976,276637,'nika03',128985,0,0,1735030457) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735030457 ; date:12:25:37 Time:0.226S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29650149942 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030537 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030527 date:12:25:37 Time:0.156S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37409818582 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030537 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030527 date:12:27:16 Time:0.117S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36257384757 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280691,261288,'babyboy12',266228,0,12,1735030636),(282495,261288,'babyboy12',227327,0,12,1735030636),(279618,261288,'babyboy12',157769,0,12,1735030636),(280157,261288,'babyboy12',262351,0,12,1735030636),(280069,261288,'babyboy12',276259,0,12,1735030636),(281526,261288,'babyboy12',157769,0,12,1735030636),(275806,261288,'babyboy12',293524,0,12,1735030636) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735030636 ; date:12:28:37 Time:0.836S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15317161065 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030716 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030706 date:12:28:37 Time:0.641S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94577084559 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 7,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.615S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92902984002 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.552S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89327086174 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.451S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73546179336 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.396S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90383078736 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.381S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57157368367 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.364S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95288420875 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.334S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75884933263 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.223S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61746240327 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030707 date:12:28:37 Time:0.491S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97590356105 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:28:37 Time:0.369S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82022269175 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:28:37 Time:0.3S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69921005207 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735030717 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:28:40 Time:1.557S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31364075173 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283669,140659,'anahita5005',113474,0,98,1735030718) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 98,`tim` = 1735030718 ; date:12:28:40 Time:1.518S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34107254496 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208126,221997,'aramm_fati',227391,0,1,1735030718) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735030718 ; date:12:28:40 Time:0.264S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18713832780 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(247875,297560,'grli_bad',274070,0,1,1735030719),(280274,297560,'grli_bad',161004,0,1,1735030719) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735030719 ; date:12:28:40 Time:0.248S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91703939020 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283439,246126,'xodee_turke',178388,1,9,1735030719) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 9,`tim` = 1735030719,`lik`=1 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (283271) and `un`='xodee_turke'; date:12:29:07 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14944016735 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(100296,285300,'nadiaorgl',193100,0,1,1735030747),(40350,285300,'nadiaorgl',157277,0,1,1735030747) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735030747 ; date:12:30:08 Time:0.257S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35390163649 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(105553,170401,'glra_09',140541,0,5,1735030808),(62046,170401,'glra_09',128532,0,5,1735030808) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735030808 ; date:12:30:41 Time:1.458S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69594628262 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283392,258324,'elizaa',287453,0,4,1735030839),(283390,258324,'elizaa',287453,0,4,1735030839) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735030839 ; date:12:30:41 Time:1.381S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47090684413 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282992,172016,'z1ei3n8ab6',268839,0,1,1735030839),(67574,172016,'z1ei3n8ab6',128060,0,1,1735030839),(52187,172016,'z1ei3n8ab6',165578,0,1,1735030839),(67872,172016,'z1ei3n8ab6',163608,0,1,1735030839) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735030839 ; date:12:30:41 Time:1.352S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96136066790 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(217253,248080,'baharrrrrrr',142331,0,13,1735030839) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735030839 ; date:12:30:41 Time:1.301S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97240975088 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(214709,222323,'barsin',243149,0,11,1735030839) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735030839 ; date:12:31:39 Time:0.758S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33309855141 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283389,258324,'elizaa',287453,0,4,1735030898),(283392,258324,'elizaa',287453,0,4,1735030898),(283313,258324,'elizaa',210648,1,4,1735030898),(283271,258324,'elizaa',178388,0,4,1735030898) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735030898 ; date:12:31:39 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65587970928 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(224847,248080,'baharrrrrrr',142331,0,13,1735030899),(217250,248080,'baharrrrrrr',142331,0,13,1735030899),(213035,248080,'baharrrrrrr',142331,0,13,1735030899) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735030899 ; date:12:31:39 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33659234389 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282815,172016,'z1ei3n8ab6',233618,0,1,1735030899),(282488,172016,'z1ei3n8ab6',226481,0,1,1735030899) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735030899 ; date:12:31:39 Time:0.806S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86541405800 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(130524,297489,'asal13901399',136146,0,0,1735030898) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735030898 ; date:12:31:41 Time:0.303S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49150362846 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735030901 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:31:41 Time:0.266S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74696555436 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030901 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030891 date:12:31:41 Time:0.217S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92987062608 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030901 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030891 date:12:31:41 Time:0.167S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66257660130 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030901 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030891 date:12:31:41 Time:0.147S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46913688732 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735030901 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735030891 date:12:31:41 Time:0.164S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31821669893 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735030901 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:32:03 Time:0.165S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82584364470 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283193,245123,'amirali_g',245123,0,31,1735030923),(283137,245123,'amirali_g',245123,0,31,1735030923),(281436,245123,'amirali_g',240989,0,31,1735030923) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 31,`tim` = 1735030923 ; date:12:33:19 Time:0.297S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57287164014 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283362,216913,'bored_66',127922,0,43,1735030999),(269202,216913,'bored_66',127922,1,43,1735030999),(266830,216913,'bored_66',127922,1,43,1735030999),(222119,216913,'bored_66',217048,0,43,1735030999) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 43,`tim` = 1735030999 ; date:12:34:11 Time:1.735S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86468521637 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(163408,289693,'hana1308',232231,0,2,1735031049),(259238,289693,'hana1308',248097,0,2,1735031049),(149562,289693,'hana1308',134635,0,2,1735031049),(45382,289693,'hana1308',151745,0,2,1735031049),(244807,289693,'hana1308',272224,0,2,1735031049) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735031049 ; date:12:34:39 Time:0.241S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47120804267 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031078 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:34:39 Time:0.238S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67770580568 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031078 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031068 date:12:34:39 Time:0.235S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74266368824 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031078 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031068 date:12:34:39 Time:0.19S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99945063895 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031078 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031068 date:12:34:39 Time:0.171S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23310989063 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031078 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031068 date:12:34:56 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79903929733 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(273087,288345,'em_ran',146387,0,1,1735031096) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735031096 ; date:12:36:38 Time:0.129S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36067160596 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(204622,258522,'rozhina88',217743,0,14,1735031198) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 14,`tim` = 1735031198 ; date:12:37:43 Time:0.839S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64381628160 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031252 date:12:37:43 Time:0.787S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54158565320 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031252 date:12:37:43 Time:0.701S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28176192485 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031252 date:12:37:43 Time:0.666S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77186785022 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031252 date:12:37:43 Time:0.664S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88604902311 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031252 date:12:37:43 Time:0.64S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73817876017 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031252 date:12:37:43 Time:0.591S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59198972444 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031252 date:12:37:43 Time:0.402S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61594936306 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031263 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031253 date:12:37:43 Time:0.872S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37189496071 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:37:43 Time:0.855S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59663617461 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:37:43 Time:0.614S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25036708510 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:37:43 Time:0.608S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80612655696 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031262 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:37:43 Time:1.555S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17801602247 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279128,194195,'aysel209',282590,0,236,1735031262) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 236,`tim` = 1735031262 ; date:12:37:43 Time:0.125S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59198972444 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(200541,297877,'lufxyorzydooyd',226106,0,1,1735031262) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735031262 ; date:12:38:09 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33435409139 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(469266,215737,'fst86',202671,0,22,1735031289) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 22,`tim` = 1735031289 ; date:12:38:17 Time:0.125S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17347388318 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(175223,289506,'hastitajik',157159,0,2,1735031297) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735031297 ; date:12:38:17 Time:0.402S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79677238805 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(90636,297672,'ad13beki',179234,0,1,1735031297) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735031297 ; date:12:38:52 Time:0.246S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80932536568 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(61907,263780,'anime_life',148289,0,0,1735031332),(212541,263780,'anime_life',230565,0,0,1735031332),(47553,263780,'anime_life',147429,0,0,1735031332),(93239,263780,'anime_life',140421,0,0,1735031332) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735031332 ; date:12:38:53 Time:0.65S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85673239588 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(30350,291286,'r8585',130463,0,6,1735031332),(20071,291286,'r8585',126294,0,6,1735031332),(108474,291286,'r8585',159799,0,6,1735031332) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735031332 ; date:12:39:10 Time:0.591S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65112425713 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283358,295312,'sainaaaa',127922,0,1,1735031349),(282900,295312,'sainaaaa',181422,0,1,1735031349) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735031349 ; date:12:39:10 Time:0.48S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61987278812 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794275,203517,'opentopia_com',203517,0,62,1735031349) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 62,`tim` = 1735031349 ; date:12:39:10 Time:0.739S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84409990121 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(4290,263313,'yommmmmm',116694,0,7,1735031349) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735031349 ; date:12:39:28 Time:0.334S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72622382227 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283392,294697,'hediii78',287453,0,0,1735031367) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735031367 ; date:12:40:04 Time:0.307S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92522042112 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031404 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:41:39 Time:0.569S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30369221700 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(199690,295340,'t_1381',219991,0,0,1735031498),(182306,295340,'t_1381',147203,0,0,1735031498) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735031498 ; date:12:41:39 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62221377223 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031499 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:41:39 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43833847834 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031499 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031489 date:12:42:08 Time:0.311S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60128456313 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(278079,275897,'fatemeh201555',157769,0,3,1735031528) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735031528 ; date:12:42:10 Time:0.34S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67123268207 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031529 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031519 date:12:42:10 Time:0.326S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62413487058 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031529 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031519 date:12:42:10 Time:0.225S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93834044132 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031529 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031519 date:12:42:10 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96291583912 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031529 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031519 date:12:42:10 Time:0.176S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73854867054 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031529 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031519 date:12:42:10 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69864683112 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031529 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031519 date:12:42:10 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59489512999 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031529 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:42:10 Time:0.204S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39911464515 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031529 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:42:18 Time:0.241S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77235315032 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280820,163396,'jvgdhk',163396,0,3,1735031538) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735031538 ; date:12:44:05 Time:0.295S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18899591016 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(126620,263313,'yommmmmm',211113,0,7,1735031644),(8852,263313,'yommmmmm',123776,0,7,1735031644),(67806,263313,'yommmmmm',149608,0,7,1735031644),(264516,263313,'yommmmmm',272960,0,7,1735031644) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735031644 ; date:12:44:10 Time:0.305S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28474302363 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031650 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031640 date:12:44:10 Time:0.107S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43663220672 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031650 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031640 date:12:44:10 Time:0.179S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47212767731 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031650 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031640 date:12:44:11 Time:0.506S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74575192615 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(57757,246672,'aymgiarn0_859',16,0,0,1735031650),(8918,246672,'aymgiarn0_859',16,0,0,1735031650) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735031650 ; date:12:44:11 Time:0.431S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38509295899 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(260374,247460,'rasta_w',119342,0,24,1735031651),(266351,247460,'rasta_w',119342,0,24,1735031651) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 24,`tim` = 1735031651 ; date:12:44:24 Time:0.128S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64812830065 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(143642,289789,'bita_star',197025,0,6,1735031664),(251495,289789,'bita_star',141742,0,6,1735031664),(251808,289789,'bita_star',147203,0,6,1735031664) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735031664 ; date:12:44:41 Time:0.341S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68430272617 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(231832,199193,'sogand0aa',114281,0,4,1735031681),(240989,199193,'sogand0aa',118364,0,4,1735031681),(7459,199193,'sogand0aa',104597,0,4,1735031681) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735031681 ; date:12:44:55 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93956598454 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(204470,297221,'queen_2022',222780,0,2,1735031695),(206282,297221,'queen_2022',295838,0,2,1735031695) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735031695 ; date:12:45:10 Time:0.337S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45721217697 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:45:10 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14558548349 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031700 date:12:45:10 Time:0.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64328960559 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031700 date:12:45:10 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70441437176 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031700 date:12:45:10 Time:0.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98471616371 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031700 date:12:45:10 Time:0.272S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76769836971 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031700 date:12:45:10 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46249662224 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031700 date:12:45:10 Time:0.244S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28537532912 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031700 date:12:45:10 Time:0.168S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34170763227 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031700 date:12:45:10 Time:0.322S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81941776761 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:45:10 Time:0.28S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95336166253 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:45:10 Time:0.28S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79527279654 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031710 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:45:41 Time:0.215S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78100024831 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031741 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031731 date:12:45:41 Time:0.198S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91558533011 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031741 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031731 date:12:45:41 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52696825001 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031741 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031731 date:12:45:42 Time:0.116S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62628591259 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(133460,293281,'fateme139096',109620,0,2,1735031742) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735031742 ; date:12:46:10 Time:0.242S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20560015195 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031770 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:46:10 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88366514670 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031770 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031760 date:12:46:10 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53637425525 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031770 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031760 date:12:46:34 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15683942867 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(194564,292920,'avaye_eshgh',111634,0,0,1735031793) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735031793 ; date:12:46:40 Time:0.171S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74339965006 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031800 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031790 date:12:46:40 Time:0.255S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74402081516 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031800 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:46:40 Time:0.143S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49232483533 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031800 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031790 date:12:46:40 Time:0.128S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80240350995 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031800 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031790 date:12:46:40 Time:0.117S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43584400562 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031800 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031790 date:12:47:10 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46340247986 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031830 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031820 date:12:47:10 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66827711096 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031830 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:48:10 Time:0.193S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56395236831 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(205762,267485,'mitra6431',292165,0,2,1735031890) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735031890 ; date:12:49:11 Time:0.887S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55499727954 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031940 date:12:49:11 Time:0.689S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94465527163 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031940 date:12:49:11 Time:0.654S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92505964678 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031940 date:12:49:11 Time:0.651S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92963505259 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031940 date:12:49:11 Time:0.624S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91118074977 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031940 date:12:49:11 Time:0.609S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68020474108 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031940 date:12:49:11 Time:0.598S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86347436383 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031941 date:12:49:11 Time:0.342S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33213317470 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031941 date:12:49:11 Time:0.808S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19570533813 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031950 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:49:11 Time:0.728S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31103989999 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031950 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:49:11 Time:0.465S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12277663488 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031941 date:12:49:11 Time:0.416S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66900090582 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735031951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735031941 date:12:49:11 Time:0.551S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87230151248 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031951 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:49:11 Time:0.489S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85877979648 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735031951 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:50:41 Time:0.281S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62431181731 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032041 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:50:41 Time:0.198S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79517770529 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032041 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032031 date:12:50:41 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74664989540 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032041 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:52:41 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15018330950 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281677,292122,'hhhnybb',287919,0,0,1735032161),(282693,292122,'hhhnybb',248738,0,0,1735032161),(261042,292122,'hhhnybb',260057,0,0,1735032161) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735032161 ; date:12:52:57 Time:0.632S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86950414187 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032176 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032166 date:12:52:57 Time:0.567S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80606039792 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032176 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032166 date:12:52:57 Time:0.553S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78679983068 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032176 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032166 date:12:52:57 Time:0.234S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91031710425 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032167 date:12:52:57 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88728606363 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032167 date:12:52:57 Time:0.192S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43278653923 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032167 date:12:52:57 Time:0.106S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66236242602 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032167 date:12:52:57 Time:0.631S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20355453386 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032176 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:52:57 Time:0.502S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95034157460 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032176 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:53:32 Time:0.95S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87815799625 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032211 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032201 date:12:53:32 Time:0.949S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50114572420 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032211 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032201 date:12:53:32 Time:0.948S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47349233823 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032211 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032201 date:12:53:32 Time:0.87S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71428952854 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032211 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032201 date:12:53:32 Time:0.836S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20222415013 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032211 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032201 date:12:53:32 Time:0.788S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57375432321 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032211 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:54:07 Time:0.816S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24819625922 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032246 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:54:07 Time:0.812S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33631267951 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032246 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032236 date:12:54:07 Time:0.797S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25281376665 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032246 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032236 date:12:54:07 Time:0.774S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39785498522 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032246 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032236 date:12:54:07 Time:0.701S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71158566854 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032246 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032236 date:12:54:07 Time:0.692S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34954769972 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032246 WHERE `ip`='' date:12:54:44 Time:2.532S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91161833865 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(92129,295340,'t_1381',188059,0,0,1735032282) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735032282 ; date:12:54:44 Time:0.413S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55967000462 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032284 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032274 date:12:54:44 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14202758921 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032284 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032274 date:12:54:44 Time:0.205S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42202603551 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032284 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032274 date:12:54:44 Time:0.159S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51552140369 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032284 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032274 date:12:54:44 Time:2.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17095439154 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(255584,261459,'loren0021',250955,0,51,1735032282) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 51,`tim` = 1735032282 ; date:12:54:44 Time:0.861S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86813913257 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(140339,288212,'mlisop',108901,0,5,1735032283),(127507,288212,'mlisop',108901,0,5,1735032283) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735032283 ; date:12:55:19 Time:1.83S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43820601008 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(224608,293969,'taha313',255817,0,3,1735032317) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735032317 ; date:12:55:19 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69546006246 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283386,280462,'gildafanii0',114281,0,0,1735032319),(283358,280462,'gildafanii0',127922,0,0,1735032319),(283363,280462,'gildafanii0',259761,0,0,1735032319),(283268,280462,'gildafanii0',178388,0,0,1735032319),(283178,280462,'gildafanii0',215960,0,0,1735032319) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735032319 ; date:12:55:19 Time:0.327S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55756621162 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(161007,297819,'abaabdellah128',108876,0,2,1735032318),(80553,297819,'abaabdellah128',108876,0,2,1735032318) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735032318 ; date:12:55:19 Time:2.158S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71992401605 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(163216,192572,'hesam1516',256364,0,3,1735032316),(207059,192572,'hesam1516',154207,0,3,1735032316),(207915,192572,'hesam1516',297290,0,3,1735032316) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735032316 ; date:12:55:41 Time:0.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80056615756 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(274604,264349,'im_mamd',264349,0,11,1735032341) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735032341 ; date:12:56:42 Time:0.135S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56408550034 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(98122,288212,'mlisop',108901,0,5,1735032401),(96974,288212,'mlisop',191785,0,5,1735032401),(104639,288212,'mlisop',108901,0,5,1735032401) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735032401 ; date:12:57:02 Time:0.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47063134730 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208609,255518,'arti17',251166,0,1,1735032422),(208611,255518,'arti17',251166,0,1,1735032422) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735032422 ; date:12:57:42 Time:0.113S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97350938873 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282568,263780,'anime_life',267836,0,0,1735032462),(282537,263780,'anime_life',254635,0,0,1735032462),(281644,263780,'anime_life',254635,0,0,1735032462),(281645,263780,'anime_life',254635,0,0,1735032462) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735032462 ; date:13:00:43 Time:0.205S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39486679893 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032643 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:00:43 Time:0.158S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62724596148 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032643 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032633 date:13:01:13 Time:0.695S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93924239925 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(256151,280462,'gildafanii0',179323,0,0,1735032673) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735032673 ; date:13:03:13 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48721010048 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(132765,158570,'mohi82',141742,1,18,1735032793),(140460,158570,'mohi82',186522,1,18,1735032793) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 18,`tim` = 1735032793,`lik`=1 ; date:13:03:14 Time:0.296S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52453088163 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032794 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:03:14 Time:0.29S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77407546017 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032794 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032784 date:13:03:14 Time:0.211S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25367122369 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032794 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032784 date:13:03:14 Time:0.188S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72212668877 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032794 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032784 date:13:03:14 Time:0.169S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27270642919 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032794 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:05:56 Time:0.263S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21354252250 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(196628,277699,'jffkktn',279643,0,2,1735032956) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735032956 ; date:13:06:05 Time:0.165S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32035768199 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735032965 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:06:05 Time:0.14S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26614592098 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735032965 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735032955 date:13:07:36 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20338401824 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(29924,271741,'aseti88',281773,0,1,1735033056),(29349,271741,'aseti88',164930,0,1,1735033056) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735033056 ; date:13:07:36 Time:0.164S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44437192534 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(200996,288836,'iiufgg',220702,0,2,1735033056) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735033056 ; date:13:12:44 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35363698507 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(204140,259186,'maedeh1_3',134292,0,6,1735033364),(204794,259186,'maedeh1_3',288097,0,6,1735033364) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735033364 ; date:13:17:29 Time:0.227S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37662543046 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(207088,265323,'mahna70',292755,0,0,1735033649),(196125,265323,'mahna70',278587,0,0,1735033649) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735033649 ; date:13:18:29 Time:0.485S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68463564423 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208198,297574,'nargess7',231783,0,0,1735033709),(206655,297574,'nargess7',253630,0,0,1735033709) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735033709 ; date:13:19:15 Time:0.402S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21406184169 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735033755 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:19:15 Time:0.4S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44245419098 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735033755 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735033745 date:13:19:15 Time:0.343S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60841426359 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735033755 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735033745 date:13:19:15 Time:0.343S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58540137484 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735033755 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735033745 date:13:19:15 Time:0.239S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79188922231 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735033755 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735033745 date:13:22:45 Time:2.87S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13377411162 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(110083,225634,'hanan_1310',199099,0,1,1735033962),(212944,225634,'hanan_1310',238736,0,1,1735033962) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735033962 ; date:13:22:46 Time:0.175S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20167998007 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735033965 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:22:46 Time:0.98S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72785932140 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(193289,289789,'bita_star',189958,0,6,1735033965) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735033965 ; date:13:22:47 Time:1.418S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15960161249 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283392,232668,'hasti_888',287453,0,9,1735033965) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 9,`tim` = 1735033965 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (282347) and `un`='hasti_888'; date:13:22:47 Time:0.644S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21966687850 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735033966 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735033956 date:13:22:47 Time:0.236S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89843613671 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735033967 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735033957 date:13:22:47 Time:0.169S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=image&pid=64h7m&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%F9%87%F59rd%2Ae%C1%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%E9%2C%C9&pg=1& UID:50192306936 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_i` WHERE `pid`=205092 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:13:25:16 Time:0.157S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76800308113 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034116 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034106 date:13:25:16 Time:0.144S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85209151355 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034116 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034106 date:13:25:47 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88566100238 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034146 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034136 date:13:25:47 Time:0.163S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23503947593 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034146 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034136 date:13:25:47 Time:0.154S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94506888475 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034146 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034136 date:13:25:47 Time:0.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37803513266 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034146 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034136 date:13:25:47 Time:0.109S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86908111526 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034146 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034136 date:13:27:19 Time:0.154S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=77fin&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%99K%98%CAB%E7K%F7%DF%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%3D%3Dt%F4%E8&pg=1& UID:57077520676 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=278387 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:13:28:18 Time:1.28S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55505571510 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(241135,291564,'amiraliia',251869,0,0,1735034297),(251162,291564,'amiraliia',274941,0,0,1735034297) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735034297 ; date:13:29:43 Time:0.172S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79440082330 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283310,289406,'gndjshanan',289406,0,31,1735034383) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 31,`tim` = 1735034383 ; date:13:30:17 Time:0.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24180880196 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034417 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034407 date:13:30:17 Time:0.164S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34862775692 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034417 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034407 date:13:30:17 Time:0.164S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87223732736 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034417 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034407 date:13:30:17 Time:0.162S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65227557140 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034417 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034407 date:13:30:17 Time:0.14S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68175850102 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735034417 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:32:20 Time:1.947S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82000719667 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282339,279511,'samiui',245004,0,1,1735034538),(183800,279511,'samiui',213570,0,1,1735034538) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735034538 ; date:13:32:20 Time:1.707S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14170312774 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(49990,293080,'negin23',162766,0,2,1735034538),(221784,293080,'negin23',253811,0,2,1735034538) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735034538 ; date:13:34:12 Time:0.356S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13175132328 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283278,293727,'hhhhhs',287919,0,0,1735034651),(283363,293727,'hhhhhs',259761,0,0,1735034651) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735034651 ; date:13:35:53 Time:0.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36981085447 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735034753 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735034743 date:13:35:53 Time:0.147S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25066981274 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735034753 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:36:28 Time:0.74S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=text&pid=lcq7s&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%15r%5B%8D+%C8%C9%1C%92cQDIwMjB7ImlwIjoiNS4xMjYuMjE0LjEyNiIsInVzIjoyMzMwNzYsInJsIjoxLCJpc3YiOjEsIm5tIjoifFx1MDY0NVx1MDY0ZVx1MDY0MFx1MjAwY1x1MDY0Nlx1MjAwY1x1MDYyZFx1MDY0MFx1MjAwY1x1MDY1MFx1MDZjY1x1MDYzMVx1MDYyN1x1MDY0Nlx1MjAwY1x1MDYyOFx1MDY0OFx1MDYyZlx1MDY0NS0iLCJwaCI6Ijk4OTM3ODMzOTM3MiIsImJhbiI6bnVsbCwiZ3JvbCI6eyJ0IjoxLCJtIjoxLCJ2IjoxLCJpIjoxfSwidW4iOiJ0aGVfYW1pcmFiYXMiLCJhZyI6Ik1vemlsbGFcLzUuMCAoTGludXg7IEFuZHJvaWQgMTA7IEspIEFwcGxlV2ViS2l0XC81MzcuMzYgKEtIVE1MLCBsaWtlIEdlY2tvKSBDaHJvbWVcLzExNS4wLjAuMCBNb2JpbGUgU2FmYXJpXC81MzcuMzYiLCJleCI6MTczNTEyNDk3MywickRDIjoiNjQwZjEwMDQ4YjdjYjQ2NjZmNjBlMzdmZGEyNjFkOGQ1Njc3NjUzMzRjMzM0NDc2Njg1MTRhNTg3MTQyNjUzNzc5NTczNTJiNTY2NzNkM2QiLCJpREMiOiJmMTJjYjNmNjQ5NzUxZmI1YzY5ZWNkYzE4NDAyZDNlZTMzNmI3NjczNjg2NzQ4MzI0NTUxMzk0MjY5NGM1NTc2Mzc2Zjc3NmE3NDUxM2QzZCIsImltZyI6NDl9QDIwMjA%3D%CA%C0a&pg=1& UID:86447611266 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_t` WHERE `pid`=705098 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:13:37:38 Time:0.295S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23182169206 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(268463,280337,'piiuy',287792,0,1,1735034858) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735034858 ; date:13:40:28 Time:0.208S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73500330876 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735035028 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:45:19 Time:0.123S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15739846235 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735035319 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:45:30 Time:0.119S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12768150459 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283178,258324,'elizaa',215960,0,4,1735035330) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735035330 ; date:13:51:18 Time:0.121S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37948061182 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(187259,253002,'dark1323',211896,0,0,1735035678) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735035678 ; date:13:51:21 Time:0.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72021790415 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279154,272697,'org_00',276259,0,182,1735035680) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 182,`tim` = 1735035680 ; date:13:51:51 Time:0.134S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16852719495 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735035710 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735035700 date:13:51:58 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99081899961 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(205153,288861,'dufkfxjfx',292885,0,2,1735035718) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735035718 ; date:13:53:27 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=77m55&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%16%9Ay%DD%EC%D1%D0%BC%AE%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%3D%FA%DF%1A&pg=1& UID:52721224269 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=279051 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:13:54:21 Time:0.202S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19378345519 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735035861 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:58:18 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86047067073 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283684,170873,'yasns00',170873,0,79,1735036098),(283652,170873,'yasns00',170873,0,79,1735036098),(283708,170873,'yasns00',162828,1,79,1735036098) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 79,`tim` = 1735036098,`lik`=1 ; date:13:59:22 Time:0.453S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63193715653 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036161 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036151 date:13:59:22 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84684484562 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036162 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036152 date:13:59:22 Time:0.524S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21362085148 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036162 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036152 date:13:59:22 Time:0.524S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11980073444 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036162 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036152 date:13:59:23 Time:0.874S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67380716036 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036162 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:23 Time:0.35S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60532221244 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036162 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036152 date:13:59:23 Time:0.35S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31953822793 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036162 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036152 date:13:59:23 Time:0.341S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86192766826 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036162 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036152 date:13:59:23 Time:0.484S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81957910124 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036153 date:13:59:23 Time:0.484S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48114882775 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036153 date:13:59:23 Time:0.484S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48712449787 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036153 date:13:59:23 Time:0.272S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46269534620 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036153 date:13:59:24 Time:0.899S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78098982541 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:24 Time:0.414S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74682048346 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036153 date:13:59:24 Time:0.414S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59819413190 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036153 date:13:59:24 Time:0.413S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86184835630 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036153 date:13:59:24 Time:0.413S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30149592447 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036153 date:13:59:24 Time:0.728S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38077642053 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:24 Time:0.652S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51570009693 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 8,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036154 date:13:59:24 Time:0.652S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59466207466 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036154 date:13:59:24 Time:0.652S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53076074161 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036154 date:13:59:24 Time:0.649S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80299276888 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036154 date:13:59:24 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67054263793 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 12,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036154 date:13:59:25 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53520758542 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036154 date:13:59:25 Time:0.227S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35779333395 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.227S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85115382057 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036154 date:13:59:25 Time:0.219S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48310444915 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036154 date:13:59:25 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79811402521 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.229S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40220858367 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28043170262 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036164 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.242S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30046203430 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:25 Time:0.242S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75638574927 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:25 Time:0.242S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20058953174 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:25 Time:0.243S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66109217344 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.243S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73958692560 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.26S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56349866414 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.26S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45739809502 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:25 Time:0.259S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24021080550 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:25 Time:0.259S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75512185132 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:25 Time:0.206S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23496873807 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:25 Time:0.505S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70693713007 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.495S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60809019242 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:25 Time:0.234S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15199993525 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:25 Time:0.245S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73490570279 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:26 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64649444619 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:26 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47053637666 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:26 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14897679390 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:26 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12511458465 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:26 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15341699447 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036155 date:13:59:26 Time:0.253S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48721553787 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036165 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:31 Time:5.798S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44665843893 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036166 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036156 date:13:59:31 Time:5.797S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63540326389 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036166 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036156 date:13:59:31 Time:5.797S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77618529018 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036166 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036156 date:13:59:31 Time:5.225S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35652260878 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036166 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036156 date:13:59:31 Time:4.605S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80580514243 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036167 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036157 date:13:59:31 Time:3.358S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42933375104 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036168 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036158 date:13:59:31 Time:2.737S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83327960934 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036169 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036159 date:13:59:31 Time:2.064S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49920727445 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036169 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036159 date:13:59:31 Time:0.778S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44592222858 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:31 Time:0.156S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45021636585 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 19,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:31 Time:5.799S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61775093856 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036166 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:31 Time:5.798S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93504251858 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036166 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:31 Time:3.98S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27999249739 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036167 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:36 Time:4.776S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74189381043 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.775S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83667401625 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.775S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32928794833 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.775S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52362960488 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.775S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21945263873 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.775S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90577242183 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.775S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64114090146 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.774S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55412750050 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.774S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16568201278 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036161 date:13:59:36 Time:4.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58486440717 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036172 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036162 date:13:59:36 Time:3.602S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87062188034 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036173 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036163 date:13:59:36 Time:3.322S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56979511902 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036173 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036163 date:13:59:36 Time:2.944S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47928050719 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036173 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036163 date:13:59:36 Time:2.301S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48560145387 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036174 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036164 date:13:59:36 Time:2.123S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60615532291 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036174 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036164 date:13:59:36 Time:0.942S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30627654971 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036175 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036165 date:13:59:36 Time:4.778S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68518059663 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:36 Time:4.766S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60161999567 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:36 Time:4.781S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48926723982 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:36 Time:4.778S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35198065540 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036171 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:36 Time:0.253S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72699222317 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036176 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036166 date:13:59:37 Time:0.551S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73877758329 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036176 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:37 Time:0.535S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20479663923 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735036176 WHERE `ip`='' date:13:59:37 Time:0.237S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83763022050 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036176 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036166 date:13:59:37 Time:0.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75469901217 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:13:59:37 Time:0.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42659569515 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:13:59:37 Time:0.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20526580210 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:13:59:37 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49580879572 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:13:59:37 Time:0.234S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30721897157 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:13:59:37 Time:0.234S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28255923022 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:13:59:37 Time:0.257S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38847393533 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:13:59:37 Time:0.257S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41119377040 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:13:59:38 Time:0.256S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53585623225 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735036177 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735036167 date:14:03:02 Time:0.169S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42553904785 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283003,274802,'hadis_rip',230706,0,2,1735036382),(283163,274802,'hadis_rip',265138,0,2,1735036382) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735036382 ; date:14:05:59 Time:0.123S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90958656761 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283213,206602,'roz85_rozhan',297442,0,6,1735036559) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735036559 ; date:14:06:53 Time:0.162S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69599977978 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(43243,190975,'naughtygirl',155559,0,21,1735036613) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 21,`tim` = 1735036613 ; date:14:07:02 Time:0.128S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72760329192 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(66532,293597,'doji2664',174824,0,0,1735036622) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735036622 ; date:14:07:10 Time:0.172S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70946674435 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(75316,261043,'aneg_girl',108876,0,1,1735036630),(262634,261043,'aneg_girl',217127,0,1,1735036630),(18752,261043,'aneg_girl',127404,0,1,1735036630) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735036630 ; date:14:07:54 Time:0.467S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47175021229 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206756,233778,'praise_123',290286,0,7,1735036674) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735036674 ; date:14:08:20 Time:0.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55682308099 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(33455,297917,'maede11',158337,0,0,1735036700),(39822,297917,'maede11',163566,0,0,1735036700),(31489,297917,'maede11',144808,0,0,1735036700) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735036700 ; date:14:08:34 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=77ff1&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%E7%8F%2A%B7%F2%AA%A6n%28%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%3D%3D%C5oX&pg=1& UID:17509966751 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=278329 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:14:16:56 Time:1.096S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68905788170 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(193267,216706,'fatemeh821',254980,0,6,1735037215) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735037215 ; date:14:18:55 Time:0.351S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83353795418 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281008,297334,'darek_666',180286,1,3,1735037335) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735037335,`lik`=1 ; date:14:24:14 Time:0.355S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=76mrs&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%D1%EB%C7y%5BJP%9B%F2%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%3D%3D%FC%F2w&pg=1& UID:61143462317 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=275030 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:14:25:37 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72622770657 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281156,220779,'ghkdfyv',198417,1,26,1735037736) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 26,`tim` = 1735037736,`lik`=1 ; date:14:28:26 Time:0.345S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18496768202 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(66901,297040,'had2010is',156015,0,0,1735037906),(36426,297040,'had2010is',139145,0,0,1735037906) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735037906 ; date:14:30:57 Time:0.152S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92476895449 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208542,292165,'sas17',292165,0,2,1735038057),(205081,292165,'sas17',292165,0,2,1735038057) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735038057 ; date:14:34:16 Time:0.533S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73163309508 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(40350,288765,'roxana_1370',157277,0,6,1735038256),(20652,288765,'roxana_1370',16,0,6,1735038256),(175744,288765,'roxana_1370',220884,0,6,1735038256) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735038256 ; date:14:34:29 Time:0.727S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=7ac0o&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%C44%FB%A7%E9%C3%C2G%1B%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%3D%B9%B4%CC&pg=1& UID:39672460949 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=280014 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:14:34:29 Time:0.612S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43749425253 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(195940,271271,'kandim',216104,0,1,1735038269),(103956,271271,'kandim',179234,0,1,1735038269) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735038269 ; date:14:34:29 Time:0.455S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32673079162 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(179110,262338,'shadi0930',110931,0,0,1735038269) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735038269 ; date:14:34:58 Time:0.547S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55682785548 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(3939,261766,'balochi_5614',16,0,17,1735038298),(1776,261766,'balochi_5614',16,0,17,1735038298) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 17,`tim` = 1735038298 ; date:14:35:29 Time:1.605S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60723727558 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(242,271741,'aseti88',109399,0,1,1735038327),(241034,271741,'aseti88',269903,0,1,1735038327),(103773,271741,'aseti88',195132,0,1,1735038327) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735038327 ; date:14:35:29 Time:0.93S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14698208007 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(181334,262338,'shadi0930',185276,0,0,1735038328),(136436,262338,'shadi0930',159488,0,0,1735038328) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735038328 ; date:14:35:58 Time:0.402S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88842827657 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(277859,289214,'fati0099',188276,0,6,1735038357) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735038357 ; date:14:36:16 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24440672883 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735038376 WHERE `ip`='' date:14:36:59 Time:0.719S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18312868787 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280297,270738,'melilove',235520,0,3,1735038418),(247875,270738,'melilove',274070,0,3,1735038418) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735038418 ; date:14:36:59 Time:0.284S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55598107848 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(20502,263340,'moha_di',140385,0,1,1735038418),(40379,263340,'moha_di',108876,0,1,1735038418),(15151,263340,'moha_di',133513,0,1,1735038418),(96141,263340,'moha_di',114281,0,1,1735038418) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735038418 ; date:14:36:59 Time:0.612S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90460189218 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282992,259456,'mana32',268839,0,1,1735038418),(222949,259456,'mana32',186131,0,1,1735038418),(104158,259456,'mana32',143937,0,1,1735038418) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735038418 ; date:14:36:59 Time:0.219S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75161051426 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(273945,188276,'jelefon17',188276,1,12,1735038419),(269016,188276,'jelefon17',260072,0,12,1735038419) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735038419 ; date:14:37:37 Time:0.137S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75917641649 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(150287,289532,'hajkamal',108876,0,5,1735038457),(42690,289532,'hajkamal',110931,0,5,1735038457) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735038457 ; date:14:38:59 Time:0.246S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83052697993 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735038539 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735038529 date:14:38:59 Time:0.162S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42041621869 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735038539 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735038529 date:14:43:32 Time:0.511S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=75plo&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=o%0Ah%C3pA%1E%CD%87%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%27%DC%CB&pg=1& UID:46457598415 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=271588 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:14:44:34 Time:0.747S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=75g89&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=o%0Ah%C3pA%1E%CD%87%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%27%DC%CB&pg=1& UID:26518168154 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=270161 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:14:45:52 Time:0.863S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80370964703 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(246510,297599,'funcy_free',229331,0,0,1735038951) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735038951 ; date:14:48:00 Time:0.589S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22026147684 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(104868,288261,'nazanin2570',140541,0,1,1735039079),(209544,288261,'nazanin2570',242205,0,1,1735039079) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735039079 ; date:14:48:11 Time:0.196S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28136155113 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735039091 WHERE `ip`='' date:14:48:29 Time:0.119S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83666885068 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(33928,297638,'yadegari89',137525,0,0,1735039109),(167404,297638,'yadegari89',108876,0,0,1735039109) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735039109 ; date:14:48:29 Time:0.128S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=text&pid=lqvj9&flt83=liked&dataKeyUser=%AF%12%DC+%90Y%F1%5B%B0%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%FE%F5%80&pg=1& UID:84898390572 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_t` WHERE `pid`=733115 AND lik>0 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:14:49:00 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54021704277 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(107793,297903,'bewitched',186052,0,1,1735039139) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735039139 ; date:14:50:29 Time:0.134S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76158695148 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283213,164793,'aysa45',297442,0,13,1735039229),(280601,164793,'aysa45',262811,0,13,1735039229) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735039229 ; date:14:51:00 Time:0.129S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74427202257 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282598,263231,'oosroo',140659,0,3,1735039260) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735039260 ; date:14:51:32 Time:1.319S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38675355546 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283395,248738,'jkckbx',222356,1,12,1735039290) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735039290,`lik`=1 ; date:14:51:32 Time:0.723S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15247204366 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206406,219635,'saloviya',253863,0,1,1735039291) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735039291 ; date:14:52:01 Time:0.925S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30741032003 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206249,267932,'sety_1314',276259,0,6,1735039320) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735039320 ; date:14:54:31 Time:0.287S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83700143457 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735039471 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735039461 date:14:54:43 Time:0.51S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62848074354 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(112597,297599,'funcy_free',153089,0,0,1735039482) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735039482 ; date:14:57:01 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32026927059 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(630,297489,'asal13901399',20,0,0,1735039621),(233610,297489,'asal13901399',246870,0,0,1735039621),(263017,297489,'asal13901399',275658,0,0,1735039621) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735039621 ; date:14:58:32 Time:0.679S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64036569220 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735039711 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735039701 date:14:58:32 Time:0.637S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11296002081 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735039711 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735039701 date:14:58:32 Time:1.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21167680370 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(277958,297656,'yas_821',222288,0,0,1735039711),(244762,297656,'yas_821',240422,0,0,1735039711) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735039711 ; date:14:59:01 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11315898264 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(238708,289665,'heliaa558',263570,0,3,1735039741),(119029,289665,'heliaa558',177800,0,3,1735039741) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735039741 ; date:14:59:32 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=768h7&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%FA%F9%C1Ie%07%10I%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%3D%3D%CC%BF%BE&pg=1& UID:64900658441 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=273393 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:15:10:43 Time:1.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85796758489 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(69642,296957,'m0999999',161141,0,5,1735040442) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735040442 ; date:15:12:04 Time:0.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91723630159 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(122041,297040,'had2010is',201420,0,0,1735040523) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735040523 ; date:15:12:15 Time:0.155S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19852865777 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735040535 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735040525 date:15:12:24 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97310478705 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281784,240507,'taha_13',261283,0,6,1735040543),(283273,240507,'taha_13',287919,0,6,1735040543) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735040543 ; date:15:16:35 Time:0.847S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30276610763 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208629,255338,'neda_1389',284469,0,124,1735040795) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 124,`tim` = 1735040795 ; date:15:16:35 Time:0.477S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39699278221 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(205692,249574,'poli14',217048,0,0,1735040795),(282481,249574,'poli14',193409,0,0,1735040795),(282459,249574,'poli14',243901,0,0,1735040795) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735040795 ; date:15:16:35 Time:0.192S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63317040305 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(45068,263231,'oosroo',160901,0,3,1735040795),(7795,263231,'oosroo',121638,0,3,1735040795),(13654,263231,'oosroo',131154,0,3,1735040795) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735040795 ; date:15:16:35 Time:0.432S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29005074288 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(224315,258711,'mahsa_027',229197,0,3,1735040795),(264227,258711,'mahsa_027',147203,0,3,1735040795) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735040795 ; date:15:17:00 Time:0.159S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79556042501 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282488,241314,'asena2024',226481,0,1,1735040820) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735040820 ; date:15:17:35 Time:0.215S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24410650670 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208637,296957,'m0999999',191942,0,5,1735040855) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735040855 ; date:15:18:31 Time:0.313S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86603312485 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(84068,269948,'manli_a',180648,0,2,1735040911),(115826,269948,'manli_a',143911,0,2,1735040911) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735040911 ; date:15:18:34 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47255763049 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(136350,297943,'emadgh',140541,0,1,1735040914),(247685,297943,'emadgh',272960,0,1,1735040914),(200512,297943,'emadgh',251689,0,1,1735040914),(114838,297943,'emadgh',141742,0,1,1735040914) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735040914 ; date:15:19:06 Time:0.213S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35824683190 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735040946 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:19:06 Time:0.206S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94156506123 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735040946 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735040936 date:15:19:06 Time:0.16S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68627454685 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735040946 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735040936 date:15:19:06 Time:0.158S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36783742904 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735040946 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735040936 date:15:19:06 Time:0.16S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13022700141 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735040946 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:20:16 Time:0.464S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83757314897 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794565,273651,'paniz5515',215169,0,14,1735041016) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 14,`tim` = 1735041016 ; date:15:20:48 Time:0.778S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45676181361 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041047 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041037 date:15:20:48 Time:0.763S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28059046174 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041047 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041037 date:15:20:48 Time:0.7S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56482293979 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041047 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041037 date:15:20:48 Time:0.695S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40625001840 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041047 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041037 date:15:20:48 Time:0.574S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67527770263 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041047 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041037 date:15:20:48 Time:0.462S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18844909074 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041048 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041038 date:15:20:48 Time:0.329S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68870504768 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041048 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041038 date:15:20:48 Time:0.296S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25476674772 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041048 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041038 date:15:20:48 Time:0.277S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81419200795 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041048 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041038 date:15:20:48 Time:0.24S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42598342436 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041048 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041038 date:15:20:48 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49681064086 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041048 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041038 date:15:20:48 Time:0.691S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33314451057 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735041047 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:20:48 Time:0.244S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89112238543 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735041048 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:21:05 Time:0.449S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95251096430 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(38693,295235,'nassrin1389',151252,0,1,1735041065) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041065 ; date:15:22:19 Time:0.617S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71769098108 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.899S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53426162816 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(147600,170982,'fxjhow2884',199912,0,1,1735041138),(143554,170982,'fxjhow2884',222736,0,1,1735041138) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041138 ; date:15:22:19 Time:0.537S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60363144458 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.535S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78843177068 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.516S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33118788474 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.475S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49886568507 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.462S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41022741738 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66337791729 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 7,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.425S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52964163600 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.403S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69250873526 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.376S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38546986495 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:19 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88001972665 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041138 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041128 date:15:22:46 Time:0.491S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82824557091 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(244399,292322,'v7777777',237054,0,0,1735041165),(275567,292322,'v7777777',277677,0,0,1735041165) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735041165 ; date:15:22:47 Time:0.877S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16866646977 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(211370,218778,'atrisa89',186486,0,0,1735041166),(143201,218778,'atrisa89',203363,0,0,1735041166),(262308,218778,'atrisa89',282170,0,0,1735041166),(143189,218778,'atrisa89',203363,0,0,1735041166),(64591,218778,'atrisa89',169534,0,0,1735041166) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735041166 ; date:15:23:26 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78470019032 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281994,297334,'darek_666',180286,0,3,1735041206) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735041206 ; date:15:23:36 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15880261589 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(157455,264071,'rjam1997',202671,0,7,1735041216) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735041216 ; date:15:23:52 Time:0.48S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63306688727 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(199154,297040,'had2010is',248703,0,0,1735041231),(217970,297040,'had2010is',219937,0,0,1735041231),(255552,297040,'had2010is',181422,0,0,1735041231) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735041231 ; date:15:24:05 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94413233963 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276931,270364,'nooooomoo',203517,0,7,1735041245),(282241,270364,'nooooomoo',203517,0,7,1735041245) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735041245 ; date:15:25:12 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63006178454 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208126,247133,'it_seti',227391,0,3,1735041312) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735041312 ; date:15:25:17 Time:0.559S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99583782602 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208284,258971,'se_young',291548,0,6,1735041317) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735041317 ; date:15:26:05 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37731536480 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(177379,270364,'nooooomoo',203517,0,7,1735041365) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735041365 ; date:15:26:42 Time:0.447S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83098136121 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(222163,280403,'kakaeo',261514,0,0,1735041402),(27214,280403,'kakaeo',126809,0,0,1735041402),(224461,280403,'kakaeo',150614,0,0,1735041402),(241649,280403,'kakaeo',195675,0,0,1735041402) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735041402 ; date:15:27:49 Time:0.161S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99928234296 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208638,284469,'alone20',284469,0,10,1735041469) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 10,`tim` = 1735041469 ; date:15:27:49 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29850988824 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279443,233832,'maria_7',277677,0,5,1735041469) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735041469 ; date:15:28:49 Time:0.154S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16928912891 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735041529 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:28:51 Time:0.527S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46052055225 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283564,277621,'ivamaris',254635,0,48,1735041530),(283559,277621,'ivamaris',254635,1,48,1735041530),(283558,277621,'ivamaris',254635,0,48,1735041530) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 48,`tim` = 1735041530 ; date:15:28:51 Time:1.077S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28284157355 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(200996,258484,'xx_n87',220702,0,2,1735041530) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735041530 ; date:15:29:06 Time:0.103S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35799025987 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(47706,295235,'nassrin1389',110931,0,1,1735041546) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041546 ; date:15:29:27 Time:1.861S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67669518490 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276708,256630,'jessica_g',157769,1,1,1735041565),(283084,256630,'jessica_g',157769,0,1,1735041565),(283085,256630,'jessica_g',157769,0,1,1735041565) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041565 ; date:15:29:27 Time:1.415S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57655239594 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(43374,264875,'skyysh',147740,0,0,1735041566),(281051,264875,'skyysh',296538,0,0,1735041566) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735041566 ; date:15:29:27 Time:1.353S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83821365795 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208141,201235,'gha888',272224,0,2,1735041566) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735041566 ; date:15:29:27 Time:0.778S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25120069562 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(31639,255746,'latinkiana',139946,1,6,1735041566) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735041566,`lik`=1 ; date:15:29:27 Time:1.745S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91942193771 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(132432,269924,'mandana_girl',193100,0,1,1735041565),(118765,269924,'mandana_girl',177800,0,1,1735041565) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041565 ; date:15:30:01 Time:1.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38663999969 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(202935,250614,'nnnnn_n',277735,0,9,1735041600),(197606,250614,'nnnnn_n',277315,0,9,1735041600),(203256,250614,'nnnnn_n',292648,0,9,1735041600),(198339,250614,'nnnnn_n',277315,0,9,1735041600),(207406,250614,'nnnnn_n',266544,0,9,1735041600),(205326,250614,'nnnnn_n',283023,0,9,1735041600) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 9,`tim` = 1735041600 ; date:15:30:36 Time:0.675S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42036138691 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281517,296069,'avin_28',157769,0,1,1735041635),(161863,296069,'avin_28',146526,0,1,1735041635) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041635 ; date:15:30:37 Time:0.836S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29788927344 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283549,291878,'namira_1111',254635,0,0,1735041636),(283547,291878,'namira_1111',254635,0,0,1735041636),(282616,291878,'namira_1111',254635,0,0,1735041636) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735041636 ; date:15:30:37 Time:0.432S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39841804731 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(263550,285723,'zoha91',284088,0,9,1735041637),(268252,285723,'zoha91',272697,0,9,1735041637) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 9,`tim` = 1735041637 ; date:15:30:37 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57978459992 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(95968,295848,'plmzaq',113474,0,2,1735041637) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735041637 ; date:15:31:12 Time:0.322S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11487056023 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208614,290971,'aspad1213',251166,0,1,1735041672),(208721,290971,'aspad1213',292299,0,1,1735041672) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041672 ; date:15:31:12 Time:0.311S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85494246905 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(45285,206121,'zahra_za',132504,0,1,1735041672),(218259,206121,'zahra_za',238491,0,1,1735041672),(226372,206121,'zahra_za',176982,0,1,1735041672) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041672 ; date:15:31:37 Time:0.258S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53891760389 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(795276,264958,'shy_girl88',276259,0,25,1735041696) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 25,`tim` = 1735041696 ; date:15:31:47 Time:0.581S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95934276274 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(793845,285241,'m_mrn00',285241,0,11,1735041707) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735041707 ; date:15:31:47 Time:0.405S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57054533160 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(232195,232741,'sogand_2222',133204,0,36,1735041707) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 36,`tim` = 1735041707 ; date:15:33:28 Time:0.969S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29181427437 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(40494,280578,'wishzx',125253,0,1,1735041807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735041807 ; date:15:33:28 Time:0.885S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19472392885 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281788,227058,'sunrise00',261283,0,0,1735041807),(281644,227058,'sunrise00',254635,0,0,1735041807),(281631,227058,'sunrise00',254635,0,0,1735041807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735041807 ; date:15:33:28 Time:0.578S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85158537334 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(92404,201016,'tarammm',184890,0,4,1735041808) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735041808 ; date:15:34:38 Time:0.269S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96872428351 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041877 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041867 date:15:34:38 Time:0.139S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20932832475 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041877 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041867 date:15:34:38 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43438086181 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735041877 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735041867 date:15:34:38 Time:0.446S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33574506175 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206073,224602,'nazi8785',276259,0,4,1735041877) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735041877 ; date:15:36:38 Time:0.63S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51697127613 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(196615,176019,'lop_lop',127922,0,8,1735041997) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 8,`tim` = 1735041997 ; date:15:37:08 Time:0.162S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72819356788 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042018 date:15:37:08 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32602986880 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042018 date:15:37:08 Time:0.134S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18941997247 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042028 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:37:10 Time:0.807S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74853513788 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:37:10 Time:0.663S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24529814758 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.489S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97972784834 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.42S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22609518946 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.42S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44003841438 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.419S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27844982941 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.419S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38945193687 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.414S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12350378316 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.41S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67641997691 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.409S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17002177503 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.391S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73981032018 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.386S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94250253285 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.325S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65615156638 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.802S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53837326929 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:37:10 Time:0.322S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80658123998 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042019 date:15:37:10 Time:0.452S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16370384389 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042029 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:37:38 Time:0.466S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78326212451 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(268603,297040,'had2010is',287966,0,0,1735042058),(281645,297040,'had2010is',254635,0,0,1735042058),(71168,297040,'had2010is',154637,0,0,1735042058) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735042058 ; date:15:38:07 Time:0.181S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23540854728 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(792457,268933,'armiia',251605,0,127,1735042087),(789038,268933,'armiia',266848,0,127,1735042087) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 127,`tim` = 1735042087 ; date:15:38:21 Time:0.598S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74285334133 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(146064,283313,'yalda333y',215547,0,0,1735042101) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735042101 ; date:15:38:21 Time:0.373S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95024577114 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(111913,209133,'butterfly_black',161224,0,3,1735042101) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735042101 ; date:15:38:26 Time:0.257S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81575670513 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(71474,119544,'pooriya1390',177311,0,0,1735042105) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735042105 ; date:15:38:38 Time:0.799S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92022798546 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276963,288406,'moon_city',232668,0,1,1735042117),(279378,288406,'moon_city',134052,0,1,1735042117) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735042117 ; date:15:38:38 Time:0.515S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71875541548 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(214919,215547,'single_gril',255891,0,4,1735042118),(277622,215547,'single_gril',291795,0,4,1735042118),(267281,215547,'single_gril',287021,0,4,1735042118) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735042118 ; date:15:39:16 Time:0.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50687650481 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(55170,264875,'skyysh',127922,0,0,1735042156),(196615,264875,'skyysh',127922,0,0,1735042156) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735042156 ; date:15:39:18 Time:1.873S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81436074147 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042146 date:15:39:18 Time:1.888S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55476607495 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042146 date:15:39:18 Time:1.805S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74065150370 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042146 date:15:39:18 Time:1.661S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36621566932 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042146 date:15:39:18 Time:1.575S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77816522240 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042146 date:15:39:18 Time:1.449S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74231740000 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042157 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042147 date:15:39:18 Time:1.44S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92860767469 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042157 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042147 date:15:39:18 Time:1.839S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42274190368 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:39:18 Time:0.869S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98202964462 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042157 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042147 date:15:39:18 Time:1.379S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76644877478 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042157 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042147 date:15:39:18 Time:1.916S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71697536220 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:39:18 Time:0.878S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41806927442 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042157 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042147 date:15:39:18 Time:1.669S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56085210876 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:39:18 Time:1.625S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44018505817 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042156 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:39:18 Time:1.524S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82409043711 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042157 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:39:18 Time:1.47S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78836778880 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042157 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:39:18 Time:1.511S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78266873649 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042157 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:40:08 Time:0.12S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88275003163 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042208 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:40:08 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79368042050 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042208 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042198 date:15:40:08 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39482896514 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042208 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:41:38 Time:0.259S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52429638944 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(146044,290506,'mo0o0o0n',171604,0,1,1735042298) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735042298 ; date:15:42:38 Time:0.329S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57384889550 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208706,289977,'mahsa_h',289977,0,2,1735042358) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735042358 ; date:15:42:38 Time:0.148S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86533777553 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042358 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:42:38 Time:0.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96719132226 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042358 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042348 date:15:43:13 Time:0.311S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97674492136 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208298,289875,'tina_tazikeh1389',293815,0,0,1735042393) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735042393 ; date:15:43:55 Time:0.12S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=76fgh&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%2Aj%C1Qf%C1zn%2B%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%3D%3D%29%03%BA&pg=1& UID:50516985134 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=274169 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:15:44:48 Time:3.322S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41387021319 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(105391,297557,'parmida20',211825,0,0,1735042485) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735042485 ; date:15:44:48 Time:1.918S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96996676392 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208490,244883,'shjnkkk',281142,0,0,1735042486),(194205,244883,'shjnkkk',229331,0,0,1735042486),(207708,244883,'shjnkkk',288595,0,0,1735042486),(203488,244883,'shjnkkk',110624,0,0,1735042486) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735042486 ; date:15:45:01 Time:0.219S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80493189896 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042501 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:45:01 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84116821296 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042501 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:45:01 Time:0.236S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=6dln0&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=X%26%8E%F4Q%19%89%98%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%3D%3D%A4%E8%A8&pg=1& UID:24660249056 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=222940 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:15:45:01 Time:0.129S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43966367223 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042501 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:46:14 Time:0.202S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96602120381 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(197266,259299,'ali7332',259299,0,8,1735042574) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 8,`tim` = 1735042574 ; date:15:46:39 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79588469853 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042599 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:46:39 Time:0.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77457878286 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042599 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042589 date:15:46:39 Time:0.103S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83200247964 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042599 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042589 date:15:47:06 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31930445143 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735042626 WHERE `ip`='' date:15:47:09 Time:0.171S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27386452931 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042629 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042619 date:15:47:09 Time:0.144S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49328424364 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735042629 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735042619 date:15:48:53 Time:1.512S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82318911290 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283213,291051,'elsa89',297442,0,1,1735042731),(152450,291051,'elsa89',215410,0,1,1735042731),(124802,291051,'elsa89',170994,0,1,1735042731) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735042731 ; date:15:49:27 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14715095312 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283762,248080,'baharrrrrrr',248080,0,13,1735042767) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735042767 ; date:15:50:09 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52675902851 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280499,294691,'dog_88',289406,0,0,1735042809),(282532,294691,'dog_88',254635,0,0,1735042809),(281342,294691,'dog_88',147203,0,0,1735042809),(282311,294691,'dog_88',276259,0,0,1735042809),(283252,294691,'dog_88',134292,0,0,1735042809) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735042809 ; date:15:50:38 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43090719720 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283760,289977,'mahsa_h',296172,0,2,1735042838) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735042838 ; date:15:50:39 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80766175385 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282488,165448,'n_nazanin',226481,0,83,1735042839) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 83,`tim` = 1735042839 ; date:15:50:59 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=71trn&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%C8%7F%28%9C4%0A5%82%10%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%3D%0F%3Df&pg=1& UID:89218595318 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=265893 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:15:51:30 Time:0.137S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=76vrc&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%CA%F5v%3A%C5%80%0F%F1v%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%3Dj%97%9C&pg=1& UID:57079437724 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=276330 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:15:51:48 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85558021364 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(246492,251327,'introverted_depressed',242547,0,1,1735042908) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735042908 ; date:15:56:41 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38675837417 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(275273,150084,'f1387325',271507,0,120,1735043200) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 120,`tim` = 1735043200 ; date:15:57:46 Time:0.547S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98786368299 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(277565,292905,'Fataii',270564,0,3,1735043266),(258945,292905,'Fataii',280936,0,3,1735043266) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735043266 ; date:15:58:12 Time:1.126S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31986854040 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283185,179323,'zraa1387',179323,0,60,1735043291),(282294,179323,'zraa1387',179323,0,60,1735043291) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 60,`tim` = 1735043291 ; date:16:00:07 Time:0.243S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90672187142 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(793676,262727,'aysel87',129206,0,194,1735043407),(793673,262727,'aysel87',129206,0,194,1735043407) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 194,`tim` = 1735043407 ; date:16:00:58 Time:0.681S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67646061115 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(201602,256095,'ahmadiiik',147420,0,8,1735043458),(24811,256095,'ahmadiiik',124872,0,8,1735043458),(207055,256095,'ahmadiiik',154207,0,8,1735043458),(108608,256095,'ahmadiiik',180648,0,8,1735043458) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 8,`tim` = 1735043458 ; date:16:04:11 Time:0.351S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38269989641 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(214640,297040,'had2010is',126579,0,0,1735043651),(227760,297040,'had2010is',138801,0,0,1735043651) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735043651 ; date:16:04:17 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24631661966 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(29984,266132,'fergal_88',127431,0,2,1735043656),(21344,266132,'fergal_88',127431,0,2,1735043656) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735043656 ; date:16:05:12 Time:0.294S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66782073742 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276034,257753,'yasna12',292166,0,0,1735043712),(273351,257753,'yasna12',259835,0,0,1735043712),(215645,257753,'yasna12',111358,0,0,1735043712),(98533,257753,'yasna12',170650,0,0,1735043712) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735043712 ; date:16:06:47 Time:0.259S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16502305123 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(160758,208332,'mahdi_77ar',253602,0,0,1735043807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735043807 ; date:16:06:47 Time:0.296S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42921053658 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(98076,269924,'mandana_girl',141742,0,1,1735043807),(123670,269924,'mandana_girl',141742,0,1,1735043807),(76637,269924,'mandana_girl',141742,0,1,1735043807),(77576,269924,'mandana_girl',141742,0,1,1735043807),(101542,269924,'mandana_girl',141742,0,1,1735043807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735043807 ; date:16:06:47 Time:0.224S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75406885823 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281768,263570,'yeganeh_5935',261283,1,5,1735043807) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735043807,`lik`=1 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (132819) and `un`='yeganeh_5935'; date:16:06:57 Time:0.372S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93640737807 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.342S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52285970192 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.334S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19216677189 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51147574424 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.215S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71255409277 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.207S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71385499562 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.18S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33519548508 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24641255612 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.122S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20630655774 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735043807 date:16:06:57 Time:0.388S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91866661543 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:06:57 Time:0.28S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66034913658 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:06:57 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68501182913 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735043817 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:07:12 Time:0.303S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49753768329 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208730,295838,'me_kefli',295838,0,10,1735043832),(207952,295838,'me_kefli',295838,0,10,1735043832) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 10,`tim` = 1735043832 ; date:16:08:04 Time:0.708S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93863330311 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(120892,187384,'mehrabgh',201454,0,7,1735043883) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735043883 ; date:16:08:04 Time:0.5S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47547614225 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208126,293375,'ely_a222',227391,0,1,1735043883) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735043883 ; date:16:08:08 Time:0.358S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96818970407 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(97302,297712,'kaniabdi',141503,0,1,1735043887),(33973,297712,'kaniabdi',141503,0,1,1735043887) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735043887 ; date:16:10:06 Time:0.223S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99375197100 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044006 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:10:07 Time:0.521S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77681008624 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044006 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:10:13 Time:0.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71737015860 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(143642,295862,'rezatg',197025,0,0,1735044013),(132432,295862,'rezatg',193100,0,0,1735044013) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735044013 ; date:16:11:04 Time:0.2S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78942133203 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044064 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044054 date:16:11:04 Time:0.152S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15405805440 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044064 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044054 date:16:13:43 Time:0.357S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25044020189 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(268048,265839,'nazli_turk',244022,0,1,1735044223),(276598,265839,'nazli_turk',294304,0,1,1735044223),(261042,265839,'nazli_turk',260057,0,1,1735044223) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044223 ; date:16:14:43 Time:0.489S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50362889481 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(246427,265839,'nazli_turk',238736,0,1,1735044282),(253460,265839,'nazli_turk',269320,0,1,1735044282) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044282 ; date:16:15:03 Time:0.715S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85673872541 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(793668,290971,'aspad1213',241914,0,1,1735044302),(795169,290971,'aspad1213',265392,0,1,1735044302) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044302 ; date:16:15:03 Time:0.41S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66551388352 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(262529,257753,'yasna12',181422,0,0,1735044302) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735044302 ; date:16:15:03 Time:0.219S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27734800035 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044303 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044293 date:16:15:13 Time:0.185S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25787751286 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280060,296050,'mobi2013na',240667,0,1,1735044313) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044313 ; date:16:15:14 Time:0.193S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57390175392 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(182536,264562,'Roya1144',240312,0,4,1735044314),(28097,264562,'Roya1144',121793,0,4,1735044314),(124825,264562,'Roya1144',127833,0,4,1735044314) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735044314 ; date:16:15:14 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=text&pid=moisv&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=j2g%8F%19%82%8Dqr%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%3D%3D%D2%ED9&pg=1& UID:61418021763 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_t` WHERE `pid`=794633 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:16:15:14 Time:0.129S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26129246324 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281813,296029,'computer11',185282,1,1,1735044314) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044314,`lik`=1 ; date:16:15:44 Time:0.909S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15628189668 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283213,274527,'rogha78',297442,0,1,1735044344),(283147,274527,'rogha78',261283,0,1,1735044344),(283163,274527,'rogha78',265138,0,1,1735044344) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044344 ; date:16:16:25 Time:0.819S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56523049901 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208309,289872,'nafas88x',226106,0,2,1735044384) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735044384 ; date:16:17:05 Time:0.522S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29534964238 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044425 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:17:05 Time:0.411S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46651852102 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044425 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044415 date:16:17:05 Time:0.29S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19698519233 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044425 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044415 date:16:17:05 Time:0.203S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97156905704 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044425 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044415 date:16:17:35 Time:0.186S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37653256324 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281161,259201,'parimah1234',287919,0,2,1735044455),(272003,259201,'parimah1234',259299,0,2,1735044455),(279402,259201,'parimah1234',226481,0,2,1735044455) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735044455 ; date:16:17:44 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55931649131 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(122728,208313,'xxxnxxx',182093,0,3,1735044464) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735044464 ; date:16:18:11 Time:0.161S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55776702745 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(207167,264562,'Roya1144',247875,0,4,1735044491) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735044491 ; date:16:18:47 Time:0.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17021740794 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044517 date:16:18:47 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69908106199 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044517 date:16:18:47 Time:0.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82588093791 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044517 date:16:18:47 Time:0.202S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65846967240 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044517 date:16:18:47 Time:0.173S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64915428754 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044517 date:16:18:47 Time:0.36S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12718574156 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:18:47 Time:0.352S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82688653341 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:18:47 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49238841235 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:18:47 Time:0.103S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12618030779 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044527 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:19:14 Time:0.364S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29814135039 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(27243,297928,'ggggggffffuuu',146133,0,0,1735044554) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735044554 ; date:16:19:44 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91869685710 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282355,287021,'a_s134',245004,0,24,1735044584),(282349,287021,'a_s134',245004,0,24,1735044584) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 24,`tim` = 1735044584 ; date:16:20:04 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18642448798 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044604 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:20:18 Time:0.109S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60777823516 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044618 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:20:20 Time:0.296S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93727968405 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(770664,267742,'light_moon',279409,1,1,1735044620) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044620,`lik`=1 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_t` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (759637,759976) and `un`='light_moon'; date:16:20:44 Time:0.286S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38807334875 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794595,282383,'brightnight',282383,0,4,1735044644) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735044644 ; date:16:20:46 Time:1.464S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33413902446 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(120647,284163,'taranommmina',141742,0,0,1735044645),(136350,284163,'taranommmina',140541,0,0,1735044645) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735044645 ; date:16:20:46 Time:1.588S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12612301570 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(196038,262507,'mehraj_a',284136,0,21,1735044644) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 21,`tim` = 1735044644 ; date:16:21:04 Time:0.106S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=3l77l&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%24TI%17%A9%3F%12%C8%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%3D%FFk%8C&pg=1& UID:58840228176 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=140339 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:16:21:21 Time:1.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93407333227 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(246068,292910,'saharose',262296,0,2,1735044680) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735044680 ; date:16:22:41 Time:0.212S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46449779850 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(194740,287021,'a_s134',245004,0,24,1735044761) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 24,`tim` = 1735044761 ; date:16:22:43 Time:1.426S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54572463514 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(101925,229581,'habiby',188158,0,1,1735044762),(282792,229581,'habiby',268060,0,1,1735044762),(282815,229581,'habiby',233618,0,1,1735044762) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044762 ; date:16:22:45 Time:0.633S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70265656730 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044764 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:22:45 Time:0.632S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56001776687 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044754 date:16:22:45 Time:0.631S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27490678749 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735044764 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044754 date:16:22:45 Time:0.634S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59841251155 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044764 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:22:45 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71825788965 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735044764 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:23:37 Time:0.206S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61542389790 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282355,297144,'n_ima',245004,0,1,1735044817),(281784,297144,'n_ima',261283,0,1,1735044817) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735044817 ; date:16:24:47 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29330060973 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(260671,258350,'pn1417',248097,0,11,1735044887),(276656,258350,'pn1417',280618,0,11,1735044887) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735044887 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (261885) and `un`='pn1417'; date:16:25:15 Time:0.143S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37813389601 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283760,289977,'mahsa_h',296172,0,2,1735044915) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735044915 ; date:16:26:09 Time:0.2S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=32dng&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=+%D79%E4N%0C%2Ay%EE%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%B1%EEL&pg=1& UID:11240680600 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=103368 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:16:26:45 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85141117332 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044995 date:16:26:45 Time:0.206S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28562663390 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044995 date:16:26:45 Time:0.134S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50241176508 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735044995 date:16:27:49 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57474702824 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279600,254557,'ati_1424',259835,0,5,1735045068),(277286,254557,'ati_1424',288252,0,5,1735045068),(273198,254557,'ati_1424',157769,0,5,1735045068) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735045068 ; date:16:27:50 Time:1.537S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27812930819 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.522S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30534575133 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.435S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17301380785 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.366S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77325612261 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.362S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15838577058 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.186S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92659514360 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.186S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35371812343 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.182S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30215689508 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.165S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47452150961 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.066S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91116988673 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:0.994S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81404273241 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:27:50 Time:1.049S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29581768335 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045069 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045059 date:16:28:15 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70435204338 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281489,297276,'i_mahdiss',146526,0,1,1735045095),(282887,297276,'i_mahdiss',251506,0,1,1735045095),(282360,297276,'i_mahdiss',245004,0,1,1735045095) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735045095 ; date:16:30:03 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15505463500 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(202355,114035,'heyrozegar',127833,0,33,1735045203),(205295,114035,'heyrozegar',294545,0,33,1735045203),(193353,114035,'heyrozegar',261501,0,33,1735045203),(51910,114035,'heyrozegar',172767,0,33,1735045203) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 33,`tim` = 1735045203 ; date:16:30:15 Time:0.346S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16565082539 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208741,296507,'a1392s',296507,0,1,1735045215) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735045215 ; date:16:30:17 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57843381840 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045216 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045206 date:16:30:17 Time:0.167S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82943528266 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045217 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045207 date:16:30:48 Time:0.208S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68563381907 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(253746,223858,'hot_girl',237022,0,13,1735045248) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 13,`tim` = 1735045248 ; date:16:30:48 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65574958059 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735045248 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:30:48 Time:0.241S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74521418624 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045248 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045238 date:16:30:48 Time:0.187S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78942692593 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045248 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045238 date:16:30:48 Time:0.185S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17448146672 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045248 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045238 date:16:30:48 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64716433349 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045248 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045238 date:16:32:05 Time:0.3S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83981368020 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(795160,288595,'NVADAG',288595,0,1,1735045325) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735045325 ; date:16:32:47 Time:0.876S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31454982934 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045366 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045356 date:16:32:47 Time:0.772S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79101719255 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.748S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99557082670 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.703S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61398044092 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.699S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25749599117 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.675S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31323968988 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.598S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49643724632 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.589S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28856777511 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.537S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61673633779 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.528S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20802773610 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.52S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82636541099 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.486S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43560188791 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41868419735 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.43S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65183955174 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.348S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17954834125 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045357 date:16:32:47 Time:0.823S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48599089805 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735045366 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:32:47 Time:0.589S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47648110556 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735045367 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:33:42 Time:0.434S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83744415627 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045421 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045411 date:16:33:42 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39776834909 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208215,270983,'sorimogadam',197887,0,0,1735045422) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735045422 ; date:16:34:34 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89397093044 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735045473 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:34:34 Time:0.244S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98153835301 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045473 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045463 date:16:34:34 Time:0.226S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76992635511 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045473 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045463 date:16:35:50 Time:1.094S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57083449413 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045549 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045539 date:16:35:50 Time:1.068S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27933026141 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045549 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045539 date:16:35:50 Time:1.054S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16301535964 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045549 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045539 date:16:35:50 Time:0.988S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65587852739 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045549 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045539 date:16:35:50 Time:0.771S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22829048550 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045549 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045539 date:16:35:50 Time:1.044S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16713706918 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735045549 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:36:09 Time:0.103S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32101924603 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735045569 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:38:17 Time:0.237S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55825517937 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208731,162827,'ghasemi7899',162827,0,1,1735045697) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735045697 ; date:16:38:25 Time:0.12S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90907344102 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208201,211365,'sadbaby',211365,0,97,1735045705) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 97,`tim` = 1735045705 ; date:16:39:17 Time:0.349S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67319131788 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(272847,282794,'maedeh747',254635,0,3,1735045757),(255769,282794,'maedeh747',254635,0,3,1735045757) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735045757 ; date:16:39:48 Time:0.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77889538917 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(249286,263171,'Shayea1371',274862,0,3,1735045788),(279921,263171,'Shayea1371',258340,0,3,1735045788),(75075,263171,'Shayea1371',138801,0,3,1735045788) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735045788 ; date:16:39:52 Time:0.517S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39785217715 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280499,274623,'reihaneh2008',289406,0,3,1735045791),(281342,274623,'reihaneh2008',147203,0,3,1735045791) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735045791 ; date:16:39:59 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13421940135 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735045798 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:39:59 Time:0.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21997943534 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045799 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045789 date:16:39:59 Time:0.135S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94782122800 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735045799 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045789 date:16:41:19 Time:0.23S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19002605455 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(77789,263722,'rrrsaaa',116800,0,0,1735045879) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735045879 ; date:16:41:27 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93340470643 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(102334,162827,'ghasemi7899',153383,0,1,1735045887) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735045887 ; date:16:41:48 Time:0.51S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43051599840 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208161,255965,'sansji',245004,0,11,1735045908) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735045908 ; date:16:41:48 Time:0.397S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98965742464 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(198609,169008,'s1389s',207307,0,0,1735045908) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735045908 ; date:16:41:48 Time:0.473S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35694877649 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208215,233261,'mmmmedia',197887,1,1,1735045908),(6511,233261,'mmmmedia',16,0,1,1735045908),(207970,233261,'mmmmedia',252382,0,1,1735045908),(208285,233261,'mmmmedia',252382,0,1,1735045908) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735045908 ; date:16:42:35 Time:0.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16622024754 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(280057,288294,'bipllaaar',284161,0,1,1735045955),(279962,288294,'bipllaaar',255901,0,1,1735045955) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735045955 ; date:16:42:48 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50303418708 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281758,274623,'reihaneh2008',194515,0,3,1735045968),(283252,274623,'reihaneh2008',134292,0,3,1735045968) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735045968 ; date:16:43:25 Time:0.156S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42737155724 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046005 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:43:25 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26787360434 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045995 date:16:43:25 Time:0.148S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31063139824 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045995 date:16:43:25 Time:0.133S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28227035449 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045995 date:16:43:25 Time:0.119S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44072088400 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046005 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735045995 date:16:43:25 Time:0.113S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18638075588 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046005 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:43:25 Time:0.487S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58139332945 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(264674,296866,'mastanmk',235520,0,0,1735046004),(263134,296866,'mastanmk',235520,0,0,1735046004) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046004 ; date:16:46:19 Time:0.566S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29506363645 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(795362,244896,'Feriw_097',244896,0,100,1735046179) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 100,`tim` = 1735046179 ; date:16:46:19 Time:0.169S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73244268261 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046179 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046169 date:16:46:19 Time:0.176S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59363270547 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046179 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:46:19 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19223376266 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(160415,272087,'mahtab55',108876,0,2,1735046179) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735046179 ; date:16:46:54 Time:0.126S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53384756648 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(246964,275224,'fariba1390',254635,0,4,1735046214) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735046214 ; date:16:47:19 Time:0.749S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63922171977 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(235145,266003,'saryno',222797,0,169,1735046239) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 169,`tim` = 1735046239 ; date:16:47:19 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76708847263 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283786,195673,'wrotfhdg',195673,0,0,1735046239) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046239 ; date:16:47:19 Time:0.256S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13291245385 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(26516,281546,'ysnahajypwm',142929,0,1,1735046239) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735046239 ; date:16:48:19 Time:0.536S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75714838527 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.406S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12497670741 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48918717921 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.235S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91017825908 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.189S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48795810820 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.175S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20233955718 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.13S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36213727393 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.143S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23672980599 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.333S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31064700518 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:48:19 Time:0.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52094893644 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.254S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79329044523 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.247S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39603623564 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 7,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.257S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39282205731 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.245S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66017317500 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046289 date:16:48:19 Time:0.342S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14722693267 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:48:19 Time:0.104S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77443128590 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046299 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:48:20 Time:0.505S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91017825908 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(125537,279770,'emlin',128605,0,0,1735046299) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046299 ; date:16:48:20 Time:0.505S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48795810820 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(200231,281546,'ysnahajypwm',263500,0,1,1735046299),(188101,281546,'ysnahajypwm',263500,0,1,1735046299) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735046299 ; date:16:49:47 Time:0.712S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36343915801 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(269351,226373,'aa247',288595,0,6,1735046386),(21471,226373,'aa247',16,0,6,1735046386) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735046386 ; date:16:50:23 Time:0.617S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58364525812 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046422 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:52:43 Time:0.972S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65656223496 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046562 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:52:43 Time:0.899S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60751681302 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046563 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046553 date:16:52:43 Time:0.867S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70514727780 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046563 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046553 date:16:52:43 Time:0.798S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32018043196 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046563 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046553 date:16:53:28 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53136706013 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046608 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:53:48 Time:0.224S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30429526213 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(224233,297098,'wwksjdkwl',181901,0,0,1735046628) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046628 ; date:16:54:50 Time:0.623S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87961127135 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(142716,287081,'raha_5959',102914,0,1,1735046689),(246301,287081,'raha_5959',102914,0,1,1735046689) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735046689 ; date:16:54:50 Time:0.51S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65883036715 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(67700,287111,'tida_19',128278,0,0,1735046689),(109135,287111,'tida_19',128278,0,0,1735046689) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046689 ; date:16:54:50 Time:0.282S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89721295765 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(169701,274818,'seyedalikhamenei313',224891,0,0,1735046689),(204176,274818,'seyedalikhamenei313',224891,0,0,1735046689) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046689 ; date:16:54:50 Time:0.258S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50251318168 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(255837,292630,'nazanin81194',141503,0,3,1735046690),(119451,292630,'nazanin81194',141503,0,3,1735046690),(125885,292630,'nazanin81194',141503,0,3,1735046690) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735046690 ; date:16:54:50 Time:0.58S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96311301572 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276817,288294,'bipllaaar',219650,0,1,1735046689),(283391,288294,'bipllaaar',287453,0,1,1735046689),(256312,288294,'bipllaaar',262811,0,1,1735046689) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735046689 ; date:16:54:50 Time:0.13S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94368070266 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282992,296866,'mastanmk',268839,0,0,1735046690),(66901,296866,'mastanmk',156015,0,0,1735046690),(144532,296866,'mastanmk',158438,0,0,1735046690),(38523,296866,'mastanmk',155522,0,0,1735046690) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046690 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (220002) and `un`='mastanmk'; date:16:55:14 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35496997564 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(795265,266204,'DoPa_MiN',266204,0,6,1735046714) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735046714 ; date:16:55:51 Time:0.176S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16428027258 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046751 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046741 date:16:55:55 Time:0.961S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18967691258 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282568,225294,'tintin88',267836,0,0,1735046754),(282900,225294,'tintin88',181422,0,0,1735046754) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046754 ; date:16:55:55 Time:0.708S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54112031493 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208565,289446,'mmrzjoon',289446,0,5,1735046754) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735046754 ; date:16:55:55 Time:0.16S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33331612778 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281081,291839,'fiyxjbcf',235897,0,2,1735046755) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735046755 ; date:16:56:00 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79315678348 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(203097,292092,'sjsnsjjsbs',244913,0,5,1735046760) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735046760 ; date:16:56:01 Time:0.184S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44820500515 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046761 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:56:01 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84504428075 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046761 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046751 date:16:56:01 Time:0.177S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95851455410 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046761 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046751 date:16:56:01 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54499290182 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046761 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046751 date:16:56:01 Time:0.127S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19440007351 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046761 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046751 date:16:56:01 Time:0.123S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84996674887 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046761 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046751 date:16:56:01 Time:0.179S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40907088647 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046761 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:56:01 Time:0.16S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98551435215 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046761 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:56:01 Time:0.992S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11819153692 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(235972,269065,'Mina1390',208574,0,0,1735046760),(235974,269065,'Mina1390',208574,0,0,1735046760),(252605,269065,'Mina1390',203984,0,0,1735046760),(261004,269065,'Mina1390',150614,0,0,1735046760),(266577,269065,'Mina1390',282165,0,0,1735046760) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046760 ; date:16:56:01 Time:0.157S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99033698227 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(31443,297938,'sss_88',296014,0,0,1735046761),(30851,297938,'sss_88',211916,0,0,1735046761) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046761 ; date:16:56:20 Time:0.284S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73345650311 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(97084,284362,'ds9romisa',179234,0,1,1735046780),(153359,284362,'ds9romisa',198261,0,1,1735046780) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735046780 ; date:16:56:20 Time:0.398S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33560343891 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(795282,148726,'sacrifice',148726,0,106,1735046780) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 106,`tim` = 1735046780 ; date:16:56:20 Time:0.271S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11153125662 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(103924,254870,'jeonwilliam',114035,0,18,1735046780) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 18,`tim` = 1735046780 ; date:16:56:28 Time:0.468S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19480801152 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046787 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:56:28 Time:0.417S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57201184471 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046787 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046777 date:16:56:28 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19493465405 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046787 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046777 date:16:56:28 Time:0.461S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58016945754 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046787 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:56:28 Time:0.266S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90049597950 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046787 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:56:28 Time:0.238S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73484442998 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046787 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:56:37 Time:0.253S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21806012324 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(207487,182691,'maryami78',297122,0,1,1735046796) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735046796 ; date:16:56:41 Time:1.623S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51085338480 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281788,297979,'amirali13900',261283,1,0,1735046800) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046800,`lik`=1 ; date:16:56:41 Time:0.218S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24189361571 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(194103,275723,'mahta_1391',277315,0,5,1735046801),(204993,275723,'mahta_1391',290498,0,5,1735046801),(189084,275723,'mahta_1391',277315,0,5,1735046801) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735046801 ; date:16:57:18 Time:5.799S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37124200972 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(267864,297672,'ad13beki',181595,0,1,1735046832) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735046832 ; date:16:57:18 Time:4.752S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81188092136 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282360,291211,'sh_marian138',245004,0,12,1735046833) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735046833 ; date:16:57:18 Time:4.22S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=text&pid=me2j2&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%0417%5C%E0%94%AAl%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%3D%04%C3%27&pg=1& UID:13390940223 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_t` WHERE `pid`=771542 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:16:57:18 Time:0.418S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81259839339 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283734,243247,'vitara',251869,1,27,1735046837) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 27,`tim` = 1735046837,`lik`=1 ; date:16:58:22 Time:0.12S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83411944945 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735046902 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046892 date:16:58:22 Time:0.197S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39080097856 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735046902 WHERE `ip`='' date:16:58:38 Time:0.207S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81665639635 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(166827,252637,'medisakhanzad',166081,0,47,1735046917) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 47,`tim` = 1735046917 ; date:16:59:21 Time:0.258S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63795197985 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(151749,288438,'maral1403',166081,0,2,1735046961),(37685,288438,'maral1403',141503,0,2,1735046961),(221883,288438,'maral1403',254042,0,2,1735046961),(244661,288438,'maral1403',266228,0,2,1735046961),(66737,288438,'maral1403',166074,0,2,1735046961) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735046961 ; date:16:59:43 Time:0.26S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58325240397 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282693,294512,'yasna2560815184',248738,0,0,1735046983),(280977,294512,'yasna2560815184',238736,0,0,1735046983) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735046983 ; date:17:00:02 Time:0.607S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67368374452 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(159652,175952,'rahakh90',181011,0,1,1735047002),(131798,175952,'rahakh90',189090,0,1,1735047002) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735047002 ; date:17:00:04 Time:0.294S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63215941522 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047004 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:00:04 Time:0.265S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53280987798 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047004 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046994 date:17:00:04 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30785690019 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047004 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046994 date:17:00:04 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45775625842 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047004 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735046994 date:17:00:06 Time:0.366S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45825483079 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208457,264390,'ladyy',288595,0,38,1735047005) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 38,`tim` = 1735047005 ; date:17:00:38 Time:0.173S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95649574830 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282739,295877,'mobina22877',193409,0,1,1735047038),(280601,295877,'mobina22877',262811,0,1,1735047038) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735047038 ; date:17:00:51 Time:0.335S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25508098562 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(269101,283225,'moon_a',257738,0,3,1735047051),(100655,283225,'moon_a',180456,0,3,1735047051) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735047051 ; date:17:01:35 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37109659097 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(28462,192469,'buyuk',147375,0,2,1735047095) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735047095 ; date:17:01:51 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24351247400 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(102783,293669,'fanaz1359gmail',189144,0,4,1735047111) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735047111 ; date:17:02:20 Time:0.143S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77253314313 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(8097,284615,'tania1386',121714,0,0,1735047140),(46481,284615,'tania1386',161822,0,0,1735047140),(279378,284615,'tania1386',134052,0,0,1735047140) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735047140 ; date:17:02:21 Time:0.491S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59777583159 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281741,193409,'romina87kh',289406,0,449,1735047140),(283495,193409,'romina87kh',193409,0,449,1735047140),(283496,193409,'romina87kh',193409,0,449,1735047140) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 449,`tim` = 1735047140 ; date:17:02:21 Time:0.147S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90547877975 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047141 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047131 date:17:02:21 Time:0.123S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12209872405 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047141 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047131 date:17:03:52 Time:0.668S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36449768715 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(3845,283665,'reza_shafi',20,0,1,1735047231) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735047231 ; date:17:03:52 Time:0.438S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75669978544 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282999,291527,'ysfhgfb',274822,0,1,1735047231) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735047231 ; date:17:05:22 Time:0.484S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97657471705 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047321 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047311 date:17:06:22 Time:0.312S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=text&pid=makc4&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%10%84%D0%25%07%1C%8A%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%3D%C3%C7%2B&pg=1& UID:63351025651 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_t` WHERE `pid`=767310 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:17:06:22 Time:0.44S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82861317397 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(81533,296626,'reyhaneh100aa',127833,0,2,1735047382) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735047382 ; date:17:07:22 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40847371466 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283793,248738,'jkckbx',261615,1,12,1735047441) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735047441,`lik`=1 ; date:17:07:52 Time:0.263S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65282652034 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(98495,248575,'asrame',113474,0,41,1735047472),(245308,248575,'asrame',201053,0,41,1735047472) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 41,`tim` = 1735047472 ; date:17:08:23 Time:0.358S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45292854024 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047502 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:08:23 Time:0.343S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57203751102 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047502 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047492 date:17:08:23 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53119319359 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047502 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047492 date:17:08:23 Time:0.123S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23205270089 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047503 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047493 date:17:08:23 Time:0.11S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64700935503 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282032,182629,'zari_808',175579,0,470,1735047503),(271162,182629,'zari_808',175579,0,470,1735047503),(270444,182629,'zari_808',175579,0,470,1735047503) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 470,`tim` = 1735047503 ; date:17:09:15 Time:0.154S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81175818191 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208749,296407,'sh_a1388',265392,0,1,1735047555) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735047555 ; date:17:09:22 Time:0.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19557682123 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282806,196441,'mahsa_88888',287919,0,2,1735047562) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735047562 ; date:17:09:30 Time:0.127S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50637147342 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047570 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:09:31 Time:0.421S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68672664440 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047570 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:09:31 Time:0.42S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97891124230 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047570 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:09:31 Time:0.304S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35392315497 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 1,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047571 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:09:31 Time:0.296S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64075263098 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047571 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047561 date:17:09:31 Time:0.263S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41859412562 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047571 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047561 date:17:10:17 Time:0.745S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46411177399 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282137,257738,'bts_kimtaehung',257738,0,3,1735047616),(283559,257738,'bts_kimtaehung',254635,0,3,1735047616),(283564,257738,'bts_kimtaehung',254635,0,3,1735047616) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735047616 ; date:17:10:54 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31450079896 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047653 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:11:17 Time:0.177S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83552307719 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(13071,292322,'v7777777',130617,0,0,1735047677),(82871,292322,'v7777777',141742,0,0,1735047677) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735047677 ; date:17:14:33 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49051004858 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281998,278313,'tatalitii',180286,0,20,1735047873),(281994,278313,'tatalitii',180286,0,20,1735047873) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 20,`tim` = 1735047873 ; date:17:15:49 Time:1.128S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32339928585 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047948 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047938 date:17:15:49 Time:1.149S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61101700844 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047948 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047938 date:17:15:49 Time:1.037S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71281380488 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047948 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047938 date:17:15:49 Time:0.991S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94262670548 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047948 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047938 date:17:15:49 Time:1.657S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87786467850 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047948 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:49 Time:0.623S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39122324212 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047939 date:17:15:49 Time:0.624S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65759952187 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047939 date:17:15:49 Time:0.624S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63782967172 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047939 date:17:15:49 Time:0.623S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20797099468 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047939 date:17:15:49 Time:0.618S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88251772938 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047939 date:17:15:50 Time:1.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57708725333 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:50 Time:0.485S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29322182367 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047939 date:17:15:50 Time:0.46S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73106718233 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047939 date:17:15:50 Time:0.443S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85304660044 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047939 date:17:15:50 Time:0.486S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59090169549 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047949 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:50 Time:0.571S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18345850633 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:50 Time:0.571S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24182052201 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:50 Time:0.571S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:32026021908 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:50 Time:0.57S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94277654398 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:50 Time:0.57S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60236179576 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:50 Time:0.57S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88772293253 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:50 Time:0.371S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47851838343 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:51 Time:1.115S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22017995177 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:51 Time:0.543S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64919136259 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:51 Time:0.543S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81963487742 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:51 Time:0.543S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62614304471 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047940 date:17:15:51 Time:0.543S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85420468763 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:51 Time:0.544S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92991327340 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:51 Time:0.532S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47387484224 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047950 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:51 Time:0.315S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93957826202 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.789S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72041004808 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047941 date:17:15:52 Time:0.789S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25974227764 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047941 date:17:15:52 Time:0.788S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84157359541 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047941 date:17:15:52 Time:0.788S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66657207617 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047941 date:17:15:52 Time:0.788S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71594894911 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047941 date:17:15:52 Time:0.79S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54454868133 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.79S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65681031605 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.373S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70407218416 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047951 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93594223891 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46716500243 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59981961652 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79744351505 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.25S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37803886778 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.244S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59280726628 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.236S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15782380031 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26890999944 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99016682116 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:21343370945 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29419198317 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36774294967 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.241S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27939847107 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:26240904797 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.253S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51583954181 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.252S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70687393903 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12127368426 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:52 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55387809375 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36610483605 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25763324539 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85289712779 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:52 Time:0.149S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95930855773 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:53 Time:0.257S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99915224285 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:53 Time:0.217S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94733908763 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047952 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047942 date:17:15:53 Time:0.203S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91625882731 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047953 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047943 date:17:15:53 Time:0.306S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28912717458 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047953 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:53 Time:0.268S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87339363937 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047953 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047943 date:17:15:53 Time:0.256S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17786461393 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 8,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047953 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047943 date:17:15:53 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89291431951 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 14,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047953 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047943 date:17:15:59 Time:6.327S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52685750302 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047953 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047943 date:17:15:59 Time:5.992S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37842432366 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047953 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047943 date:17:15:59 Time:5.794S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63880521673 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047954 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047944 date:17:15:59 Time:5.696S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76908659514 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047954 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047944 date:17:15:59 Time:5.648S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16293569730 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047954 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047944 date:17:15:59 Time:5.521S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31913530516 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047954 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047944 date:17:15:59 Time:4.824S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29766058313 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047955 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047945 date:17:15:59 Time:1.441S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33464632667 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047958 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047948 date:17:15:59 Time:0.773S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31630387291 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:15:59 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92172637034 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:15:59 Time:0.379S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77000040644 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:15:59 Time:5.897S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45660847842 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047954 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:59 Time:5.779S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87972730972 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047954 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:59 Time:4.155S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15004526548 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047955 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:59 Time:3.495S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27709944065 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047956 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:59 Time:2.806S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:53743592358 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047957 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:15:59 Time:2.117S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68824485538 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047957 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:16:05 Time:5.38S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96678973379 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.38S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54639847954 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.38S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20033554307 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.38S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59477447385 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.379S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18930985102 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.379S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91289581346 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.379S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83906330430 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.379S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35212221472 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.376S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65472225319 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.369S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25840719757 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:5.369S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33499396270 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047949 date:17:16:05 Time:4.9S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71062777011 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047960 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047950 date:17:16:05 Time:4.208S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83780057338 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047961 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047951 date:17:16:05 Time:2.82S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62204990778 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735047962 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735047952 date:17:16:05 Time:5.381S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57128509767 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047959 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:16:05 Time:3.491S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19421502602 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735047961 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:16:40 Time:0.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22758301973 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283800,293285,'nabodshodeh',212192,1,1,1735048000) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735048000,`lik`=1 ; date:17:17:23 Time:0.185S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83898123765 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048043 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048033 date:17:17:23 Time:0.185S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52641253277 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048043 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048033 date:17:17:23 Time:0.149S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74796172982 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048043 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048033 date:17:18:07 Time:0.43S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39992225025 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206402,276083,'hadis135',115656,0,1,1735048086),(156842,276083,'hadis135',249505,0,1,1735048086) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735048086 ; date:17:18:12 Time:1.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40193407706 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(74833,248738,'jkckbx',171723,0,12,1735048091) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735048091 ; date:17:18:53 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58214569848 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(6297,251223,'fghd6vjsjs',108876,0,5,1735048133),(150383,251223,'fghd6vjsjs',148289,0,5,1735048133) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735048133 ; date:17:19:21 Time:0.246S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33006476289 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(31805,289512,'asma_0089',289512,0,11,1735048161) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 11,`tim` = 1735048161 ; date:17:19:24 Time:0.136S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63631450807 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048153 date:17:19:24 Time:0.135S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60080213662 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048153 date:17:19:24 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68369827880 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048153 date:17:19:24 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34400674951 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048163 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048153 date:17:21:25 Time:0.92S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88735504396 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(196677,281315,'lana_del',283539,0,0,1735048284) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048284 ; date:17:21:25 Time:0.234S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:41356038749 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(234940,297873,'mahya232',177700,0,0,1735048285) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048285 ; date:17:22:44 Time:1.289S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99720085243 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208749,268854,'amiralio',265392,0,2,1735048363) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735048363 ; date:17:22:46 Time:0.17S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68076467195 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048365 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048355 date:17:22:46 Time:0.232S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39389281948 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735048365 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:22:46 Time:0.457S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71356983715 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279997,250795,'mkevs',231090,0,0,1735048365) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048365 ; date:17:22:46 Time:0.7S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48609234485 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282311,283510,'zxcvn',276259,0,8,1735048366),(282693,283510,'zxcvn',248738,1,8,1735048366),(282659,283510,'zxcvn',207576,0,8,1735048366) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 8,`tim` = 1735048366 ; date:17:22:47 Time:0.545S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39996534348 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(249060,292630,'nazanin81194',143654,0,3,1735048367),(277963,292630,'nazanin81194',295115,0,3,1735048367) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735048367 ; date:17:23:37 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91592632798 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(6682,268845,'starfish',117787,0,7,1735048417),(75365,268845,'starfish',179170,0,7,1735048417),(199378,268845,'starfish',216881,0,7,1735048417),(182536,268845,'starfish',240312,0,7,1735048417),(158430,268845,'starfish',166204,0,7,1735048417) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 7,`tim` = 1735048417 ; date:17:23:37 Time:0.116S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36277002016 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282403,295654,'sadra_s',284161,0,4,1735048417) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735048417 ; date:17:23:55 Time:0.202S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50700684577 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048434 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048424 date:17:23:58 Time:0.341S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43930733832 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(79576,293370,'naziiii_1390',181503,0,2,1735048437),(200512,293370,'naziiii_1390',251689,0,2,1735048437) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735048437 ; date:17:25:25 Time:0.36S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56016520467 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208755,127922,'hast_i',127922,1,22,1735048525) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 22,`tim` = 1735048525,`lik`=1 ; date:17:25:34 Time:0.167S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24275450758 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(245827,286238,'lioness87',215725,0,0,1735048534),(57333,286238,'lioness87',151252,0,0,1735048534) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048534 ; date:17:26:35 Time:0.26S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38420710698 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048594 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048584 date:17:26:35 Time:0.107S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60567324207 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048594 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048584 date:17:26:35 Time:0.106S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43556576790 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735048594 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735048584 date:17:26:35 Time:0.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88567455721 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735048594 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:26:35 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52323257549 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735048594 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:26:47 Time:0.101S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35220658827 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282482,296656,'asramoon',216881,0,4,1735048607) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735048607 ; date:17:28:01 Time:0.167S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:70982134211 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(72826,248738,'jkckbx',171723,1,12,1735048680),(72824,248738,'jkckbx',171723,1,12,1735048680) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735048680,`lik`=1 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (73198) and `un`='jkckbx'; date:17:28:55 Time:0.287S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18304836882 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(270671,295697,'fatipv98',147203,0,2,1735048735) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735048735 ; date:17:29:27 Time:1.808S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45548625409 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(5734,288804,'htfebu',16,0,0,1735048765),(209786,288804,'htfebu',140100,0,0,1735048765),(28431,288804,'htfebu',16,0,0,1735048765),(112142,288804,'htfebu',202885,0,0,1735048765) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048765 ; date:17:29:28 Time:2.714S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38939025903 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(117615,216813,'mmatena1391',141742,0,0,1735048765),(104721,216813,'mmatena1391',163139,0,0,1735048765),(181884,216813,'mmatena1391',109066,0,0,1735048765) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048765 ; date:17:29:28 Time:2.249S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24307324940 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(269047,267952,'sana56y66',273651,0,0,1735048766),(245122,267952,'sana56y66',270757,0,0,1735048766) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048766 ; date:17:29:28 Time:2.195S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23331792044 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(31347,222904,'amirhoo86',155066,0,0,1735048766) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048766 ; date:17:29:42 Time:0.255S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55293658258 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(278931,253317,'asha_1387',178388,0,1,1735048781),(278327,253317,'asha_1387',293693,0,1,1735048781) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735048781 ; date:17:30:27 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39416563492 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(272597,231090,'anjelikyyyyya',254635,0,1,1735048827) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735048827 ; date:17:31:25 Time:0.131S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74082387282 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(197717,216560,'masoomeh_sajadi',278022,0,3,1735048885) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735048885 ; date:17:31:28 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25677620042 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(260405,286238,'lioness87',248940,0,0,1735048888),(67628,286238,'lioness87',116996,0,0,1735048888) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735048888 ; date:17:36:46 Time:0.26S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96478046418 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276037,267932,'sety_1314',284489,0,6,1735049206),(247875,267932,'sety_1314',274070,0,6,1735049206),(281537,267932,'sety_1314',295935,0,6,1735049206),(118951,267932,'sety_1314',201821,0,6,1735049206) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735049206 ; date:17:36:52 Time:0.763S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97102819911 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(71673,248738,'jkckbx',171723,1,12,1735049212) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735049212,`lik`=1 ; date:17:37:17 Time:0.364S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59183921231 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049236 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049226 date:17:37:17 Time:0.36S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24948685608 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049236 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049226 date:17:37:17 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50486587756 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049236 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049226 date:17:37:17 Time:0.24S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67732435515 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735049236 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:37:17 Time:0.219S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75339251260 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735049236 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:38:27 Time:0.62S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48453588620 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(258366,220736,'chjfddd',279915,0,57,1735049307) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 57,`tim` = 1735049307 ; date:17:38:33 Time:0.16S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60054749824 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 12,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049313 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049303 date:17:38:33 Time:0.114S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19605072715 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049313 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049303 date:17:38:33 Time:0.156S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:65969953143 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735049313 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:38:33 Time:0.216S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99998840689 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(250058,296868,'haniy1390',157769,0,1,1735049313),(257005,296868,'haniy1390',277066,0,1,1735049313) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735049313 ; date:17:39:08 Time:0.155S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83267425941 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049348 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049338 date:17:39:08 Time:0.106S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23316564875 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735049348 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:39:27 Time:0.159S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62300744744 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049367 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049357 date:17:39:57 Time:0.447S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27486516176 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282900,149654,'bita87',181422,0,585,1735049397) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 585,`tim` = 1735049397 ; date:17:39:58 Time:0.436S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86910818096 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(276330,296100,'aram_1381',238736,0,2,1735049397) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735049397 ; date:17:40:24 Time:0.559S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79276501465 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208759,296669,'shokrolahi',296669,0,6,1735049423),(208654,296669,'shokrolahi',296669,0,6,1735049423) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735049423 ; date:17:40:57 Time:0.368S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42664467247 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:40:57 Time:0.353S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19575850844 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049447 date:17:40:57 Time:0.347S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98572226837 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049447 date:17:40:57 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60118640349 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049447 date:17:40:57 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22713107252 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049447 date:17:40:57 Time:0.198S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66668497351 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049447 date:17:40:57 Time:0.149S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77652306285 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049447 date:17:40:57 Time:0.132S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52510510983 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049447 date:17:40:57 Time:0.258S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44916016687 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735049457 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:42:58 Time:0.312S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97869977275 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(258527,287948,'nazi_oo',259522,0,1,1735049577) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735049577 ; date:17:43:45 Time:0.739S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:12296798375 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049624 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049614 date:17:43:45 Time:0.707S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13171481414 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049624 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049614 date:17:43:45 Time:0.695S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34976772274 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049624 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049614 date:17:43:45 Time:0.695S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84075284435 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049624 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049614 date:17:43:45 Time:0.659S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24948795891 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049624 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049614 date:17:43:45 Time:0.553S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25615722592 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049625 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049615 date:17:43:45 Time:0.38S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58605594356 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049625 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049615 date:17:43:45 Time:0.522S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29028100679 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049625 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049615 date:17:43:45 Time:0.223S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50575320321 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049625 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049615 date:17:43:45 Time:0.556S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15406416767 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735049625 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:43:45 Time:0.199S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30877457273 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735049625 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049615 date:17:43:45 Time:0.549S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97359673930 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735049625 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:44:29 Time:0.852S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63870531484 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283157,290971,'aspad1213',249974,0,1,1735049668),(281926,290971,'aspad1213',249974,0,1,1735049668) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735049668 ; date:17:50:09 Time:0.147S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76977129829 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050009 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:10 Time:0.166S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19752933123 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050009 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735049999 date:17:50:10 Time:1.16S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48623878752 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050009 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:10 Time:0.47S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50308327845 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050010 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050000 date:17:50:11 Time:0.599S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17876145601 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050010 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050000 date:17:50:11 Time:0.599S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79074428449 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050010 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050000 date:17:50:11 Time:0.612S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63555489347 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050011 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050001 date:17:50:11 Time:0.609S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77134394430 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050011 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050001 date:17:50:12 Time:0.768S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:62318800733 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050011 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050001 date:17:50:12 Time:0.56S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57811071097 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050011 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050001 date:17:50:16 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19190462491 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050015 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050005 date:17:50:22 Time:6.765S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:37610195181 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050016 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050006 date:17:50:22 Time:6.289S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98399935478 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050016 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050006 date:17:50:22 Time:5.637S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58149399877 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050017 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050007 date:17:50:22 Time:4.971S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74885732131 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050017 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050007 date:17:50:22 Time:4.319S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59673338614 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050018 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050008 date:17:50:22 Time:3.623S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71455297889 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050019 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050009 date:17:50:22 Time:2.896S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81644502845 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050020 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050010 date:17:50:22 Time:2.469S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51835306920 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050020 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050010 date:17:50:22 Time:0.964S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52851094833 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050021 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050011 date:17:50:22 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89909999457 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050012 date:17:50:22 Time:2.262S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19657870925 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050020 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:5.652S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64244843953 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050012 date:17:50:28 Time:5.652S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47207650957 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050012 date:17:50:28 Time:5.652S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20156018460 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050012 date:17:50:28 Time:5.652S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86703989207 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050012 date:17:50:28 Time:5.651S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58243866331 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050012 date:17:50:28 Time:5.645S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47882167731 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050012 date:17:50:28 Time:3.91S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60776503191 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050024 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050014 date:17:50:28 Time:3.251S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51724752208 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050025 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050015 date:17:50:28 Time:2.555S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50063870555 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050026 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050016 date:17:50:28 Time:1.883S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34799821901 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050026 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050016 date:17:50:28 Time:0.508S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39990961185 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:28 Time:5.654S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11903109700 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:5.653S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83393588140 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050022 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:4.594S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29197567577 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050023 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:5.284S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42992811313 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050023 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:1.204S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72924087041 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050027 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:0.275S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95813107395 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68918834319 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:28 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64894782066 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:28 Time:0.266S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89988281272 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:28 Time:0.161S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85168065147 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:28 Time:0.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20866211426 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94979019368 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:0.267S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73618645179 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:28 Time:0.228S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97128310372 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:29 Time:0.286S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23550292550 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:29 Time:0.286S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27652973049 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:29 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24134758572 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:29 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72098821077 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:29 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59591085638 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:29 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78105635098 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050018 date:17:50:29 Time:0.287S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:27695785962 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:29 Time:0.286S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:87982180408 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:29 Time:0.286S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:47197005182 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050028 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:29 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14649334330 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80032582917 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17664271055 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43569573522 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66642213032 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78930405789 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45875025844 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.298S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68784468957 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.301S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54103198634 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:29 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:89354181042 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:29 Time:0.56S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83507505556 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:29 Time:0.262S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73473608335 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:51044882182 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:29 Time:0.262S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64587874812 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.262S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97825652492 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11892554376 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38070836868 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:68180394250 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61189671166 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.261S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52315550403 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:29 Time:0.253S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35083697554 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91478883515 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85033528455 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58266305658 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:57399900381 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49487623999 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82938431048 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:80991191370 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:85707141087 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81326324842 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59632164062 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.275S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56611760723 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34821524902 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050019 date:17:50:30 Time:0.275S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:22616777966 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050029 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:30 Time:0.265S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94537723422 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:30 Time:0.264S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29522368485 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:30 Time:0.264S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60555429476 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:30 Time:0.266S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63666984992 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:30 Time:0.533S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78940491872 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:30 Time:0.268S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90495441025 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:30 Time:0.268S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:36560500516 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:30 Time:0.546S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69326522784 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:30 Time:0.545S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44070691274 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:30 Time:0.276S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75685542138 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 9,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:30 Time:0.21S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52780046758 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:31 Time:0.556S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45671227191 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:31 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25387084145 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:31 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73508776567 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:31 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17833361016 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:31 Time:0.279S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:19210122830 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050030 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050020 date:17:50:31 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:84469078510 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050031 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050021 date:17:50:31 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:99892353786 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050031 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050021 date:17:50:31 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:20812614813 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050031 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050021 date:17:50:31 Time:0.139S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82098323864 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735050031 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735050021 date:17:50:31 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73409186763 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050031 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:50:31 Time:0.286S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46421347197 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735050031 WHERE `ip`='' date:17:52:48 Time:0.173S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15772248047 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208324,293285,'nabodshodeh',212192,0,1,1735050168) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735050168 ; date:17:53:29 Time:0.356S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:23214345699 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(279618,260170,'arma_bts',157769,0,5,1735050209) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735050209 ; date:18:01:02 Time:1.214S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=76qet&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%60%7Dh%FF%93%89%1Eb%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%3D%3D%28x%FD&pg=1& UID:24877960055 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=275971 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:18:03:48 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69731026396 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283268,293360,'nnnnmaryam',178388,0,1,1735050827),(283213,293360,'nnnnmaryam',297442,0,1,1735050827),(280601,293360,'nnnnmaryam',262811,0,1,1735050827) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735050827 ; date:18:05:33 Time:0.316S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71275156683 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283444,251869,'no_my',216192,0,85,1735050933) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 85,`tim` = 1735050933 ; date:18:05:44 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:15555393832 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(4523,244896,'Feriw_097',116903,0,100,1735050944),(5317,244896,'Feriw_097',118911,0,100,1735050944),(8138,244896,'Feriw_097',118911,0,100,1735050944) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 100,`tim` = 1735050944 ; date:18:08:32 Time:0.195S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:73079187251 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735051111 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735051101 date:18:08:32 Time:0.122S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:60458363320 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735051111 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735051101 date:18:08:32 Time:0.102S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30469541739 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735051111 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735051101 date:18:08:32 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83386817797 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735051111 WHERE `ip`='' date:18:09:32 Time:0.387S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:49284997224 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(107896,268540,'mahya403',195706,0,2,1735051172),(130951,268540,'mahya403',108876,0,2,1735051172) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735051172 ; date:18:09:49 Time:0.107S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18670185194 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(259822,293149,'sojin9213',254635,1,1,1735051189),(206817,293149,'sojin9213',216059,0,1,1735051189) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735051189 ; date:18:09:49 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92235421658 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(19788,286238,'lioness87',16,0,0,1735051189),(25630,286238,'lioness87',16,0,0,1735051189),(211992,286238,'lioness87',198558,0,0,1735051189) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735051189 ; date:18:12:00 Time:0.124S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:16147178719 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283788,289977,'mahsa_h',170873,0,2,1735051320) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735051320 ; date:18:12:31 Time:0.193S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=779ld&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%9F%E3%28%04%3C%82%28%E9%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%3D%B7%CD%9B&pg=1& UID:83570560291 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=277859 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:18:14:47 Time:0.1S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=c0rr&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%B8%AFB%83%13%17%EB%F6F%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%3D%C4%EB%8E&pg=1& UID:37733978960 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=29557 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:18:16:53 Time:0.233S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40352815982 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(79809,228685,'samilo',163541,0,2,1735051612),(15461,228685,'samilo',133325,0,2,1735051612),(283178,228685,'samilo',215960,0,2,1735051612) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735051612 ; date:18:17:55 Time:0.106S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=76a1h&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%13%F8%97%DC%04%AF%FF%0Ei%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%E0e&pg=1& UID:52858164436 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=273769 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:18:18:06 Time:0.208S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13059251384 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(758,288964,'hajhani',109891,0,0,1735051686) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735051686 ; date:18:19:39 Time:0.22S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11769538254 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(46147,244896,'Feriw_097',118808,0,100,1735051779) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 100,`tim` = 1735051779 ; date:18:22:04 Time:0.278S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54329371169 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(148469,292971,'mgkggkjg',218311,0,3,1735051924) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735051924 ; date:18:22:22 Time:0.264S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:25206278580 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282336,262125,'nami0',238736,0,36,1735051942),(282350,262125,'nami0',157769,0,36,1735051942),(283392,262125,'nami0',287453,0,36,1735051942) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 36,`tim` = 1735051942 ; date:18:22:25 Time:0.22S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24606103598 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(84031,284080,'park_hana0',170316,0,0,1735051945),(20660,284080,'park_hana0',16,0,0,1735051945) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735051945 ; date:18:24:34 Time:0.51S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63268856604 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281327,262125,'nami0',240989,0,36,1735052074) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 36,`tim` = 1735052074 ; date:18:30:51 Time:0.265S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=760mm&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%D2%A8%C3%B0%EAt%14%13%3EMQDIwMjB7ImlwIjoiNS4yMTIuOTMuNzUiLCJ1cyI6MjIzNzk1LCJybCI6MSwiaXN2IjoxLCJubSI6Ilx1MDYyZlx1MDYyZVx1MDYyYVx1MDYzMSBcdTA2MjhcdTA2MjdcdTA2MjhcdTA2MjdcdTA2NDU6KSIsInBoIjoiOTg5MzUxNTQ5MzY4IiwiYmFuIjoxNzI3NTE0MzkyLCJncm9sIjp7InQiOjEsIm0iOjEsInYiOjEsImkiOjF9LCJ1biI6ImFpbWZhdGltYXJlemFpZSIsImFnIjoiTW96aWxsYVwvNS4wIChMaW51eDsgQW5kcm9pZCAxMjsgU00tQTUyNUYgQnVpbGRcL1NQMUEuMjEwODEyLjAxNjsgd3YpIEFwcGxlV2ViS2l0XC81MzcuMzYgKEtIVE1MLCBsaWtlIEdlY2tvKSBWZXJzaW9uXC80LjAgQ2hyb21lXC8xMjQuMC42MzY3LjEyMyBNb2JpbGUgU2FmYXJpXC81MzcuMzYiLCJleCI6MTczNTE0MjcxNCwickRDIjoiMDViOGNiODI2MjM2ZjYzOWZlYWI4YzQ4MDJhMWNjOTEzMDU1NjU1MTc3NGQ1NTYzNGM2NjU5NjY1NDY2NzkyYjZhNzY2MzZiMzg1MTNkM2QiLCJpREMiOiJlZTdhYjlhZDNkNWQ4NjQ2NTNmNDMyZDYzNmU4NDBlYTVhNTc2MTZlNjU0NzY2MzQ1MzM4NDkzNzYxNGI1NzRkNGE0NjYyNTA3Njc3M2QzZCIsImltZyI6Mn1AMjAyMA%3D%3D%12%B1%3A&pg=1& UID:78549623418 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=272386 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:18:35:22 Time:0.103S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:38680633537 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(116669,276521,'asal90519',183563,0,1,1735052722) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735052722 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_v` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (281631) and `un`='asal90519'; date:18:39:37 Time:0.403S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98305546109 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(277271,258522,'rozhina88',181300,0,14,1735052976),(246021,258522,'rozhina88',250398,0,14,1735052976) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 14,`tim` = 1735052976 ; date:18:41:07 Time:0.112S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:75272689126 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(269699,118432,'sod_abe',286014,0,0,1735053066) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735053066 ; date:18:54:09 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98753528929 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(12200,199598,'ladimarya',127736,0,12,1735053849),(277622,199598,'ladimarya',291795,0,12,1735053849) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735053849 ; date:18:58:05 Time:0.624S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:43180273322 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735054084 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735054074 date:18:58:05 Time:0.567S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42522398325 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735054084 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735054074 date:18:58:05 Time:0.659S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35639945784 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735054084 WHERE `ip`='' date:18:59:40 Time:0.329S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61543496990 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(267668,270743,'zari1188',254635,0,3,1735054180),(274451,270743,'zari1188',254635,0,3,1735054180) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735054180 ; date:19:00:10 Time:0.129S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58016790900 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(281677,296854,'samin84',287919,0,0,1735054210),(282532,296854,'samin84',254635,0,0,1735054210) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735054210 ; date:19:00:40 Time:0.556S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=77hen&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=%9A%B5%09%28%E1%A5%F1%A1%C5%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%CE%D4d&pg=1& UID:45583867767 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=278847 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:19:05:40 Time:0.137S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86142879558 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(75736,116694,'saniaselena',154643,0,42,1735054540),(145857,116694,'saniaselena',222650,0,42,1735054540),(78363,116694,'saniaselena',175577,0,42,1735054540),(111654,116694,'saniaselena',108876,0,42,1735054540),(145918,116694,'saniaselena',109620,0,42,1735054540) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 42,`tim` = 1735054540 ; date:19:10:12 Time:0.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93036717329 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(166029,297040,'had2010is',157345,0,0,1735054812),(159843,297040,'had2010is',230299,0,0,1735054812) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735054812 ; date:19:13:07 Time:0.138S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67937698508 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(196452,181782,'rebeccaaa',222356,0,4,1735054987) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735054987 ; date:19:17:14 Time:0.726S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:58382861997 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055233 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:32 Time:1.163S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42350927522 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055431 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:32 Time:0.612S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59318794582 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055421 date:19:20:32 Time:0.407S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:54700987362 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055431 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055421 date:19:20:33 Time:0.717S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:18292550991 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055432 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:33 Time:0.717S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:61590537266 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055432 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:33 Time:0.717S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35881274978 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055432 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:33 Time:0.418S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:91041674505 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055432 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:33 Time:0.299S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:28270092623 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055433 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055423 date:19:20:33 Time:0.307S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77811399689 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055433 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:33 Time:0.284S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97158731591 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055433 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055423 date:19:20:34 Time:0.662S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86182178935 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055433 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:34 Time:0.662S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:81440686296 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055433 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:34 Time:0.662S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79305111565 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055433 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:34 Time:0.285S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56909048275 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055424 date:19:20:34 Time:0.178S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55371606340 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055424 date:19:20:34 Time:0.601S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67695322731 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:34 Time:0.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98867130958 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055424 date:19:20:34 Time:0.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:24608967261 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055424 date:19:20:34 Time:0.314S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48728646727 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 5,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055424 date:19:20:41 Time:7.268S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13004983183 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055424 date:19:20:41 Time:7.094S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83534772628 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055424 date:19:20:41 Time:6.401S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:67901408081 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055435 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055425 date:19:20:41 Time:5.731S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40316222611 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055436 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055426 date:19:20:41 Time:5.043S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:14572269047 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 3,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055436 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055426 date:19:20:41 Time:2.287S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48037529651 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055439 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055429 date:19:20:41 Time:7.27S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98721466058 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055434 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:41 Time:4.37S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17118802357 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055437 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:41 Time:3.622S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31271055556 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055438 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:41 Time:2.938S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:96312924362 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055439 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:41 Time:1.622S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33804338608 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055440 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:41 Time:0.88S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:79281453730 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:47 Time:5.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71643636436 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055431 date:19:20:47 Time:5.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:94845441518 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055431 date:19:20:47 Time:5.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:44141258444 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055431 date:19:20:47 Time:5.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:33679628871 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055431 date:19:20:47 Time:5.704S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56253846525 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 4,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055431 date:19:20:47 Time:5.703S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:63767759594 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055431 date:19:20:47 Time:5.189S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98375225708 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055442 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055432 date:19:20:47 Time:3.073S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:30825983937 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055444 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055434 date:19:20:47 Time:3.84S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52505009924 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055443 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055433 date:19:20:47 Time:2.434S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:52786702761 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055445 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055435 date:19:20:47 Time:1.767S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:29950825479 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735055445 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735055435 date:19:20:47 Time:5.708S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:35946572564 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:47 Time:5.706S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17831089814 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:47 Time:5.695S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:50492280695 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:20:47 Time:5.713S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:93386989983 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735055441 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:24:04 Time:0.53S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:95533750635 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283693,271771,'gomnamam',297886,0,8,1735055644) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 8,`tim` = 1735055644 ; date:19:26:25 Time:0.219S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:76641577193 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(29557,284565,'sniu90',148573,0,0,1735055785),(35436,284565,'sniu90',118332,0,0,1735055785),(166492,284565,'sniu90',233833,0,0,1735055785) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735055785 ; date:19:36:46 Time:0.877S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:11213657146 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(46450,272821,'yourname',149206,0,2,1735056405),(65541,272821,'yourname',148162,0,2,1735056405),(40238,272821,'yourname',152176,0,2,1735056405),(244661,272821,'yourname',266228,0,2,1735056405),(276287,272821,'yourname',171899,0,2,1735056405),(4390,272821,'yourname',104597,0,2,1735056405) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735056405 ; date:19:37:09 Time:0.106S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82521278118 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206524,255255,'nazii15',295672,0,14,1735056429) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 14,`tim` = 1735056429 ; date:19:37:46 Time:0.108S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:98124911724 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282588,281150,'yuri2011',181422,0,2,1735056466),(163841,281150,'yuri2011',231626,0,2,1735056466) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735056466 ; date:19:39:06 Time:0.255S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=6sgaj&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=z%89%16ss%5EJ%ADH%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%8Ah%BF&pg=1& UID:21711531844 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=253443 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:19:40:03 Time:0.311S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:97754530222 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735056603 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:40:03 Time:0.383S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:17012661309 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735056603 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:40:04 Time:0.105S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78629049870 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735056603 WHERE `ip`='' date:19:54:08 Time:0.124S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=video&pid=3hpta&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=z%89%16ss%5EJ%ADH%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%8Ah%BF&pg=1& UID:45788239904 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_v` WHERE `pid`=136362 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:19:59:14 Time:0.111S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59994058549 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(69455,194089,'ihastti',149975,0,12,1735057754),(152279,194089,'ihastti',226705,0,12,1735057754),(37638,194089,'ihastti',148397,0,12,1735057754) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 12,`tim` = 1735057754 ; date:20:04:20 Time:0.204S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56952867194 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(210869,242025,'shahideh_313',241628,0,1,1735058060),(214605,242025,'shahideh_313',241628,0,1,1735058060) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735058060 ; date:20:09:18 Time:0.125S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:46210663443 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735058358 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:18:15 Time:0.125S FILE:/charts/chartPost.php?ac=item&typ=image&pid=659cv&flt83=users&dataKeyUser=r%E1%0A%21%90gud%D2%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%3D%12%D2%89&pg=1& UID:29092896611 LINE:50 LOG:SELECT un,uid,lik,prf,tim,coin FROM `tawbioir_view_post_i` WHERE `pid`=208267 ORDER BY tim DESC LIMIT 40 offset 0 date:20:18:52 Time:0.134S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77824011367 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735058932 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:19:53 Time:0.153S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:56788146032 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735058993 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735058983 date:20:19:53 Time:0.447S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69622386943 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(274303,276521,'asal90519',276015,0,1,1735058993),(114069,276521,'asal90519',170994,1,1,1735058993),(152350,276521,'asal90519',150150,1,1,1735058993) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735058993,`lik`=1 ; date:20:22:43 Time:0.19S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:82177686195 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735059163 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:22:43 Time:0.188S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:48975629172 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735059163 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:22:44 Time:0.952S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69385231787 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_m` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(31748,218949,'ahmadkhanlo',295821,0,6,1735059163) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 6,`tim` = 1735059163 ; date:20:26:51 Time:0.143S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:74184622311 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(245707,262613,'wxr2_hasti',229032,0,1,1735059411),(282270,262613,'wxr2_hasti',287919,0,1,1735059411),(156929,262613,'wxr2_hasti',152523,0,1,1735059411) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735059411 ; date:20:27:54 Time:0.24S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:71372675961 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735059473 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:27:54 Time:0.219S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:78577187296 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735059473 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735059463 date:20:28:07 Time:0.376S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:66670159825 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735059487 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:28:07 Time:0.332S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:83791270158 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735059487 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735059477 date:20:28:07 Time:0.274S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:34494802279 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735059487 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735059477 date:20:28:07 Time:0.255S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:77202056032 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735059487 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735059477 date:20:28:07 Time:0.141S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:86078667259 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 1,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735059487 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735059477 date:20:28:07 Time:0.319S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:39192621167 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735059487 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:28:08 Time:0.42S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:64145422222 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(208176,276379,'amiirh',290305,0,0,1735059487),(208198,276379,'amiirh',231783,0,0,1735059487),(207536,276379,'amiirh',293510,0,0,1735059487) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 0,`tim` = 1735059487 ; date:20:29:06 Time:0.273S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40459927169 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735059545 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:29:06 Time:0.271S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:31632967041 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735059545 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735059535 date:20:29:06 Time:0.13S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:40685383940 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 2,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735059545 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735059535 date:20:29:06 Time:0.272S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:42602959800 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735059545 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:29:54 Time:0.118S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:88604458644 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(206009,205128,'bts1382',282025,0,5,1735059594),(94616,205128,'bts1382',205128,0,5,1735059594) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 5,`tim` = 1735059594 ; date:20:31:55 Time:0.505S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:69291120699 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_i` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(165580,262036,'dilek_ar966',120108,0,2,1735059714) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 2,`tim` = 1735059714 ; date:20:36:06 Time:2.926S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:55493484021 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735059963 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:37:15 Time:0.913S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:72463681861 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 0,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735060034 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735060024 date:20:37:15 Time:0.813S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:59660879026 LINE:46 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `minut` = `minut` + 1 ,`intg1` = `intg1` + 6,`intg2` = `intg2` + 0,`intg3` = `intg3` + 0,`seen`=1735060034 WHERE `ip`='' and `seen`< 1735060024 date:20:38:26 Time:0.353S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:90603167770 LINE:219 LOG:UPDATE tawbioir_users SET `vis` = `vis` + 1,`seen`=1735060106 WHERE `ip`='' date:20:58:29 Time:0.691S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:92764596296 LINE:143 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_t` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(794973,297776,'yas_dodi',297776,0,4,1735061308) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 4,`tim` = 1735061308 ; UPDATE `tawbioir_view_post_t` SET `lik` = 1 WHERE `pid` IN (794925) and `un`='yas_dodi'; date:21:01:29 Time:0.15S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:45377990097 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(282470,292239,'tt777tt',174686,0,1,1735061489),(282789,292239,'tt777tt',288595,0,1,1735061489),(244661,292239,'tt777tt',266228,0,1,1735061489),(279378,292239,'tt777tt',134052,0,1,1735061489) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 1,`tim` = 1735061489 ; date:21:01:32 Time:0.33S FILE:/charts/chart.php UID:13153849180 LINE:120 LOG:INSERT INTO `tawbioir_view_post_v` ( pid,uid,un,fid,lik,prf,tim) VALUES(283897,297137,'sarafraz_2011',297137,1,3,1735061492) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `prf` = 3,`tim` = 1735061492,`lik`=1 ;